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Basic and General Air Contaminant Discharge Permits

DEQ issues Basic and General Air Contaminant Discharge Permits for some of the most common industry types in Oregon. These permits include requirements to ensure compliance with the rules in OAR 340 Division 200 through 268. Any activity, operation, process or facility found on the list in Table 1 of OAR 340-216-8010 must obtain a permit.

For some more common industry types or relatively simple operations, DEQ's rules allow owners or operators to apply for a Basic or General permit, which costs less than a source specific permit and is typically issued faster. For help determining which permit types are required for specific  activities or operations, please visit 'Help Finding the Right Permit'.

DEQ's air permits vary in complexity. The simplest type of permit is a Basic ACDP, followed by a General ACDP, Simple ACDP, Standard ACDP, and Title V permit. Any source may elect to obtain a higher-level permit than is required, which can help clarify requirements for sources that are subject to multiple rules or have a variety of equipment subject to regulation.

Your DEQ Online

All permit applications and changes for Basic and General ACDPs are now conducted in 'Your DEQ Online'. This includes:

  • New permit applications
  • Renew and reassignment applications
  • Sale/transfer of a permit
  • Construction notifications
  • Fee payments
  • Relocation notices

To get started, please visit Your DEQ Online help page.

New Basic or General Permit Application

Once you have created an account, navigate to 'Start New Submittal'. Then, locate the correct submittal type, either 'ACDP - Basic Permit Application' or 'ACDP - General Permit Application'. DEQ has user guides to assist you in filling out the application.

Renew a Basic or General permit

Once your account has been linked to your permit(s), you can submit a renewal or reassignment application by navigating to the 'Permit/License/Certificate' module. Find the correct permit, then click on the purple circle button to the right side of the screen. Select the 'renew' option (teal circle with a pencil icon). Permittees must submit this application before their permit expiration date to continue coverage.

Things to consider when applying for a new permit

  • Land Use: All air permits require a Land Use Compatibility Statement completed by the appropriate local zoning or planning authority (city/county) prior to permit issuance. DEQ must ensure that your project or operation complies with the appropriate local plan prior to issuing a permit. DEQ encourages owners and operators to begin coordinating with local land use authorities as early as possible because processing times for these forms will vary. Check with your local city or county planning section/division for further information.
  • Legal Entity Name: All DEQ permits must be issued to a 'person' as defined by Oregon statute (ORS 468.005). In most cases, this means the legal entity name that is listed on your application must be listed with the Oregon Secretary of State Corporations Division to conduct business in the State of Oregon. However, DEQ can also issue permits to an individual person without registering with the Oregon Secretary of State.
  • Assessment of Equipment/Processes: To complete an assessment as to whether your operations qualify for a Basic or General air permit, DEQ must know about all equipment and processes that can emit pollutants. This includes:
    • emergency engines
    • heaters
    • boilers
    • process equipment
    • anything that creates a dust like grinding or cutting
    • anything that can evaporate like solvents or paints
    • anything that burns fuel

Before submitting an application to DEQ, consider conducting a thorough review of your current or proposed operations to determine what can emit pollutants.

Other Common Forms and Actions

  • Relocation Notice Form: Portable sources looking to notify DEQ of a proposed new operating location must do so in 'Your DEQ Online'. Locate the appropriate relocation notice user guide for more information.
  • Notice of Construction: All construction notifications must be submitted in 'Your DEQ Online'. There are two ways to find a Notice of Construction submittal:
    • If you are submitting a notice related to a permitted site: In YDO, navigate to the 'Permit/License/Certificate' screen. Locate the appropriate permit record/site, then click the purple circle button on the right side. Select 'amend'. DEQ has a user guide that can assist you with filling out the submittal. 
    • If the site of the project is not related to an issued permit: In YDO, navigate to 'Start New Submittal'. Select the '+' icon beside the submittal called 'ACDP - Notice of Construction and Modification Application'. DEQ has a user guide that can assist you with filling out the submittal. Please note that this Notice of Construction submittal also requires a Land Use Compatibility Statement (see LUCS information above).
  • Transfer/Sale Notification Form: To inform DEQ of a name change or sale/transfer of the permitted facility, navigate to the 'Permit/License/Certificate' screen. Locate the appropriate permit record/site, then click the purple circle button on the right side. Select 'Transfer'.
  • Contact Information Update: You can notify DEQ of updated contact information for your facility by using the submittal in YDO called 'Contact Information Update' or you can email/call the permit coordinator in the appropriate regional DEQ office

If you have questions about YDO submittals, processes or getting your account setup, contact the YDO Helpdesk.

If you have questions about the permitting process, email your regional DEQ office to a request a pre-application meeting.

Basic and General Permit Types

The General permit for 'Air Curtain Incinerators' addresses Other Solid Waste Incinerators (OSWI) and Commercial/Industrial Solid Waste Incinerators (CISWI) that meet the definition of 'Air Curtain Incinerator' within the applicable federal regulation (CISWI NSPS part 60 subpart CCCC; OSWI NSPS part 60 subpart EEEE).

The General permit for 'Asphalt Plants' is intended for owners or operators of hot-mix asphalt pavement production facilities with associated material handling and storage activities. The permit includes requirements found in OAR 340-236 for hot-mix asphalt plants and NSPS subpart I for hot-mix asphalt plants.

The Basic permit for Autobody Repair or Painting Shops is intended for owners or operators of an autobody, automotive repair, or motor vehicle painting facility that applies coatings to automobiles or motor vehicles (including parts or pieces). See DEQ's Basic Autobody web page for more information. The permit is specifically for facilities that are in the Portland area.

The permit includes applicable requirements found in OAR 340-242-0600 through -0630

To be eligible for this permit, you must have submitted, and received approval of, an exemption request from NESHAP subpart HHHHHH. In Your DEQ Online, submittal 'ACDP -Miscellaneous Reports'. Report type: 'NESHAP 6H Exemption Request'.

DEQ staff write Basic permits for the owner/operator after an application is received. Basic permits include the most significant and relevant rules applicable to the operations (OAR 340-216-0056). 

Depending on your specific facility, DEQ provides two types of boiler permits:

Basic Permit 04: Facilities that only have gas-fired boilers subject to NSPS Dc are eligible for this Basic ACDP, with limitations. Boilers that can be covered by this permit are Natural Gas and Propane Fired Boilers (with or without #2 diesel oil back-up*) of 10 or more MMBTU but less than 30 MMBTU/hr. heat input and constructed after June 9, 1989.

*Back-up means less than 10,000 gallons of fuel per year and not the primary fuel used in the boiler.

DEQ staff write Basic permits for the owner/operator after an application is received. Basic permits include the most significant and relevant rules applicable to the operations (OAR 340-216-0056). 

General Permit 11: Facilities with boilers that meet the following criteria may be eligible for the General permit:

  • Single Boiler: oil-fired greater than 10 MMBtu/hr. and/or Natural gas, propane, butane 30 MMBtu/hr. or more.
  • Aggregate Boilers on Site: Oil-fired between 10 and 250 MMBtu/hr. and/or natural gas, propane or butane 30-250 MMBtu/hr.

The General permit for Bulk Gasoline Plants is intended for owners or operators of bulk gasoline plant facilities. This permit is not for bulk gasoline terminals, gasoline dispensing facilities, or pipeline breakout stations.

The permit includes requirements found in NESHAP subpart BBBBBB (6B) for bulk gasoline plants specifically.

The General permit for clay ceramics is intended for owners and operators of clay ceramic manufacturing facilities subject to NESHAP subpart RRRRRR. This NESHAP applies to clay ceramics manufacturing facilities (as defined in §63.11444), with an atomized glaze spray booth or kiln that fires glazed ceramic ware, and that processes more than 50 tons per year of wet clay.

The General permit for coffee roasters is intended for owners and operators of coffee roasting facilities that roast 30 or more green tons per year. Facilities covered by this permit must have control devices on each roaster (afterburner or catalytic oxidizer) and are not allowed to exceed 7,087 tons of roasted beans per year.

Depending on the tons of material output, DEQ provides two types of concrete manufacturing permits. Both permits are intended for owners and operators of concrete manufacturing facilities, including redi-mix and concrete treated base (CTB).

Basic Permit 02: Facilities with more than 5,000 but less than 25,000 cubic yards per year (12 consecutive months) output.  

DEQ staff write Basic permits for the owner/operator after an application is received. Basic permits include the most significant and relevant rules applicable to the operations (OAR 340-216-0056).

General Permit 09: Facilities with 25,000 or more yards per year (12 consecutive months) output. 

​​Depending on the tons of material incinerated, DEQ provides two types of crematory permits. DEQ's crematory permits are only appropriate for facilities that incinerate strictly human and/or animal remains.

Basic Permit 03: Facilities with less than 20 tons per year material input.

General Permit 12: Facilities with 20 or more tons per year material input.

Both of these permits incorporate the crematory incinerator requirements found in OAR 340-230-0200 through -0230.

DEQ staff write Basic permits for the owner/operator after an application is received. Basic permits include the most significant and relevant rules applicable to the operations (OAR 340-216-0056). 

The General permit for degreasers is intended for owners and operators of halogenated solvent cleaning machines, specifically operations subject to NESHAP subpart T for using methylene chloride, perchloroethylene, trichloroethylene, trichloroethane, carbon tetrachloride, and/or chloroform. The permit includes applicable requirements from this federal NESHAP as well as applicable requirements from OAR chapter 340 division 232.

The General permit for dry cleaning facilities is designed for owners and operators of dry cleaning operations that utilize perchloroethylene and are subject to NESHAP subpart M. The permit is not available to any facility that is subject to NSPS subpart JJJ as a petroleum dry cleaner.

DEQ also has a registration option for dry cleaners as described in OAR 340-210-0100 through -0120. Contact DEQ for more information about the registration option.

To notify DEQ of a change to your dry cleaning facility or store, use this Change of Dry Cleaning Activity Form.

The General permit for electrical power generation is designed for owners and operators of stationary internal combustion engines which are intended to provide power to the facility in the event of a power outage, but that are also used to produce power for use by the owner/operator during non-emergencies or to provide power to the utility grid. These units are typically subject to one or more of the following regulations: NESHAP subpart ZZZZ. NSPS subpart IIII. NSPS subpart JJJJ

DEQ has two different permits for gasoline dispensing facilities (GDFs). The General permits for gasoline dispensing are designed for facilities of various sizes and locations.

Gasoline dispensing facility (GDF) means any stationary facility which dispenses gasoline into the fuel tank of a motor vehicle, motor vehicle engine, nonroad vehicle, boats, lawn equipment, generators, etc. In Clackamas, Multnomah and Washington Counties, the Medford-Ashland AQMA, and the Salem-Keizer Area Transportation Study, this includes any stationary facility which dispenses gasoline into the fuel tank of an airplane.

A permit is required of any GDF that has 120,000 gallons per year (12 consecutive months) of gasoline loaded into or dispensed from the storage tanks.

General Permit 23: Applies in Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington county to facilities that have 600,000 gallons per year dispensed from, or loaded into, the storage tanks.

General Permit 22: Applies statewide to facilities that do not meet the criteria for the General Permit 23 but that require a permit.

The General permit for grain elevators is designed for owners and operators of grain elevators used for intermediate storage with 10,000 tons or more per year throughput. This permit is only applicable for facilities located in a special control area*.

*Special Control Areas: The counties within the Willamette Valley, including Benton, Clackamas, Columbia, Lane, Linn, Marion, Multnomah, Polk, Washington and Yamhill Counties. The Umpqua Basin. The Rogue Basin. Within incorporated cities having a population of 4,000 or more, and within three miles of the corporate limits of any such city. [OAR 340-204-0070]

This permit is not available to any facility that is subject to NSPS subpart DD as a 'grain terminal elevator' or 'grain storage elevator'.

This General permit is designed for owners and operators of hospital sterilizing equipment which uses ethylene oxide and is subject to NESHAP subpart WWWWW. This permit is not available to commercial ethylene oxide sterilizing equipment/facilities. Under NESHAP WWWWW, a hospital is:

“a facility that provides medical care and treatment for patients who are acutely ill or chronically ill on an inpatient basis under supervision of licensed physicians and under nursing care offered 24 hours per day. Hospitals include diagnostic and major surgery facilities but exclude doctor's offices, clinics, or other facilities whose primary purpose is to provide medical services to humans or animals on an outpatient basis." (63.10448)

DEQ has two different permits for owners and operators of metal fabrication and finishing facilities depending on the specific manufacturing and processing activities they engage in.

The General permit 25 is designed for facilities that perform one or more of these specific activities: dry abrasive blasting in a vented enclosure, dry abrasive blasting of objects greater than 8 feet in any one dimension, spray applied painting with specific metal hazardous air pollutants, or welding use of 2,000 pounds or more per year wire and rod.

The General permit 29 is designed for facilities that are primarily engaged in the same specific manufacturing or processing activities but that do not conduct any of the specific activities listed above in the description of General permit 25.

Both permits include relevant requirements from NESHAP XXXXXX (6X). 

General Permit 25

General Permit 29

The General permit for plating and polishing is intended for owners and operators of a facility engaged in one or more of the processes listed below and that is subject to NESHAP WWWWWW (6W).

Plating is performed in a tank or thermally sprayed so that a metal coating is irreversibly applied to an object. Plating and polishing does not include any bench-scale processes.

  • Electroplating processes other than chromium electroplating (i.e., non-chromium electroplating);
  • Electroless plating;
  • Other non-electrolytic metal coating processes performed in a tank, such as chromate conversion coating, nickel acetate sealing, sodium dichromate sealing, and manganese phosphate coating;
  • Thermal spraying; and
  • The dry mechanical polishing of finished metals and formed products after plating or thermal spraying.

Depending on the throughput of the facility, DEQ provides two prepared feeds permits:

Basic Permit 05: This permit is intended for owners and operators of a facility that engages in the manufacture of prepared feeds for animals and fowl and includes associated grain elevators. A permit is required at 1,000 tons per year (12 consecutive months) of throughput. This permit has an upper limit of 10,000 tons per year of throughput. This permit is not available for facilities subject to NESHAP DDDDDDD (7D).

DEQ staff write Basic permits for the owner/operator after an application is received. Basic permits include the most significant and relevant rules applicable to the operations (OAR 340-216-0056). 

General Permit 14: This permit is intended for owners and operators of a facility that engages in the manufacture of prepared feeds for animals and fowl and includes associated grain elevators. At least the General permit is required once a facility has 10,000 tons per year (12 consecutive months) or more throughput.

The General permit includes applicable requirements from NESHAP DDDDDDD (prepared feeds manufacturing), NSPS DD (grain terminal and/or storage elevators), and some NSPS Dc (boilers) requirements.

Depending on the tons of material crushed, DEQ provides two types of crusher permits. Both permits are intended for owners and operators of rock, concrete, or asphalt crushing facilities.

Note: Some rock crushing operations are subject to NSPS OOO for nonmetallic mineral processing plants. DEQ only implements this regulation for major sources (Title V federal operating permits). If you own or operate a nonmetallic mineral processing plant subject to this regulation, you are required to comply under federal law regardless of DEQ's implementation or air permit issued to you.

Basic Permit 02: Facilities with more than 5,000 but less than 25,000 tons per year (12 consecutive months) crushed. 

DEQ staff write Basic permits for the owner/operator after an application is received. Basic permits include the most significant and relevant rules applicable to the operations (OAR 340-216-0056). 

General Permit 09: Facilities with 25,000 or more tons per year (12 consecutive months) crushed. 

The General permit for sawmills/millwork is intended for owners or operators of sawmills, planing mills, or other millwork (including kitchen cabinets and structural members) that produce 25,000 or more board feet per shift of finished product. These facilities may also conduct plywood manufacturing and veneer drying. More specifically, these activities include sawing, planing, sanding, chipping, kiln drying, plywood pressing, surface coating, and supporting activities like boilers, veneer dryings, and material conveyors.

Facilities with a wood-fired boiler with a design heat input capacity of 30 MMBtu/hr. or greater are not eligible for this permit.

This General permit is intended for owners or operators of seed cleaning (and associated grain elevators) operations with 5,000 tons or more per year (12 consecutive months) throughput and that are in a special control area*.

*Special Control Areas: The counties within the Willamette Valley, including Benton, Clackamas, Columbia, Lane, Linn, Marion, Multnomah, Polk, Washington and Yamhill Counties. The Umpqua Basin. The Rogue Basin. Within incorporated cities having a population of 4,000 or more, and within three miles of the corporate limits of any such city. [OAR 340-204-0070]

​DEQ has two permit options for surface coating-related activities and operations.

Basic Permit 07: This permit is appropriate for owners and operators who's actual or expected coating usage is greater than 250 gallons per month (excluding coatings that are non-VOC and don't contain hazardous air pollutants, like powder coating). This permit is NOT applicable to operations which are subject to NESHAP HHHHHH (6H) for methylene chloride use, autobody refinishing, or spray applied coatings that contain specific metal hazardous air pollutants.

If you are considering applying for this Basic permit, please also review the listing above for 'autobody repair or painting shops' as it may be applicable.

DEQ staff write Basic permits for the owner/operator after an application is received. Basic permits include the most significant and relevant rules applicable to the operations (OAR 340-216-0056). 

General Permit 27: This permit is designed for owners and operators of paint stripping operations, autobody refinishing operations, and/or the spray application of coatings which contain specific metal hazardous air pollutants and are subject to NESHAP HHHHHH (6H).

NESHAP HHHHHH Exemption: Owners and operators of autobody refinishing operations that want to exempt out of the requirements of the NESHAP because they do not use methylene chloride or target-HAP containing coatings can do so in Your DEQ Online. Navigate to the 'New Submittal' screen; locate the submittal called 'ACDP – Miscellaneous Reports'; click on the '+' icon to begin a new submittal; then select the report type of 'NESHAP 6H Exemption Request'.

This Basic permit is designed for owners and operators of facilities that would require a Simple or Standard air permit under OAR 340-216-8010 Table 1, Part B, #85 but that are requesting enforceable limitations (production or hours) to remain below that permitting level.

The following (from Table 1) must all be true for the owner or operator to qualify for the Basic ACDP:

  1.  The source is not subject to any category listed on this table other than Part B number 85.
  2.  The source has requested an enforceable limit on their actual emissions, if the source were to operate uncontrolled, to below Part B number 85, as applicable, depending on the source's location through one or both of the following:
    1. A limit on hours of operation.
    2. A limit on production.
  3. Control devices are not required to be used or otherwise accounted for to maintain emissions levels compliant with 2 above.
  4. The source is not subject to, and does not have any affected emissions units subject to, a 40 C.F.R. part 60, part 61, or part 63 standard (NSPS or NESHAP).
  5. The source is not subject to any specific industry or operation standard in OAR chapter 340, divisions 232, 234, or 236.
  6. DEQ has determined that the source is not required to conduct source testing and source testing for emission factor verification will not be required.

DEQ staff write Basic permits for the owner/operator after an application is received. Basic permits include the most significant and relevant rules applicable to the operations (OAR 340-216-0056). ​