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Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

Yes. We encourage you to read the metadata and all documented recommendations regarding a dataset’s limitations for use. Products are for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for, or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes. Users should consult the data custodian and/or steward for more detailed information or to ascertain the usability of the information.  ​


Yes, the data on GEOHub is free to download and use. Data disclaimers and terms of use are available on GEOHub. ​

​​​​​Yes.  The following products are free/low cost products:​

Our data may not line up with your data if it is in a different projection or at a different scale (resolution). Most of the data on GEOHub is provided as either the Web Mercator or the Oregon Lambert Coordinate Reference System​.​ Read more about the Oregon Lambert Coordinate System.

Alignment problems may also be caused by errors in the data – your data or our data. 

​​All framework data is accompanied by metadata that adheres to the Oregon Metadata Standard. The metadata standard requires contact information to be included. If you find an error in the data, reach out to the contact information provided in the metadata or the framework coordinator, Melissa Foltz.

​GEOHub is Oregon’s source for statewide, geospatial Framework datasets that are considered the best available, authoritative GIS datasets in the state. It is an Esri Hub site built on Esri’s ArcGIS Online infrastructure. Oregon’s ArcGIS Online organization is for State of Oregon agencies and employees to use for agency operations and service provision. ​​

Where can I find...

​The Oregon Map program (ORMAP​), funded by document-recording fees collected by the counties, provides an online map viewer of tax lots with access to assessor .pdf maps. ​

​Geospatial Framework data can be viewed and downloaded from GEOHub.

​U.S. Census data is stewarded in Oregon by the PSU Population Research Center. The most common Census datasets are published on GEOHub​ and can be ingested as a feature service or downloaded. ​

​Yes, information can be found at Oregon Geographic Names Board.

Framework Program Questions

​The Oregon Framework Program is a geospatial data governance program. The Framework program advises the Oregon Geographic Information Council and shares its mission to provide a consistent and reliable network of geospatial resources and data for all Oregonians.

The purpose of Oregon’s Framework Program is to guide and support the development, maintenance, and accessibility of Oregon’s most widely used geospatial data.

Read more about the Framework Program.​​

​The Framework Program maintains and inventory of Oregon’s most widely used authoritative GIS data. The inventory is reviewed regularly to consider additional data as it becomes available. The best way to suggest data for the framework inventory is to email the individual theme leads or the Framework Coordinator, Melissa Foltz with your suggestion.

Individual theme lead’s name and contact information is available on GEOHub​ on the individual Framework theme pages. ​

​Yes, the Framework Program has a Data Development Program that is sponsored by Oregon Geographic Information Council.​ The data development program is available for public bodies only. ​

Coordinate System

​​The Oregon Geographic Information Council has endorsed the Oregon Lambert Coordinate System for all geospatial data created and stewarded by Oregon state agencies.

Oregon Lambert is registered in the EPSG Geodetic Parameter Dataset​ by the International Association of Oil & Gas Producers (IOGP) Geomatics Committee, which maintains and publishes an international coordinate reference system database.  The EPSG spatial reference ID for Oregon Lambert is 29​92​.

Read more about the Oregon Lambert Coordinate System.

​Data on GEOHub can be downloaded in the Oregon Lambert projection.


Oregon has been collecting statewide orthoimagery since 1995. All of Oregon’s imagery collection and general specifications can be found here.

​​The best way receive updates on Oregon’s Statewide Imagery Program is through participation in the Imagery Framework Implementation Team. Interested parties can sign up to receive email updates and meeting notices from the Imagery FIT. Learn more about the Imagery Theme and the Oregon Statewide Imagery Program.

​​Contact the Imagery FIT Chair – Brady Callahan at or the Oregon Geographic Information Officer – Rachel L. Smith at