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Public participation in action plan development

Public participation ensures community involvement in disaster recovery planning. Through consultations with stakeholders, public hearings, and comment periods, OHCS receives feedback on recovery priorities that are implemented within program plans. This process allows residents to contribute to the development and implementation of recovery programs, which promotes more inclusive decision-making.

Citizen Participation Plan

The state has adopted a Citizen Participation Plan (CPP), including a Spanish-language version, to outline public participation procedures for the CDBG-DR and mitigation activities. The CPP aims to involve the public in planning, implementing, and assessing Oregon's CDBG-DR funded programs, valuing input from all Oregonians equally. 

Public participation in Action Plan

Oregon Housing and Community Services (OHCS) engaged in extensive consultations and activities to develop the ReOregon Action Plan. This involved meetings with various stakeholders, state agencies, and community groups; public hearings; focus groups; and an online survey to gather feedback. An Ad Hoc Advisory Committee and a ReOregon Advisory Committee provided guidance on policy and strategy. Following the approval of the ReOregon Action Plan, OHCS continues to invite public participation to inform significant changes to the plan through the Substantial Action Plan Amendment process. This includes opportunities for feedback on proposed changes to the Action Plan through public comment periods that are incorporated into the plan prior to submission to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for approval.

Substantial Action Plan Amendment (SAPA) 

What is SAPA?

OHCS can make minor amendments to the Action Plan as needed. Changes to the Action Plan, if they are major, must follow the Substantial Action Plan Amendment process. Changes that require a SAPA include:

  • Changes to program benefits or eligibility criteria
  • Addition or deletion of an activity or program
  • Significant changes to the budget (i.e., a change of $5 million or more, or changing a program budget by 15% or more). When major budget changes are proposed, OHCS must explain how those changes relate to remaining unmet recovery needs.

When OHCS proposes a SAPA, the amendment will be posted on the state’s CDBG-DR website for a 30-day public comment period. The amendment will be posted in adherence with the Americans with Disabilities Act and language accessibility requirements. As required by HUD, OHCS will address all comments received.

ReOregon SAPAs

In fall 2024, OHCS proposed a SAPA to reallocate program funds to create additional opportunities for renters and expands recovery options for Homeowner Assistance and Reconstruction Program applicants.

A high-level summary of the amendment:
  • Restructuring the Homeownership Opportunities Program (HOP) to a new program called Affordable Housing Development (AHD), allowing opportunities for both new homeownership and rental housing development in wildfire-affected communities.
  • Reallocating some funding from the Homeowner Assistance and Reconstruction Program (HARP) to AHD.
  • Increasing the maximum potential awards for HARP applicants.
  • Adding reimbursement as a recovery pathway in HARP.
The Action Plan Amendment was submitted to HUD for approval, which was received on Jan. 10, 2025.

Public comment

Prior to submission of the SAPA to HUD for approval, OHCS held a 30-day public comment period that ended on Nov. 8, 2024. Feedback was received during a series of public hearings, by email, mail, and phone and through an online form. All comments received during the public comment period were included within the Action Plan. 

Amendment that was sent to HUD for approval 

Read the approved Action Plan Amendment

Advisory Committee

An Ad Hoc Advisory Committee shaped the ReOregon Action Plan in 2022, advising on budget and priorities. This committee included state officials, local government representatives, disaster recovery nonprofits, and Housing Stability Council (HSC) members. In April 2023, OHCS reformed this group, now called the ReOregon Advisory Committee, to guide high-level policy and strategy decisions and review major amendments. The committee includes representatives from the Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians, Oregon Legislature, HSC, local governments, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). To receive notifications, email