School Library Staffing in Oregon: Current and Historical
As of the 2023-24 school year, there are 178 FTE licensed school librarians (compared to 168 in 2022-23) and 687 FTE library support staff (compared to 681 in 2022-23) in Oregon's approximately 1,272 public schools that serve a total of 547,424 students. That is a drop from 818 FTE licensed school librarians during the 1980-81 school year, when the State Library started tracking the information. This
document contains charts that show the history of school library staffing from 1980-81 through 2023-24. Data is from staff at the Oregon Department of Education and from their publications,
Oregon Statewide Report Card (pgs. 3 & 14 for 2023-24) and
Oregon School Directory ("Facts" section at end). For a snapshot of the number of licensed librarians that individual districts employ, view the Oregon Department of Education's
At-A-Glance District Profiles and the Current Staffing section below. The latter includes information about library support staff as well.
Quality Education Model Staffing & Materials Expenditures Levels
2024 Quality Education Model (QEM) report includes the following library staffing best practices per prototype school (p. 54). Materials expenditure levels for books and periodicals, both print and electronic formats, are based on the Quality Education Commission (QEC)
2024 cost model from the Oregon Department of Education. The current service level (CSL) amount is based on actual spending in the prior biennium with an adjustment for inflation and enrollment growth, and the fully-implemented amount is based on adopting the best practices recommended in the Quality Education Model report.
| Licensed Librarian
| Support Staff
| Materials CSL / Base
| Materials Full
Elementary School
| 1 FTE
| 1 FTE
| $? per student
| $28 per student
Middle School
| 1 FTE
| 1 FTE
| $? per student
| $34 per student
High School
| 1 FTE
| 1 FTE
| $? per student
| $40 per student