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Zumwalt Prairie Preserve

 View upstream through diversion, after project 


Oregon State University, collaborating with The Nature Conservancy


Much of the Zumwalt Prairie Preserve is used for grazing livestock. Ranchers and The Nature Conservancy must balance sustainable livestock grazing and conserving diverse Pacific Northwest Bunchgrass habitat.

Project Overview

The Zumwalt Prairie Preserve is dedicated to preserving one of the largest remaining areas of Pacific Northwest Bunchgrass Prairie. It is situated near the town of Enterprise in Wallowa County. This type of prairie provides habitat for some of the most diverse pollinator communities in the United States. Data collected over fifteen years from various pollinator projects in the area have been compiled to offer best management practices for landowners and livestock managers who graze animals in the Pacific Northwest Bunchgrass Prairie habitat.

To learn more please visit:

Website: The Nature Conservancy: Zumwalt Prairie Preserve

Story Map: Pollinators of Oregon Grasslands and Riparian Meadows

Fact Sheets:
Pollinators in Pacific Northwest Rangelands
Pollinator‐Friendly Livestock Management in the Interior Pacific Northwest
Habitat Enhancement for Pollinators in the Interior Pacific Northwest

Technical Report: Managing and Restoring Pollinator Habitat in Interior Pacific Northwest Grasslands and Riparian Areas: Lessons Learned from Eastern Oregon

For more information, please search OWEB's Grant Management System (OGMS) for Project Number 222-7000-19810.