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Entity Licensing Application

When submitting an entity license application packet, please ensure you have included all the required documents. Using the checklist below, review your application and documents to verify you meet all licensing requirements prior to submitting the application. Applicants who have submitted at least the Private Security Entity Application and license fee can be issued a Temporary Authorization Form by the Department; specific rules are listed in the accordion below.
  • If you have questions regarding the application process, please see the Frequently Asked Questions page. 
  • You may not operate as a Private Security Entity unless you have a current license or Temporary Authorization Form issued by the Department.

 Private Security Entity Application
 Entity Application Instructional Video
 Application Submission Checklist

The application received updates to include checkboxes for:

  • Entity Information: entities that only have a single work location or do not contract with any private security entities.​
  • Financial Interest in the Entity: entities that do not have individuals who meet the definition of "Financially Interested".

Lice​nse Payment

  • $936 for New Lic​enses and Renewal Applications valid from July 1, 2024, through June 30, 2025.
  • A $50 late fee is assessed for applications received after June 30, 2024.

The Private Security Entity License fee ​can be paid by Cashier or Business check, or Money Order made payable to: "DPSST". Personal checks or cash will not be accepted. Payment can be made by credit card by submitting a form 508C by mail, by fax at 503-378-4600, or over the phone by an authorized user of the credit card at 503-378-8531. The form 508C will not be accepted by email. Future licenses will renew annually on July 1.​​​​

  • A Temporary Authorization Form is a written, temporary permit to operate as a private security entity that is issued by the Department to an applicant while their application for a license is being processed OAR 259-059-0010(15).
  • OAR 259-059-0040​
    • (3) The Department may issue a Temporary Authorization Form to an applicant after receipt of an application for licensure and the license fee.
    • (4) A Temporary Authorization Form expires when:
      • ​(a) The license is issued;
      • (b) The application process is administratively terminated; or
      • (c) The license is denied or refused renewal.​
    • (5) When a private security entity is sold, the license or Temporary Authorization Form for the former private security entity is considered expired, effective on the final date of sale.
    • (6) A person may not operate as a private security entity with an expired license or expired Temporary Authorization Form.
  • The Temporary Authorization Form will be emailed to the Entity Representative for signature, and will show on the Private Security Entity (PSE) Information Records Inquiry System (IRIS). The PSE IRIS, and instructions, can be found at the Entity License Search page.​

Application FAQ's

The Entity Representative OAR 259-059-0010​(4), who is either:
a. The owner of a business.
b. The principal partner of a business
c. A qualified designee as defined in OAR 259-059-0010​(14)​: an individual who is:
  1. Employed by a private security entity that is a non-profit or governmental entity, a private security entity principally located in another state, or a private security entity with more than 100 employees; and
  2. Authorized by the principal owner or principal partner of the private security entity to represent the entity in matters of entity licensure.​

I​f the entity qualifies as a Public Body as defined in Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 30.260​, then it may use Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 259-059-0120(6) and OAR 259-059-0130​(6). To use either of these rules, the entity must submit a statement with their private security entity license application to the DPSST, stating ​​that the entity qualifies as a Public Body as defined in ORS 30.260, and cite the rule or statute that qualifies the entity as a Public Body as Defined in ORS 30.260.

If the entity is registered with the Local Government Audit Report​ available with the Oregon Secretary of State, and not the Oregon Secretary of State Business Registry, you must use the registered name and customer number in place of the Business Registry number.​​​

You will need to submit a completed Private Security Entity Application, a completed Attachment A – Dis​closure Exemption​, and a redacted version of your Private Security Entity Application. ​​

Application Document Instructions

​Access to the Applicant Exam in Workday:
Workday New Learner Registration
Returning Workday Learners
Log In Instructions (Start at step 2)

Complete the Applicant Exam:
Entity Licensing Exam*

Optional Study Guide
Printing Certificate in Workday
*The individual applying for the Entity License must complete the Entity Exam and include the Certificate of Completion with the private security entity Application.​

Visit the Entity Licensing Exam Information​ page for more information.


One of the following must be included with the private security entity application as proof of ability to pay wages:

Per OA​R 259-059-0130, The bond, letter of credit, or deposit must be:
(a) $5,000 when a private security entity has 10 or fewer executive managers, private security professionals, and supervisory managers;
(b) $10,000 when a private security entity has 11 to 20 executive managers, private security professionals, and supervisory managers;
(c) $20,000 when a private security entity has 21 to 50 executive managers, private security professionals, and supervisory managers; or
(d) $30,000 when a private security entity has more than 50 executive managers, private security professionals, and supervisory managers​


Visit the Proof of Ability to Pay Wages​ page for more information.​​

Requirements for Employees

Private Security Entities must provide the following to the employed private security providers:
*Template document provided as a courtesy as an example of what each document could include. 

Private security entities must provide a written statement of employee rights and remedies to each private security provider at the time of hiring which includes information regarding the following Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) and United States Codes(U.S.C):

​Visit the Employee Notices​ page for more information.​

How do I request a Tax Compliance Certificate​​​?

  • Visit the Oregon Department of Revenue'sTax Compliance Information page and submit a request; additional information and instructions are provided.

​​Visit the Entity Tax Compliance Information​ page for more information.

(1) Private security entities must be covered by a general liability insurance policy that includes public liability, personal injury, and property damage insurance covering all aspects of the private security services being provided.
(2) The general liability insurance policy must name the private security entity as the primary insured with minimum liability limits of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggregate.

(3) The proof of the existence of adequate insurance required for the application for licensure must include the name of the private security entity, the insured amounts, the policy number, the policy expiration date, and the name, business address, and phone number of the insurance company.

(4) Private security entities must maintain general liability insurance at all times.

(5) If the general liability insurance is cancelled or the private security entity changes insurance companies, the private security entity must:
​​(a) Notify the Department in writing within 10 business days of the cancellation or change; and
(b) Submit proof of insurance to the Department within 10 business days of the effective date of the new policy.

(6) If the private security entity is a public body as defined in ORS 30.260, upon approval by the Department, the private security entity may meet its obligation to maintain general liability insurance through:
(a) The purchase of insurance as described in this rule;
​(b) The use of self-insurance or assessments paid under ORS 30.282 that is substantially similar to the types and amounts of insurance coverage described in this rule; or
​(c) A combination of any or all of the foregoing.​​

​Please provide this information to your insurance provider to ensure your insurance meets the requirements.​​​​​​