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Highlighted Project: Winter Lake Restoration Effectiveness Monitoring

Project Overview

hoop nets set at Winter Lake 
Sampling in Willow Creek 

This project monitors the effects of a large-scale tide gate replacement restoration project in the lower Coquille River. Monitoring studies look at the improvements tide gate replacements provide for coho salmon habitat. Results of this restoration and monitoring effort have led to additional tide gate removal and fish monitoring efforts to understand how important access to the Lower Coquille River floodplain habitat is for migrating juvenile coho salmon.

Coquille Watershed Association

Grant Type:

Lower Coquille Tide Gate and Fish Passage Monitoring Project, 2021-2022

For more information:
Search OWEB's Grant Management System (OGMS) for Project Number 218-2042 (ID 15946).

For questions or comments, reach out to your Regional Project Representative.