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About Electric Vehicle Rebate Program

The Oregon Clean Vehicle Rebate Program was open from April 3 through June 3, 2024, but has now closed. If you purchased or leased an eligible vehicle in that time range, you still have up to six months after the date of that purchase or lease to apply for a rebate. However, you will be placed on a waiting list to be paid once DEQ receives funding in early spring 2025. Please see DEQ's press release for more details.

On Aug. 18, 2017, Oregon Governor Kate Brown signed HB 2017 which, among many other transportation investments, establishes a program to provide rebates to Oregonians who purchase certain types of electric vehicles (including plug-in hybrid electric vehicles) and other qualifying zero-emissions vehicles. This program was designed by the Oregon Legislature to encourage higher adoption of ZEVs, reducing air pollution and advancing progress toward the state's greenhouse gas reduction goals.

In May 2018, the Zero-Emission and Electric Vehicle Rebate rules were adopted by the Environmental Quality Commission, DEQ's policy and rulemaking board. This established the program's requirements.

In December 2018, DEQ began issuing rebates. Participation in the program has steadily grown since its inception, with over 29,000 rebates issued as of March 7, 2024. Rebate availability is dependent on program funding at the time of vehicle purchase or lease. Visit the Available Rebate Funding page before your purchase or lease to confirm rebate availability.

DEQ receives 45% of the state's Vehicle Privilege Tax or at least $12 million per year for the program. It does not have a sunset date.


For questions, please contact the Center for Sustainable Energy at  or 855–383-4425.

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