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Land Acquisition Revolving Loan Program

The Affordable Housing Land Acquisition Revolving Loan Program (LAP) was created in 2017 by the Oregon legislature to assist eligible organizations in Oregon to purchase land suited for affordable housing development. This includes both affordable rental and homeownership developments. Eligible organizations include: 
  • Local governments
  • Local housing authorities
  • Nonprofit community or neighborhood based organizations
  • Federally recognized Tribal Nations in Oregon
  • Regional or statewide nonprofit housing assistance agencies
Legislative requirements include funding targets for eligible organizations operating home ownership programs and rental housing for low income families. Funding targets are as follows:  
  • 40% of funds for home ownership for low income households (80% or less of Area Median Income)
  • 60% of funds to organizations operating affordable rental housing for low income Oregonians    
It's important to note that any LAP loans must be paid back before an affordable housing project can start any vertical construction. 

Land Acquisition Program

For more information, Email: Becky Isom

LAP Manual

Oregon Administrative Rules 

 Land Acquisition Revolving Loan Program Frequently Asked Questions  {Updated as of October 10, 2023}

LAP-Recipent-list {Updated as of July 10, 2024}

ORCA Question Portal

​Intake survey

ORCA Intake for LAP - This video training includes instructions to complete the Oregon Centralized Application (ORCA) Intake ​Form for the Land Acquisition Revolving Loan Program. These instructions will assist eligible organizations in navigating the updated process for submitting a LAP application for homeownership and affordable rental housing developments.  Please note, LAP applications do not count towards the project limist per ORCA step. 

Updated as of:  July 10, 2024

​​Allocati​on Specified
Homeownership​​Affordable Rental HousingPoo​led
​​Recycled Funds (Recycled Funds can be used in combination with any of the location-based or Culturally Specific Organization set-asides.)
​​ $0
​​ $618,900
​​Culturally Specific Org​$0



Metro Counties*

​Balance of State (Rural)



​*Metro Counties as defined by HUD include the following Oregon counties: Benton, Clackamas, Columbia, Deschutes, Jackson, Josephine, Lane, Linn, Marion, Multnomah, Polk, Washington, and Yamhill.​


Email: Becky Isom
Phone: 971-388-6154
Website Questions: 

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