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Implementation of the Statewide Transportation Strategy

Executive Order 20-04 directs DEQ, the Oregon Department of Transportation, the Department of Land Conservation and Development, the Department of Energy to collaborate and identify specific actions to help the state get back on track with the Oregon Statewide Transportation Strategy: A 2050 Vision For Greenhouse Gas Reduction vision and the Governor’s new reduction goals in Executive Order 20-04 to reduce greenhouse gas pollution to at least 45 percent below 1990 emissions levels by 2035 and to at least 80 percent below 1990 emissions by 2050. Information on the overall effort can be found in the flyer below and on ODOT's project page:

Statewide Transportation Study Multi-Agency Implementation Work Plan

In response to this direction the four agencies worked together to develop a Statewide Transportation Strategy Multi-Agency Implementation Work Plan for June 2020-June 2022 to make progress toward the strategy’s vision.
The plan focuses on objectives and priority actions that can benefit from collaborative relationships and programs already established among the agencies.

Below are links to work plan projects that DEQ will take a leading role to implement:
  • Expand Clean Fuels Program
  • Truck Alternatives Fuels Study and Implementation
  • Statewide Trip Reduction (also known as the Employee Commute Option Program)
  • Parking Management
  • New Emissions Standards and ZEV Requirements for Medium- and Heavy-Duty Trucks

Below are links to work plan projects that DEQ will take a supporting role to implement:
  • Interagency Zero Emission Vehicle (ZEV) Action Plan
  • Transportation Electrification Infrastructure Needs Analysis
  • Transportation Planning Rule
  • Scenario and GHG Reduction Planning
  • GHG Reduction Performance Measures

Each program listed above will provide an opportunity for comment and public participation as the specific project moves forward.


Rachel Sakata, Transportation Strategies Section Manager.