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Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Program in Oregon

Each year, the State Library of Oregon leverages state funding to receive a two-to-one match of federal funds under the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Grants to States program, administered by the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). Oregon's LSTA allotment is based largely on state population estimates, but dependent upon a state funded match as well as a designated amount of maintenance of effort.

With guidance from Oregon's LSTA Advisory Council, the State Library of Oregon's Library Support and Development Services division supports libraries throughout the state, guided by the goals and priorities identified in the current LSTA Five-Year Plan. That support is carried out through a number of programs, statewide projects and initiatives, consulting services, and grant opportunities for academic, public, school, and special libraries, as well as for federally recognized tribes in Oregon.

LSTA Five-Year Plan

  LSTA Five-Year Plan 2023-2027

  • We appreciate your input! Please send comments or suggestions to Buzzy Nielsen, Program Manager for Library Support & Development Services (, 971-375-3486).

Previous plan and evaluation:



Tamara Ottum
LSTA & Grants Coordinator