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Department of Early Learning and Care

Child Care Rules

Oregon Administrative Rules set forth the Child Care Licensing Division (CCLD) requirements for inspecting and licensing those child care facilities subject to Oregon laws governing child care.

Current Child Care Rules 

For the most up to date laws and rules, visit the Secretary of State’s Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) webpage and sort for the Department of Early Learning and Care Chapter (414). Temporary and permanent rule changes are incorporated into the official OARs webpage soon after approval by the Early Learning Council.

Open Oregon Administrative Rules Web page in a new window

*PDF and printed versions of the child care rules may not include recent rule revisions while updates are in process.

Rule Books

Rules for Certified Child Care Centers (CCLD-0084):
English   Spanish 

Rules for Certified School-Age Child Care Centers (CCLD-0542):

Rules for Certified Family Child Care Homes (CCLD-0085):
English   Spanish

Rules for Registered Family Child Care Homes (CCLD-0086):

Rules for Regulated Subsidy Child Care (UnL-0221):

Rules for School-
Age Recorded Programs (UnL-0645): 

Rules for Preschool Recorded Programs (UnL-0234): 

Recently Adopted Rules or Rule Changes

New Family Child Care Rules!
Effective July 1, 2025

At DELC, we work to ensure translated materials are high quality. Recently, we learned that a job for rule book translations did not meet these standards. Another vendor was procured and is quickly working to rectify the situation. We aim to have these materials publicly available soon. As a reminder these rule sets have not taken effect yet and won’t apply until July 1, 2025. Our team remains available to provide technical assistance and answer any questions you may have. As we work to ensure materials meet high quality standards, we appreciate your patience as we transition to a new translation vendor.

Registered Family Child Care:

EnglishSpanish |  RussianVietnamese | Chinese

Certified Family Child Care:

Translations coming soon:  Somali (RF, CF), Russian (CF) and Vietnamese (CF)

Certified Child Care Center NEW Rules Webinar

On December 5, 2023, DELC hosted a webinar with general information about the NEW rules for Certified Child Care Centers. You can view a recording of the webinar through the links below. The recording is available in English and Spanish. 

Certified Child Care Center Informational Videos

The Certified Child Care Center information video series will help Certified Child Care Center administrators and staff understand new rules thar were effective January 1, 2024. You can visit DELC's YouTube playlist Oregon Certified Child Care Center Rule Informational Series to use this resource!


Certified School-Age Child Care Center Rules Background

School-age Rules: Webinar Video Series

This series was created as an introduction to the rules for Certified School-Age Child Care Centers. The videos provide an overview of the rules, explain key features and how rules are organized, and highlight any changes in rules or new rules. The Office of Child Care is here to support you, your staff, and your program. If you have any questions, contact your Licensing Specialist or call 1-800-556-6616.

Part 1: Videos 1-6

Part 1 of the school-age rules webinar video series is now available. Watch videos 1 through 6 by clicking the button below. Part 1 covers a variety of topics from center capacity to emergency preparedness to positions and qualifications.

Part 2: Videos 7-13

Topics included facility structure, the prevention of hazards, furniture and play materials and outdoor space to illness, injuries, medications, children with special needs, food service, and transportation.

Webinar Playlist