Visit the
implementation web page to find resources related to implementation of the Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities program.
2023 Rulemaking
The Land Conservation and Development Commission initiated the 2023 rulemaking for the Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities program on April 20, 2023, and concluded it on November 2, 2023.
Staff developed the rulemaking in response to the commission's direction to monitor implementation of the program and propose adjustments as needed. The rulemaking aimed to retain the outcomes of the program while making implementation easier for cities and counties.
The rulemaking focused on twenty-nine identified corrections, clarifications, and adjustments to the program rules, including changes made through the temporary rules adopted on April 20. Details are listed in the
rulemaking charge.
The 2023 process included a rulemaking advisory committee, a public hearing at the July 27-28 commission meeting, public comment period through early September, and adoption at the November 2-3 commission meeting.
One-page overview of the rulemaking process
Adopted Rules
The Land Conservation and Development Commission amended the rules at their meeting November 2, 2023 (listen to the discussion and decision here; starts around 7:46 on the video).
The adopted rules went into effect November 6, 2023 and are available on the Secretary of State's web page (Division 8, Division 12, and Division 44.) A PDF version of these rules is pending.
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
Corrections and Clarifications Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
2023 Rulemaking Advisory Committee
Rulemaking Advisory Committee roster
Rulemaking Timeline
Advisory Committee Meetings
Recordings of advisory committee meetings are available on the DLCD YouTube channel.
Written Comments Received
received May 24 - June 8, 2023
Additional comments are in the commission's packet for its November meeting.
Background and History
The commission adopted the Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities rules at its
July 21-22, 2022 meeting. The department filed those rules August 17, 2022.
Here is a summary of many of the meetings and engagement for the 2020-2022 rulemaking process.
Secretary of State Filing Notice (Feb 24, 2022) (July 2022 rules)
The commission adopted
temporary rules for the program on April 20, 2023. Temporary rules will take effect when filed in May with the Secretary of State and stay in effect for up to 180 days.
2020-22 Advisory Committee Members
The 2020-22 Climate-Friendly and Equitable Communities rulemaking was advised by a diverse group of over 40 community members, including representatives from priority populations and each of the eight metropolitan areas.
See the full membership list here.