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New Licensee Information

Please review this information carefully- it contains important details about your new license.  Following is only a summary overview of the current requirements.

Keep Contact Info Updated

Any change in contact information (including email address) must updated within thirty days.  Log into the Licensee Portal using the same credentials as you established with the Applicant Portal to make the needed changes.  Be sure to add our listserv ( to your email “safe list” to ensure you receive notifications and information from the Board.  If you have not already done so, add to your "safe list" as well to ensure you receive renewal notices and other important notifications. 


The Board will email you courtesy reminders that your license renewal is coming due; however, it is your responsibility to renew on time.  Your renewal is due by the last day of your birth month every other year.  If you renew after that date, but within 30 days of the due date, you will owe a delinquent fee.  We recommend that you set calendar alerts to avoid the consequences of license reinstatement and reapplication for failure to renew.  Practicing after the license is expired may constitute unlicensed practice, which could result in Board sanction including civil penalty and license revocation or denial of the re-licensure application.  Please visit the Renew a License Webpage for more detail.  If you are unsure when your next renewal due date is, login to the Licensee Portal and view your license expiration date.  Your renewal is due by the expiration date.

Qualified Person Designation

All licensees must notify the Board of the person who will intercede for client welfare and make necessary referrals in the case of death or incapacity of the licensee.  This “qualified person” must be an active or semi-active Oregon licensed psychologist.  Besides being a legal requirement, planning for contingencies like this will save your clients, staff, and family from what could be a messy situation.  More information on the qualified person designation requirement and professional wills can be found on the Qualified Person & Professional Wills Webpage.  

Continuing Education Intro

After your first renewal, you will need to begin accumulating your 40 hours of required continuing education (CE) to be reported at your second renewal.  CE earned during your grace period (the time between your initial licensure and your first renewal) cannot be counted forward towards your first renewal period. Keep track of your CE progress using the “CE Tracking Tool & Audit Report” available on our website.  Maintain evidence of completion of all CE for 2 at least years after the reporting period ends.  At your second renewal you will be required to attest to CE completion on the renewal form, but please don’t send in any documentation or evidence of completion unless you are chosen for a random audit.

Please visit our Continuing Education Webpage for more information on CE requirements, including the pain management, ethics, suicide risk, and cultural competency specialty training areas.

Title Use

It is OK for a psychologist to claim a specialization in one or more areas of psychology if the licensee has completed the generally accepted standard of education, training and experience in the field of specialization.  However, an Oregon licensee may not claim to be licensed in any area of specialization (e.g. "licensed clinical psychologist” or “licensed forensic psychologist associate”) because Oregon only provides a license in psychology and not specialty areas of psychology.  Please ensure your website, business cards, and paperwork do not contain these false designations. See OAR 858-010-0062.

If you change your license to inactive status, your representations to the public must indicate this status (e.g. "inactive licensed psychologist").  See License Status.