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PCC Structurals, Inc. Large Parts Campus

Cleaner Air Oregon is a health-based permitting program that regulates emissions of toxic air contaminants from facilities based on risk to nearby communities. CAO requires facilities to report toxic air contaminant emissions, assess potential health risks to people nearby and reduce toxic air contaminant risk if it exceeds legal limits.

As part of the Cleaner Air Oregon process, each facility has a dedicated web page to provide communities access to facility information and updates on where it is involved in the process.

  • Each step of the CAO risk assessment process has a section that includes DEQ's communications and deliverables from the facility.
  • The graphic below shows where a facility is in the Cleaner Air Oregon Process.
 For additional information and history of the program, visit the Cleaner Air Oregon website.

Emissions Inventory is highlighted

The Emissions Inventory provides information on all the Toxic Air Contaminant emissions from a facility, and includes information on a facility’s operations and activities, as well as fuel and material usage rates. This is often the longest step in the CAO risk assessment process as DEQ needs to verify that all activities have been accounted for, and that the most representative emissions data available are used. In some cases, DEQ will require a facility to perform source testing at this stage if insufficient data is available to estimate emissions. ​
For an introduction to emissions inventories and why they matter, please see EPA’s Fact Sheet. An Emissions Inventory is a list of each toxic air contaminant regulated under the Cleaner Air Oregon rules that a facility emits in a given year. The Emissions Inventory includes the amount of each toxic air contaminant emitted from each individual emissions-producing activity.

Oct. 4, 2019: DEQ calls PCC Structurals, Inc. Large Parts Campus (PCC-LPC) into the program
​Jan. 2, 2020: PCC-LPC submits Emissions Inventory and supporting Emissions Estimates for DEQ review

​March 17, 2020: DEQ requests additional information for Emissions Inventory review

April 10, 2020: PCC-LPC submits an extension request for submittal of supporting information and revised Emissions Inventory

April 29, 2020: Maul Foster Alongi writes to DEQ during PCC-LPC's shutdown to confirm that PCC-LPC will clarify the extension request after the facility resumed production activities.

May 7, 2020: PCC-LPC submits a letter to DEQ clarifying their extension request.

June 3, 2020: DEQ responds to PCC-LPC's formal extension request

June 15, 2020: PCC-LPC submits supplemental information, including process flow and site diagrams.

Aug. 4, 2020: DEQ responds to PCC-LPC's submittal

Aug. 26, 2020: PCC-LPC submits an extension request for submittal of revised Emissions Inventory

Aug. 28, 2020: PCC-LPC submits supplemental information, including limited SDSs, stack test data, and limited production information

Sept. 1, 2020: DEQ response to PCC-LPC's extension request

Sept. 3, 2020: PCC submits updated process flow diagrams, site diagrams and revised Emissions Inventory.
Oct. 30, 2020: PCC submits revised calculations and additional supporting information.

Oct. 19, 2021: DEQ responds to PCC-LPC's revised submittals and supporting information.

Dec. 1, 2021: PCC submits extension request 
Dec. 3, 2021: PCC submits Baghouse Testing Conceptual Plan

​Dec. 14, 2021: DEQ approves extension request 
Dec. 15, 2021: PCC submits redacted supplemental information 
Dec. 22, 2021: PCC submits Baghouse Testing Matrix supporting Baghouse Testing Conceptual Plan 

​Jan. 14, 2022: PCC submits extension request for source testing 
Jan. 28, 2022: DEQ approves source testing extension request 
Feb. 11, 2022: DEQ responds to Baghouse Testing Conceptual Plan 
Mar. 4, 2022: PCC submits revised Baghouse Testing Conceptual Plan 

April 12, 2022: DEQ sent letter regarding revised reporting requirements for exempt TEUs

May 27, 2022: PCC provides information regarding exempt TEUs.
Jan. 18, 2023: DEQ sends letter regarding revised Baghouse Testing Conceptual Plan and provides requirements for Source Test Plan. 
Jan. 27, 2023: PCC responds to Source Test Plan requirements and requests extension 
Feb. 9, 2023: DEQ responds to PCCs extension request with conditions 
April 27, 2023: PCC submits Source Test Plan 
June 1, 2023: DEQ approves Source Test Plan 
Sept. 29, 2023: PCC submits Metals Emissions Test Reports 
  • PCC Source Test Report – Baghouse 9256 
  • PCC Source Test Report – Baghouse 9203 
  • PCC Source Test Report – Baghouse 8901 
Nov. 29, 2023: DEQ responds to PCC source test reports 
Dec. 20, 2023: PCC submits revised Metals Emissions Test Reports (Under DEQ review) 
April 25, 2024: DEQ responds to updated PCC source test reports and revised Emissions Inventory
May 28, 2024: PCC submits partial extension request
June 3, 2024: DEQ approves extension request

June 24, 2024: PCC partial response to information request (currently in DEQ review)

July 26, 2024: PCC (in DEQ review)

About the Facility

The Large Parts Campus manufactures castings as large as 70" in titanium, steel, and superalloy. 

DEQ Contact

Heather Kuoppamaki, Project Manager

Site Address

6667 SE Johnson Creek Blvd, Portland, OR 97206

Current Permits

How to get involved

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If you have questions, please email us.