The updated sector-based inventory includes statewide emissions from 1990 through 2023. Based on this data, 2023 statewide emissions are 5% higher than 1990 levels. Emissions from transportation and electricity use continue to be Oregon's largest sources of greenhouse gas emissions. In 2023, emissions from transportation contributed to 35% of statewide emissions.
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DEQ updates emission data for the entire inventory time series when improved methods or data become available. For this reason, published data sets may vary from year to year.
Why does Oregon have preliminary emissions data?
To provide the most current emissions estimates possible to decision makers, DEQ develops preliminary greenhouse gas estimates. These estimates are based on reported data that is often available up to a year earlier than data from EPA's State Inventory Tool. When an updated version of the inventory tool becomes available, DEQ updates and finalizes preliminary emission estimates.
Oregon's greenhouse gas reporting program
Oregon's greenhouse gas reporting program collects emissions data from certain facilities, fuel importers, electricity and natural gas suppliers, and landfills. Data collected in the program improves the accuracy of our inventory and our understanding of Oregon's emissions. The majority of the mandatory reported emissions data is third-party verified and made available to the public annually on our Greenhouse Gas Reported Emissions page.
Other greenhouse gas data resources
Since Oregon contributes to climate change in different ways, we have developed several resources to track emissions and indicators. Some of these include DEQ's consumption based inventory and the Oregon Climate Action Commission's work on Natural & Working Lands. Accounting for emissions in multiple ways creates a more complete understanding of our contribution to global climate change and helps identify opportunities to influence our impact.
For additional information please contact the greenhouse gas reporting program at