Log into to BuildingPermits.Oregon.gov.
Important message: You must be logged into an account to print/download documents. If you need an account visit How to register.
To browse to the permit/application to which you wish to print/download documents from:
- Mouse over the yellow SEARCH block at the top of the BuildingPermits.Oregon.gov website, click on Building Permits.

- Scroll down the page to the General Search area. Search by entering the Permit/Application number or by partial address. Note: the best way to find information is to put less information into your search, so only enter the Permit/Application number with the dashes and leaving out any extensions like -MECH, -STR, -ELEC, -PLM, -PW, -PLNG - and when using the address search, use just the Street number and part of the Street Name. Any permits older then five years old, please clear the Start Date so that it is blank to get all possible results:

- Select by clicking your record open from the list of resulting records. Note: if only one record matches your search, it will automatically open to that record – if more than one record matches your search, you will have to click the blue record number hyperlink to open the record.

- Once your permit/application is loaded, go to Record Info/Schedule Inspections > select Documents Upload/View:

- Click on the blue hyperlink - the name of the document. You now have the option to Open or Save the document. Open the document and proceed to Save the document on you computer or print the document.

IMPORTANT: Please note if the document is set for download the document will show a download option, example above. If the permissions on the document are not set for download please contact the issuing jurisdiction.
Here is an example of a document not set for download.