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Recycling Updates 2023

Adopted rule

Administrative Order No.: DEQ-18-2023 
Filed and effective: Nov. 17, 2023
See Oregon Bulletin, December 2023

Rulemaking contact:

The Environmental Quality Commission adopted rules to clarify and implement the Plastic Pollution and Recycling Modernization Act of 2021. The Act requires producers of packaging, paper products and food service ware to support and expand recycling services in Oregon for their products. This is the first of two anticipated rulemakings related to the Act. For this first rulemaking, EQC adopted rules related to topics including producer responsibility program plan content; DEQ's administrative fees; the funding and reimbursement of local governments for eligible recycling-related expenses; and the materials suitable for recycling collection in Oregon. 

DEQ convened an advisory committee to review the technical issues and fiscal impacts related to the proposed rules. In convening this committee, DEQ appointed members that reflect the range of entities that are both directly and indirectly affected by proposed changes to the rules.

Past meetings​

Meeting 6: April 11, 2023

Meeting 5: March 10, 2023

Meeting 4: Jan. 11, 2023 

Meeting 3: Nov. 9, 2022

Meeting 2: Sept. 28, 2022

Meeting 1: July 20, 2022

​To request a recording of past RAC meetings, email​. Please note in your email if there are accessibility needs, such as closed captioning.​

Public involvement

The comment period closed at 4 p.m. on July 28, 2023.

Comments received during the comment period have been complied into the following documents:

For more information, see the Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, which includes the notice and proposed rules.

Supporting documents

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Public hearings

DEQ held two public hearings on June 27 and June 29, 2023

EQC action

The Environmental Quality Commission adopted these rules at its meeting on Nov. 16, 2023.