Biennial Renewal Schedule
Registrations must be renewed on a biennial (every 2 years) schedule.

Renewal email reminders will be sent out 90, 60 and 30 days prior to the renewal date. A green renewal button will populate in your MyOSBEELS user dashboard once the renewal window opens. You cannot renew more than 90 days from your current expiration date.
See our
Renewal Guide for step-by-step instructions on how to complete your renewal process.
Maintaining Your License
To maintain the active status of your license or certificate, you must:
- Post your certificate conspicuously in your place of business, where the public can readily examine it. (see ORS 820-010-0615)
- Obey all of the Rules of Professional Conduct, holding paramount the safety, health and welfare of the public in the performance of your professional duties. (see OAR 820, division 20)
- Obtain 30 professional development hour (PDH) units during each biennial registration period. (see OAR 820-010-0635)
- Pay your renewal fee on a biennial schedule. (see OAR 820-010-0505)
- Complete your renewal online at MyOSBEELS (including payment and proof of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) requirements) before 5:00 p.m. on your registration expiration date.
Continuing Education Requirements
Registrants must obtain
30 professional development hour (PDH) units during each biennial registration period. In accordance with Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 820-010-0635 and OAR 820-015-0026, each registrant is charged with the responsibility of maintaining PDH records of completion for the biennial renewal schedule. If
audited, a registrant must report and submit to the OSBEELS office the details of PDH units acquired.
Delinquent Registrants
Failure to renew by the expiration date of your registration will put your registration in "delinquent" status. Delinquent registrants are not authorized to practice in their field, may not supervise others in their field, and may not sign or apply their seal to any documents. Delinquent registrants will remain in delinquent status until the delinquent fee is paid, renewal fee is paid, and CPD verification is submitted. For more details, see OAR 820-010-0505 and OAR 820-010-0520.