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Fire danger & weather

During wildfire season, ODF Meteorologists and the Fire Environment Working Group monitor an array of factors that can influence the ignition and behavior of wildfires.

Weather information

​​Weather one-sheet - Everything you need to know about current forecast on one page.

​​​Satellite picture:
NFDRS “State of Weather” estimation

​ODF Lightning Tracker is a map website provided for authorized collaborators only. If you are a part of an organization supporting ODF fire suppression activities you can request access to the ODF Lightning Tracker​.​


NWCG Interagency and Northwest GACC ​​PocketCards
ODF participates in interagency fire planning efforts that include the Central Oregon Fire Danger Operating Plan, South Central Oregon Fire Danger Operating Plan, and the Blue Mountain Interagency. PocketCards not directly covering ODF protected lands like those listed here on our page are at this NWCG site.

Email for more information about PocketCards.​



Fire Protection Division