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Higher Education Coordination Commission

Oregon Youth Works Advisory Board

The Oregon Youth Works Advisory Board is a public advisory board that provides advice on and oversees the implementation and alignment of youth workforce programs.

The Oregon Youth Works Advisory Board, established by House Bill 3563 (2023), is the advisory board for Higher Education Coordinating Commission (HECC) youth workforce development programs, effective January 1, 2024. The Board is convened by the Office of Workforce Investments, and all meetings are open to the public.

Members, Oregon Youth Works Advisory Board

Board members are appointed by the Governor and serve a term of four years. Board membership must include representation from sectors and communities. 

  • Forestry or wildfire sector
  • Natural resources sector
  • Workforce sectors that are experiencing workforce demands
  • Communities in high risk of wildfire exposure
  • Underrepresented communities, including communities of color, rural communities
    and communities that have faced generational poverty or other communities that have been
    historically underrepresented in youth employment as determined by the commission by rule
  • Tribal communities
  • Local workforce development boards

Current Oregon Youth Works Advisory Board members are listed below.

Stay Engaged

Our public processes are conducted at public meetings. Public testimony is welcomed at all public meetings convened by the HECC. Subscribe to receive public meeting notices by email here. Find public meeting dates and materials below.


Public Meeting Materials

Public Comment and Accommodations Guidelines

  • Contact the meeting administrator:
  • Provide public comment: To sign up for public comment, submit written comment, or ask questions about the meeting, email the meeting administrator. All written comments received become part of the public record and will be shared publicly in meeting materials. You can also read an introduction to providing public comment here.
  • Request accommodations: The HECC is committed to accessible services for all. Please send requests for alternative formats or accommodations for individuals with disabilities to the meeting administrator at least 72 hours in advance if possible.


The Oregon Youth Works Advisory Board replaces the previous boards that existed for the Oregon Youth Corps and the Oregon Conservation Corps prior to January 1, 2024. Individuals who wish to request materials or information on the previous boards may contact our office at