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Homeownership Development

Homeownership Development Programs

OHCS’ Homeownership Development Programs aim to increase the supply of affordable homes for purchase by Oregonians with low to moderate incomes across the state. We strive to create new, affordable homes that respond to local housing needs and are accessible to communities that are underrepresented as homeowners in Oregon.

NOFA #2025-HOD is now available, offering more than $40 million in funding for affordable homeownership development.  Learn more here​.

OHCS Homeownership Development has adopted a new LIFT Manual through a Temporary Rule Change in OAR 813-135-0025.  View the new manual here.

Current Homeownership Development awardees may consider the below guidance for processes that may not be clear in other documentation.

Eligible Expenses and Draw Request Guidance

Contractors and Vertical Integration Guidance


​The Local Innovation and Fast Track Homeownership Program is intended to create affordable homeownership opportunities for low- to moderate-income families. Utilizing Article XI-Q bond funding as a source for housing development, LIFT requires the state to have an ownership or operational interest in any real property developed.

Find out more about LIFT on the LIFT Program webpage​​​.​

The Homeownership Development Incubator Program (HDIP) seeks to increase developers' capacity to build and boost the supply of affordable homes for purchase available to low- to moderate-income Oregonians. Through HDIP, OHCS aims to spur innovative, community-informed housing models and climate-resilient communities across the state. HDIP is a flexible program that can respond to needs and available funding.

Currently, HDIP does not have any funding offerings.

OHCS offers funds through competitive Notices of Funding Availability (NOFAs).

Find out more about HDIP on the HDIP ​Program webpage​​.

​The Land Acquisition Revolving Loan Program (LAP) assists eligible organizations in Oregon to purchase land suited for affordable housing development. Typically, 40% of the LAP fund is designated for land that will be used for affordable homeownership projects.​

Find out more about LAP on the LAP webpage​​.

The OAHTC Homeownership program is focused on increasing affordable housing availability for low- to moderate-income households and promoting new homeownership models. The program offers state tax credits of up to 4% to lenders who agree to reduce the interest on permanent loans to limited equity cooperatives (LECs) or nonprofit- or cooperative-owned manufactured home parks by up to 4% lasting up to 20 years (30 years for USDA, or preservation loans).

These credits lower permanent financing interest rates for new affordable homes targeting low- to moderate-income households earning 80% or less of the area median income (AMI). For LEC projects, all interest savings must be passed to members of the LECs to reduce their monthly housing payment costs. Developers can apply for OAHTC Homeownership through the Homeownership Development NOFA or as a standalone application.