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Conference Rooms

Ready For Your Next Meeting!

Conveniently located on the Capitol Mall, across the street from the State Capitol building, the State Library would be the perfect setting for your next meeting.
The State Library maintains two conference rooms for public use on the main floor of the building. Accommodating groups up to 50 people, meetings can take place Monday through Friday, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, with rates as low as $10 per hour.

Please note that our building hours are Monday-Friday,  8 AM to 5 PM
For more information contact Susan Westin 503-378-5015
State Library building exterior 
State Library building interior 
Amenities Room 102 Room 103 Rooms 102/103
Capacity (max)
Price (per hour) $10 $15 $20

Internet (public wifi)

included included included
Hybrid Meeting Capable
Easel / Flip Chart Stand * upon request upon request upon request
Additional Chairs upon request upon request included
Podium upon request included included
Projector & Built-in Screen   included included
Wireless Microphone & Sound System   included included
Portable Projection Screen upon request   upon request
Portable Projector upon request   upon request
Polycom Unit (Conference Calls)
upon request upon request
DVD Player   included included
Whiteboard** upon request included included

*Paper & markers not included with Flip Chart Stand.

**Portable whiteboard available for room 102, built-in whiteboard in room 103 located behind projection screen.



Conference room 102

The smaller of the two rooms, perfect for small workgroups. There is a selection of equipment available for this room, making it great for small presentations, hybrid meetings, trainings and work space.


Usage Fee: $10 per hour.

 Room 102

Conference Room 103

The larger room, with most amenities built-in. The room is set-up with an integrated sound system, built-in projector and automatic screen. There is a convenient white board located behind the projection screen, which services as a tackable wall when closed. There is alsoc a large flat screen monitor with easy Teams connection for hybrid meetings.

Usage Fee: $15 per hour.

Room 103

Rooms 102 & 103

They can be reserved together at a reduced rate. The dividing wall can be open for large presentations, or remain closed for separate workgroups.

Usage Fee: $20 per hour

Floor plan for rooms 102 and 103



For more information contact Susan Westin 503-378-5015

  Terms of Use agreement

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Frequently Asked Questions

Are the conference rooms equipped for hybrid meetings?

Yes, both conference rooms are equipped for hybrid meetings. There’s a large flat screen display that is mounted on a wheeled stand in each room If needed, they can be paired to show the same content. The built-in system allows for easy access to Teams meetings, and can also be configured for Zoom access for those with existing Zoom accounts.     

This display has a built-in camera that can show the room to off-site attendees and will also focus in on the person speaking in the room. If you prefer to use your own laptop, the display will switch to that camera. There is a HDMI cable to connect a laptop; if your laptop does not have a HDMI port, you will need to bring your own adapter.  

How do I set up a Zoom meeting in your conference room?

Please email us​ for assistance in setting up a Zoom meeting with your reservation. Zoom meetings require additional configuration, with your Zoom account, at least one business day before the meeting.

Is there internet connection?

There is public WiFi signal available for the two conference rooms.

Is there a WiFi password? 

No, it is an open network, called R103.

Can your network (WiFi) support many laptops? Example: if we set it up as a computer lab? 

We do not recommend trying to connect more than a handful of laptops that will be trying to access the internet at the same time. There is primarily just a public WiFi connection that can become bogged down. This is a public WiFi connection with limited upload and download capacity. 

What do we do if the WiFi is having connection issues?

There may be too many people trying to access the internet at the same time. You may need to ask participants to sign-off the public WiFi. If the problem persists, or seems to not be related to overuse, please call 503-378-5015 for technical assistance.

How do you connect the laptop to the projector?

There is a HDMI cable to connect a laptop to the projection system. If your laptop does not have a HDMI port, you will need to bring your own adapter. The State Library has HDMI Adaptors available to check out. If you need an adaptor, please let State Library staff know prior to your reservation.

Do you have microphones?

Conference Room 103 comes equipped with a full sound system. External, hand-held microphones are also available. State Library staff will assist you in turning on the system if requested.

Do you have a DVD player?

Conference room 103 has a projection system (located in the back closet. Conference room 102 has a TV cart with a VCR and DVD player.

What if we want to do a webinar?

We would recommend reserving 103 with the integrated projection system. You will need to bring your own laptop which will connect to the webinar, and then participants can all sit and watch. We recommend having a facilitator that can sit with the laptop and control the webinar functions and type in questions participants may have.

Is your Polycom analog or digital?

Analog. We recommend using our Conference call unit (Polycom) if you have a digital one, as our phone system does not work well with most digital systems. Please note that the Polycom is only available for room 103.

Aerial view of the State Library

Do we have to pay for parking? Coins, bills, or credit card?

Yes; street parking. Coins or credit cards, at kiosks. Learn more about Parking Options below.

Is there handicapped parking nearby?

There are marked handicapped parking spots available on Court and Winter Street.

How close are you to the Capitol?

The State Library is located directly across the street from the State Capitol along the Capitol Mall State Park. There is a convenient crosswalk with signal allowing you to cross Court street and enter the Capitol from the North entrance.

What lunch or coffee places are nearby?

The State Library is located in the heart of the downtown area. We are within a short walk of the downtown commercial core, and have many restaurants and coffee places within a walk of 1-5 blocks. For a list of downtown eateries, check out Travel Salem.

Parking Options

  • Metered street parking is available on Court and Winter Streets (Credit/Debit/Cash) (Full Capitol Mall Parking Guide). 
  • Pay-to-Park lot (Yellow Lot) for all day parking, corner of Winter and Center. (debit/credit card only). 
  • Free 3-hour parking is within walking distance (2-4 blocks away) in the downtown area to the west of the library (Downtown Parking Map).

Our reservation is for 8 AM - can we enter the building early to set up the conference room?

Our building hours are 8 AM to 5 PM. If your reservation is for 8 AM, please plan on entering the building and setting up for your reservation at 8 AM. 

Can we reserve the conference rooms for after 5 PM or on a weekend?

Our building hours are Monday – Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM. Weekend reservations may not be scheduled without the approval of the State Librarian.

Can we lock our belongings in the room while we go over to the Capitol?

If you would like the room to be locked, please call 503-378-5015 to request a staff person to lock the room. You will need to call us again to unlock the room upon your return.

Can we print materials for our meeting at the State Library?

Print services are not available. Please print your own materials prior to your meeting.

Are there flipcharts?

We have a stand for use, but it does not include paper or pens.

Who do we contact if the room is too hot or too cold?

Contact our Operations office, 503-378-5015 for the Operations Support Specialist. There is also a fan in the closets of both rooms.