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Department of Early Learning and Care

Early Learning Transition

The Oregon Department of Education (ODE) and Department of Early Learning and Care (DELC) are collaborating with communities across the state to redesign the Oregon Kindergarten Assessment (OKA). The redesigned tool will support anti-racist practices and a whole-child approach, fostering a safe and supportive environment in which Oregon's young children and families can learn and thrive.

kids playing at a table 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the OKA was suspended by the State Board of Education from fall 2020 to 2021. The OKA was previously given each fall to entering kindergartners to assess three core areas of learning and development: early literacy, early math and interpersonal/self-regulation skills. The delay presented ODE and ELD with an opportunity to redesign the tool with Oregon communities. Together, we can develop a reimagined tool that is meaningful and supportive of Oregon children, families, and educators.

ODE and ELD are collaborating with an advisory panel to redesign the assessment tool. The advisory panel consists of early educators, kindergarten educators, early learning system partners, and researchers. With guidance from an advisory panel, ODE and ELD developed the below purpose, goals, and timeline.

Early Learning Transition Check-in (ELTC) FAQ:

Project Purpose 

The redesigned “Kindergarten Assessment” will collect a statewide snapshot of data about children and families as they begin kindergarten. The primary purpose will be to inform state-level decisions about Oregon’s early learning and care sector. The redesigned components will also meaningfully support families in building relationships with their kindergarten educators by inviting them to share about their experiences before kindergarten. 

Project Goals 

  • Incorporate anti-racist practices in assessment approach 
  • Elevate community voice in assessment design 
  • Strengthen connections between families and educators 
  • Inform early learning and care programs, practices, and policies 
  • Improve efforts to meet the needs of Oregon children and families 

Project Timeline

Fall 2022:

During Fall 2022, ODE and DELC launched the Early Learning Transition Check-In’s first component known as the Family Interview. Oregon’s Kitchen Table hosted educator and family feedback sessions soon after to learn more about the experience. The purpose of those sessions were to hear from participants of the Family Interview in order to better refine the process.

Girl reading 

Fall 2023:

During Fall 2023, over 30 Oregon schools participated in a Family Conversation (name change) pilot program. This initiative, led by the Oregon Department of Education, the Department of Early Learning and Care, and Oregon's Kitchen Table, included family and educator feedback sessions in October and November. The sessions aimed to refine the Family Conversation process and involve more schools.

Fall 2024:

The Early Learning Transition Check-In has completed its 3rd pilot of the Family Conversation. During this pilot, over 50 schools participated across the state with updated training materials and refined the data collection tool. District and educators will be asked to provide feedback for continuous improvement through survey questions.

Future Implementation:

It is not yet known when the Family Conversation will be required statewide. To support school districts, ODE and DELC are holding a yearly Informational Webinar in October to prospective districts interested in partnering with the Departments to implement the Family Conversation. Districts that indicate interest will be added to a communication listserv about future training specific to the next implementation.

Advisory Panel

Panel Composition

The Advisory panel is composed of kindergarten and preschool educators, early learning directors, and researchers with expertise in early learning assessment practices. Oregon Department of Education (ODE)’s selection process ensured that panel members have:

  • A strong equity lens
  • Represent Oregon’s diverse communities, including those who identify as Black, Indigenous, Latino/a/x and other people of color
  • Have experience delivering the Kindergarten Assessment and/or have used the Kindergarten Assessment data to inform classroom practices and educational systems
  • Represent different regions around the state

Pilot Information

Fall 2024

During the Fall 2024 pilot several improvements were implemented based on educator and partner feedback including:

  • Robust data collection and entry training materials
  • Data collection form that accounts for all families regardless of level of participation
  • Multiple options for families to decline answering questions
  • Assurance techniques
  • More timely training and material distribution
  • Pilot Information
We also began developing tools to support the analysis of both the qualitative and quantitative data collected though the Family Conversation. In a joint effort between the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) and the Department of Early Learning and Care (DELC), research analysts from both agencies partnered to analyze the data in a way that aligns with the goals and values of the

broader ELTC project. The analysis process developed for the 2023 pilot data will guide the approach to analyzing the ELTC data as it is implemented in more schools and districts.

  • Research Aims
    • Understand families’ experiences with early learning supports, services, and systems
    • Understand the strengths and needs of entering kindergarteners and their families
    • Understand families’ aspirations for their child and their child’s educational future
  • Who Participated?
    • Demographics
    • Geographics / aggregated summaries of school characteristics 

Pilot Information

  • 15 districts participated, with 50 schools implementing the Family Conversation
  • 1800+ Family Conversations reported
  • Survey of educators who participated in the pilot

Community Conversations

In 2024 OKT designed and hosted listening sessions and interviews with people who work for early learning partners and programs and culturally specific community-based organizations that support families with young children.

The goal of the listening sessions was:

  1. to hear how the Family Conversation might be most helpful for partners in their work;
  2. to hear about people’s experiences in supporting families to navigate early learning and kindergarten transitions;
  3. to better understand how early learning partners, community-based organizations, and culturally specific partners approach family engagement; and
  4. to identify opportunities for early learning partners, community groups, culturally specific organizations, and ODE and DELC to work together regionally or on a statewide level to better understand what is happening with early learning around the state. 

Fall 2023


Based on feedback from families and educators who participated in the 2022 pilot the following changes were implemented for the 2023 pilot: 

  • Name Change: Based on feedback the name “Family Interview” was changed to Family Conversation” to encourage a relationship- based approach, and avoid one entity’s dominance over another  
  • Clear early and often in different ways as possible  
  • Opportunities for educators to ask clarifying questions directly to ODE and DELC staff  
  • Refine Professional Learning Materials - Updates to the learning materials provided to pilot sites included:  
    • Clear Purpose  
    • Assurance Techniques  
    • Facilitation Guide  
    • Video Recording 

Pilot Information   

A total of 13 districts participated in the Fall 2023 Pilot. The Family conversation was implemented in 23 schools with over 1,000 families participating. Recruitment was targeted to include small, medium, and large school districts in both rural and urban areas of the state. A breakdown of the pilot locations can be seen in the charts below.  

OASBO Zones.png  
OASBO Zones.png 

Community Conversations    

In fall 2023, ODE and DELC worked with Oregon’s Kitchen Table (OKT) to again hear from families and educators who participated in the 2022 "Family Conversation" at over 30 schools and districts across Oregon.  

The goal of the community conversations conducted by OKT was:  
  1. to hear what people’s experiences in the family interviews were like, 
  2. to hear what ideas people had for future family interviews, 
  3. to understand how families and educators think the process might work better for families and schools in coming years, 
  4. and to hear from schools who participated the previous year about the changes made for 2023.  

ODE AND ELD Priorities for the Fall 2023 Pilot:


Fall 2022

Pilot Information  

The family interview questions, and training materials were developed and modified following feedback from family listening sessions in spring 2022 and from the project's advisory panel. 

Oregon Department of Education (ODE) and the Department of Early Learning and Care (DELC) began recruitment in spring 2022 for a district pilot to test out the newly designed tool with educators and families. ODE and ELD focused on recruiting schools who serve communities and children at the margins of the education system and who were least well served by the previous Oregon Kindergarten Assessment. Participation in the district pilot was voluntary. The pilot began with 16 schools interested in participating. Due to unanticipated circumstances, seven schools contacted ODE to postpone their participation in the fall 2022 pilot. 

To prepare for the fall 2022 pilot, schools received materials in summer 2022 that included culturally responsive scheduling techniques, sample invitations, sample scripts, and facilitation guides. ODE and ELD also provided educators with recorded webinar training and hosted optional Question and Answer sessions. The recorded training covered the following topics: 

  • Culturally responsive scheduling 
  • Setting up welcoming environments 
  • Successful techniques to involve interpreters 
  • Tips for successful conversations with families 
  • Data collection process 
ODE and ELD launched the pilot in fall 2022. Two of the schools completed the family interviews before starting the school year. Nine schools participated in both the pilot and feedback sessions. The schools are located across the state in rural, small cities, and large metropolitan areas. Three schools have dual immersion Spanish programs and many schools serve families who speak a language other than English. 

Pilot Information  

To gather feedback from the fall 2022 pilot, ELD and ODE partnered with Oregon's Kitchen Table (OKT). OKT conducted nearly 20 community conversations with families and educators on the process and their experiences. All participants were compensated for their time and input. Most of the sessions were in person with food and child- care provided. The sessions were hosted by English- and Spanish-speaking facilitators and liaisons. A few sessions were virtual and hosted on Zoom. There were several families and educators who requested private conversations with OKT. 

Following the community conversations, OKT gathered the information and published a report with recommendations. Visit to download the executive summary and report. 

OKT had four recommendations: 
  • Ensure timely communication with educators and families. 
  • Put questions regarding pre-kindergarten care, programs, and services into context. 
  • Provide opportunities for follow-up with families. 
  • Strengthen culturally-specific outreach to families. 

In response to feedback and recommendations from the community conversations, and following input from the advisory panel, ODE and ELD developed priorities for the fall 2023 statewide pilot. Click below to learn more about priorities and action steps. 

Family Listening Sessions

In May and June of 2022, ODE and ELD staff conducted Family Listening Sessions with a small number of families to gain initial feedback on the interview questions and process. The purpose of these family listening sessions was to ask families if the questions created were clear and meaningful, if the process was welcoming and easy to conduct, and if they would recommend any changes to improve the questions or the experience. In June of 2022, ODE and ELD staff also consulted on the family interview with the project’s Advisory Panel. The Advisory Panel includes early educators, kindergarten educators, early learning system partners, and researchers. ODE and ELD is revising the family interview design based on feedback from the family listening sessions and from the Advisory Panel. The revised version will be used during a Fall 2022 Pilot to try out the new tool with a larger number of kindergarten educators and families. For more information, ready the Family Listening Sessions Summary below.