Long Tom Watershed Council
Since the 1850s, Euro-American settlers converted the majority of Willamette valley bottoms to agriculture and residential/urban development. Combined with the exclusion of fire and control of flooding, the resulting habitat loss and fragmentation has imperiled a number of native species.
Project Overview
Restored rare wetland prairie for federally-threatened Streaked Horned Lark and at-risk Red-legged frogs.
Long Tom Watershed Council worked with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife to restore wet prairie for rare wildlife at Coyote Creek South. 99 percent of wet prairies are gone from the Willamette Valley. The project restored a 116-acre wetland system of grassland and vernal pools that provides critical habitat for two at-risk species: Streaked Horned Larks and Red-legged Frogs. Since the restoration project in 2017, the streaked horned lark population has increased and is expected to remain stable at 2-4 breeding pairs at the site.
To learn more please visit:
For more information, please search OWEB's Grant Management System (OGMS) for Project Number 218-7000-16571.
Please direct questions or comments to
Audrey Hatch, Conservation Outcomes Coordinator, 971-345-7002.