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Ocean Coordination

In addition to coordinating with multiple network partners through regulatory review of permits within the coastal zone, the Oregon Coastal Management Program (OCMP) is also involved with multiple organizations that focus on elements of marine planning and management. Coordination with these entities has increased knowledge sharing, consistency in planning, stakeholder engagement, and technical capacity.

Below are some of the groups and organizations that the OCMP works with on a semi-regular basis. Due to the variable nature of ocean resources and policy needs, OCMP maybe coordinating with more or less groups at any given time.

Coordinating Council on Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia

Also known as the "OAH Council", the Oregon Coordinating Council on Ocean Acidification and Hypoxia was created by the Oregon State Senate (Oregon Senate Bill 1039) to provide guidance and recommendations for the State of Oregon on how to respond to the threat of ocean acidification and hypoxia. This 13 member council is made up of representatives from the shellfish industry, academic institutions, and natural resource agencies. The Marine Affairs Coordinator with the OCMP is a member of this council.

Learn more about the OAH Council.

Oregon Ocean Science Trust

The Oregon Ocean Science Trust (OOST) was legislatively established in 2013 (ORS 196.565-569) and is administratively supported by Oregon Department of State Lands. The OCMP staff provide advice to the OOST on an as-needed basis related to ocean policy and information resource management. The Trust is tasked with:

  • Promote peer-reviewed, competitive research and monitoring that leads to increased knowledge and understanding of Oregon's ocean and coastal resources.
  • Promote innovative, collaborative, community-oriented, multi-institutional approaches to research and monitoring related to Oregon's ocean and coastal resources.
  • Enhance the state's capacity for peer-reviewed scientific ocean and coastal research.
  • Subject to available funding, establish and execute a competitive grant program to conduct research and monitoring related to Oregon's ocean and coastal resources.

Learn more about OOST.

Oregon Coastal and Ocean Information Network

The Oregon Coastal and Ocean Information Network (OCOIN) is a partnership of Portland State University, Oregon State University, Oregon's Coastal and Marine Data Network, and Oregon Coastal Management Program. This policy-science network was established to facilitate long-term collaboration among policy makers, managers, and researchers working on coastal and marine projects to promote the use of scientific data in decision making.

OCMP staff have been involved in the technical development of research mapping tools and outreach material, as well as aiding in project leadership.

Learn more about OCOIN.

Oregon Coastal and Marine Data Network

The Oregon Coastal and Marine Data Network, a framework implementation team of the State of Oregon Framework Program, is a network of coastal and marine data professionals working to establish and steward data sets related to coastal and marine topics. OCMP staff provide leadership for this group, which usually hosts two meetings a year (spring and fall).

Learn more about OCMDN.

West Coast Regional Planning Body (former)

The former West Coast Regional Planning Body (RPB) was established in 2015 with the implementation of the National Ocean Policy (Executive Order 13547). This partnership between federally-recognized tribes, federal government agencies, and the states of Washington, Oregon and California focused on enhanced coordination and communication around planning and management of current and emerging ocean uses, as well as information and data-sharing on the West Coast of the U.S.

As of July 2010, 2018 the Executive Order Regarding the Ocean Policy to Advance the Economic, Security, and Environmental Interests of the United States revoked regional planning body policy. Although the national policy language for the RPB is no longer in place, partner agencies and governments continue to be dedicated to enhancing coordination and communication around ocean management and planning.

Learn more about the West Coast RPB.

West Coast Ocean Data Portal

The West Coast Ocean Data Portal is a project to increase discovery and connectivity of ocean and coastal data and people to better inform regional resource management, policy development, and ocean planning. The Portal informs priority West Coast ocean issues such as tracking sources and patterns of marine debris, adaptation to sea-level rise, understanding impacts of ocean acidification on our coasts, and marine planning.

Pacific Marine & Estuarine Fish Habitat Partnership

The Pacific Marine and Estuarine Fish Habitat Partnership (PMEP) is a nationally recognized partnership that seeks to advance regional and national goals relating to juvenile fish habitat. PMEP is a consortium of organizations focused on West Coast fish habitat in the region's estuaries and nearshore marine waters. We invite local, state, tribal, and federal governments and non-governmental and private organizations in California, Oregon, and Washington to join this voluntary collaboration.

OCMP has partnered with The Pacific Marine and Estuarine Fish Habitat Partnership on multiple projects, with the OCMP Marine Affairs Coordinator also participating as part of the organizations steering committee.

Learn more about PMEP.


Andy Lanier
Marine Affairs Specialist
Phone: 503-206-2291