Federal Grants
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's National Clean Diesel Campaign periodically solicits proposals for the National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program supported through the Diesel Emissions Reduction Act program.
For projects with a material benefit to Oregonians, DEQ will assist in developing proposals to improve the competitiveness of any project. Assistance may include proposal drafting, project design, partner recruitment, application assistance and technical analysis in support of the proposal.
Now is the time to consider how you can take advantage of this opportunity to become a cleaner diesel operation. Grant guidelines for eligible projects may change from year to year (see
EPA’s Clean Diesel website). Other considerations, like cost effectiveness, size of the impact and other partners playing significant financial and supportive roles, are key factors in determining which projects are ultimately funded.
The request for proposals is updated annually, but applicants are encouraged to carefully review previous RFPs for ideas on eligible projects, technologies and funding restrictions.
EPA DERA State Grants
Each year, the EPA allocates federal DERA grants to eligible states for diesel emissions reduction projects. Funding includes base money, along with incentives encouraging states to allocate matching dollars to increase program impacts. The table below shows the EPA DERA State grant funds received by Oregon and the state matching dollars allocated for each program year since 2017. The source of state matching dollars has been VW Environmental Mitigation Funds.
Source | FY 2017-18
| FY 2019-20
| FY 2020-21
| Totals |
Total EPA Funds Awarded
| $768,572
| $987,784
| $1,052,852
| $2,809,208
Total State Matching Funds | $512,381
| $669,264
| $701,901
| $1,883,546
Resources for retrofitting vehicles and equipment service providersDEQ maintains a list of manufacturer-authorized diesel retrofit service providers. DEQ does not make recommendations or referrals, nor does it guarantee the work by the listed facilities. Consumers are responsible for screening the facility to ensure it can perform the services according to their needs.