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Oregon Address Point Data Standard

The Framework Program is currently in the process of developing a statewide address point standard for the State of Oregon. The Oregon Address Point Data Standard is accepting public comments until February 14, 2025 . Follow the steps below to submit comments.


Get involved with the Framework Program

The Framework Program is most successful with the engagement across various skill levels and backgrounds. There are many ways to interact with the Framework Program including:

Framework Program Themes

The Framework Program data and activities are organized into 16 themes based on subject matter. Each theme consists of a Framework Implementation Team, or FIT. FITs are made of up volunteers across government agencies, private industry, and the public who have expertise in their fields. Dividing data elements into themes based on subject matters allows the subject matter experts to stay closely tied to their fields of study.

The theme-based approach encourages engagement with people with varying backgrounds within a field. This diversity of skills and backgrounds helps to ensure that Framework data is meeting a wide range of user needs.

Framework datasets are selected by consensus and reviewed annually in a process that includes coordination between the FITs, the Oregon Geographic Information Council, and the public.

Find out more about the 16 Framework Themes on GEOHub

What is Authoritative Data?

Authoritative data was originally defined for Oregon's Framework Program by the GIS Program Leaders (GPL) in 2016. Authoritative data are provided by an entity officially authorized to create it or based on scientific methodology, technical standards, or expertise. 

Authoritative Data Whitepaper (2016) 

What are the criteria for geospatial Framework data?

Multiple, well-defined use casesMultiple, well-defined business uses that articulate the importance of the creation and long-term maintenance of the data.
Multiple, well-defined usersWell-defined set of users or organizations/agencies who rely on the data for their business needs.
Authoritative DataData that are provided by an entity officially authorized to create it or based on scientific methodology, technical standards or expertise.
StatewideStatewide datasets are the goal, however, may require aggregation of many sub-sets/jurisdictional data.
- OR -
Required by LegislationData required in statute for agencies to acquire and maintain.

Framework Program Guiding Documents