The Higher Education ECE Consortia focuses on removing barriers and opening access to early childhood education degree completion. By establishing partnerships with universities, colleges, CCR&Rs, and other groups, the consortia will:
- expand access to ECE career pathways;
- reduce financial and non-financial barriers, and
- empower more students to attain ECE degrees and certificates.
The Higher Education ECE Consortia requirements align with the NAEYC's Increasing Qualifications, Centering Equity report:
- Accessible: combining debt-free and loan-forgiveness policies
- Possible: reduce and eliminate non-financial barriers to success
- Align with Our Realities: consider all practicum settings
- Efficient: create seamless, articulated teacher preparation pathways
- Feasible: lessen the time it takes educators to reach attainment
- Real: value experience with college credit
- Supportive: use cohort models and mentors
- Consistent: streamline accountability systems (ex. align with Spark, NAEYC competencies)
- Bigger: think outside the classroom (ex. technology solutions)
- Responsive: Support development of student leadership and advocacy role and responsibilities
The role of the agencies is to coordinate with partners to reduce barriers to student success and be responsible for reporting and billing to the Department of Early learning and Care.