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Department of Early Learning and Care

Lead Testing

The harmful impact of lead exposure is well known and documented. There is no safe blood lead level for people. Lead is especially harmful to young children and pregnant women because of the impact on growth and brain development. Lead in water is most harmful to formula-fed infants. The most important step adults can take is to prevent lead exposure before it occurs.

Applicable Child Care Rules

All state-regulated child care providers in Oregon must test for lead in their drinking water at least every six (6) years and send the test results to the Child Care Licensing Division. 

If the test results come in at or higher than “15 parts per billion (ppb),” the provider must make changes to prevent lead exposure. 

Lead Testing Requirements

Every six (6) years, child care providers must:

  1. Take a water sample from faucets or fixtures used for drinking, cooking or preparing bottles.
  2. Submit the sample for lead testing using an accredited drinking water. Typically, it takes four to six weeks for the water sample to be processed by the lab.
  3. Send a copy of the test results to the Child Care Licensing Division within 10 calendar days of receiving the results.
Lead Testing Instructions:   Lead Testing Instructions (CEN-0019) and  Regulated Subsidy Lead Guidance (UnL-0228)

Have questions about lead testing in child care?
Contact the Child Care Licensing Division by phone at 1-800-556-6616, or email:

Approved Water Testing Labs

Use the ORELAP Data Input and Edit (ODIE) tool to search for accredited laboratories:
ORELAP accredited lab search

Lead Test Results (CEN-0017):  

English   Spanish   Russian  |  Chinese  |  Vietnamese 

Alternative Water Declaration form (CEN-0016):

English | Spanish | Russian | Chinese | Vietnamese

Corrective Actions

If the test results show a lead level of 15 parts per billion (ppb) or higher, the provider must:

  1. Immediately prevent children from using or consuming the water by removing access to the faucet. The provider must supply bottled water for drinking, cooking, and preparing food and infant formula.
  2. Within 60 days of receiving the results, submit a corrective action plan to the Child Care Licensing Division to address the lead levels in the faucets or fixtures testing at or higher than 15 parts per billion. The plan must be consistent with the “U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 3T's for Reducing Lead in Drinking Water in Schools” linked below.  
    • Corrective Action Plan (CEN-0015):  English
  3. Retest the water after making changes or continue to use bottled water only. If you only use bottled water you must submit an alternative water declaration form. 
    • Alternative Water Declaration (CEN-0016): English

Did You Know That the Cost of Lead Testing Can Be Reimbursed?

  • Water lead testing on plumbing fixtures or faucets in child care programs that are used for drinking, cooking, or preparing food or infant formula.
  • Tests must be conducted by an ORELAP accredited laboratory.

Reimbursement can be requested from Western Oregon University (WOU) with receipts here:  

Call 1-800-342-6712 with questions regarding reimbursement. 

Licensed Child Care Lead Testing Forms:

Lead Testing Instructions (CEN-0019):  English   Spanish   Russian  |  Chinese  |  Vietnamese  
ORELAP Lead Testing Labs (CEN-0020):   English  
Lead results (CEN-0017):  English   Spanish   Russian  |  Chinese  |  Vietnamese 
Alternative Water Declaration (CEN-0016):   English | Spanish | Russian | Chinese | Vietnamese
Corrective Action Plan (CEN-0015):   English   Spanish   Russian  |  Chinese  |  Vietnamese 
Lead Testing for Programs Operating in a School Facility (CEN-0504):   English | Spanish

Regulated Subsidy Lead Testing Forms:

RS Lead Guidance (UnL-0228):  English   Spanish   Russian  |  Chinese  |  Vietnamese 
RS Alternative Water Declaration (UnL-0227)  English   Spanish   Russian  |  Chinese  |  Vietnamese

Lead Testing for Young Children

A blood test is the only way to find out if a child has been exposed to lead. Signs of lead exposure or poisoning are not always easy to see. Many children who have lead poisoning look and act healthy. Because of this, lead poisoning may go unrecognized.

Children can get lead in their bodies by swallowing or breathing in dust that contains lead. Lead is a poison that affects every organ and system in the body. There is no function or need for lead. Very high levels of lead exposure can cause coma, seizures and death. Even a little lead can make children slower learners. Exposure to lead can cause:

  • Brain damage and lower intelligence
  • Behavior and learning problems
  • Impaired speech and language
  • Slowed growth
  • Kidney and liver damage
  • Hearing damage

Ask Your Health Care Provider

Your health care provider will ask you some questions such as the ones from OHA’s Lead Poisoning Questionnaire to see if your child is at risk for lead poisoning. The only way to know for sure if your child has been exposed to lead is to have their blood tested. Blood tests are used to find out how much lead is in a child’s blood. The test is simple. In most cases just a finger prick then analysis is done.

The most prevalent lead hazards in child care facilities are lead-based paint, lead dust and contaminated soil. Renovation, repair and maintenance of older homes and buildings, if not performed correctly, can create hazardous lead dust and debris by disturbing lead-based paint.

Additional Lead Resources

OHA's brochure on how to provide a lead-safe child care environment:

English | Spanish | Russian | Chinese | Vietnamese 

EPA’s 3Ts for Reducing Lead in Drinking Water in Schools and Child Care Facilities.

Eco-Healthy Child Care FAQ on lead in drinking water.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) fact sheet with general lead poisoning prevention information.

CDC’s fact sheet with lead poisoning prevention information for pregnant women.

Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) comprehensive guide for anyone concerned about the dangers of lead in their home and environment. Learn how to protect your family from lead poisoning:

Oregon Health Authority’s (OHA) brochure with information on the health effects of lead exposure, sources of lead and determine if your child is at risk for lead poisoning: