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Parking Reform and Management

Many Oregon cities face parking challenges, often related to availability in and around their downtown. Parking reform and management can address these challenges and provide more housing, help businesses thrive, reduce climate pollution, and improve transportation safety. The Parking Reform and Management assistance program helps local governments reduce or eliminate off-street parking mandates and develop parking management plans to ensure efficient use of parking supply while furthering other community goals.

Downloadable program overview flyer available here: 


Typical Projects

Projects may start with an initial phase gathering data on existing parking conditions, community engagement, and exploring options for parking reform and management.

When the city or county is ready to make changes, an implementation phase can include one or two major deliverables:

  1. Development code amendments that significantly reduce or eliminate off-street parking mandates
  2. Parking management plan

Applicants are encouraged to pursue projects that address parking on a jurisdiction-wide basis, but may propose projects for a specific area, such as a downtown, corridor, or other location.

Projects are usually carried out by consultants hired by TGM to work directly with local governments, though DLCD staff can also provide direct assistance. Cash or in-kind match is not required, but local staff must actively participate in and support the project.

How to Apply

Applications are taken on a rolling basis. Interested jurisdictions should send a one to two page letter that includes a description of the problems to be addressed through the project and a link to adopted on or off-street parking regulations.

Include a resolution from the local decision-making body (e.g., city council) showing support for the project. Letters of support from a chamber of commerce or business association are encouraged. If available, please attach any information about parking management (time limits, permits, meters) in the city, and any parking demand studies or parking utilization studies done in the city.


Ryan Marquardt
Land Use and Transportation Planner
Phone: 971-375-5659