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ECO rule information
DEQ Fact Sheet
ECO Rules (Oregon Administrative Rules 340-242-0200 through 0290)
Survey forms and guidance
Employer Registration Form
Guidance on Conducting Employee Commute Options Survey
Survey Form
ECO Survey Worksheet
Get There Connect ECO Survey Template ECO-affected employers can use Get There Connect, Oregon’s free online commute planning, ride matching, metrics tracking, and rewards tool, to create and distribute ECO surveys. Access the template by creating a free account at and emailing with a request to become a network manager. Get There Oregon staff will provide materials and direct support to help you get started.
Resources for employers
Sample Trip Reduction Plan
Resource List for Commute Options
Variable Work Hours Handbook
Telework Toolkit
Creative Ideas to Reduce Commute Trips
Successful ECO programs
Catlin Gabel
Tualatin Valley
Regional commute resources
Get There Oregon Get There Oregon offers tools, resources, and support for using transportation options in Oregon.
TriMetTransit agency for the Portland Metro area
C-Tran Transit agency for Clark County
SMART TransitTransit and transportation options for Wilsonville
Transportation Management Associations
The Street TrustInformation and advocacy for bicycling in Oregon
Enterprise Car ShareCar sharing in Portland Metro area
Forth Empowering mobility
Phone: 503-229-6154 or email the program.
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