MCHD Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Site-based Program (COAP) Evaluation Plan. Multnomah County Health Department. February 2021. (Lead author: David Dowler).
Stakeholder Feedback about Oregon's Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device Program. Multnomah County Health Department. (Lead author: David Dowler).
Oregon Support to Expectant and Parenting Students (STEPS) Summary Report. Multnomah County, Office of Population Affairs. July 2020. (PDES author: Kari Greene).
Barriers to Childhood Vaccination in Oregon, 2020: Feedback from Oregon Clinical Staff. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. June 2020. (Authors: Lindsay Hixson, Susan Van’t Hof, Linda Drach, and David Dowler).
Healthy Birth Initiatives Non-Competitive Continuation Performance Report. Multnomah County, Health Resources Services Administration. June 2020. (Lead author: Tim Holbert).
Provider and Consultant Feedback about the Alaska Go NAPSACC Program. Alaska Division of Public Health, Physical Activity and Nutrition Program. June 2020. (Lead author: David Dowler).
Developing Equity Leadership through Training & Action (DELTA): An Evaluation of the 2018-2019 Traditional and Behavioral Health Cohorts. Oregon Health Authority, Office of Equity and Inclusion. March 2020. (Authors: Lindsay Hixson, Margaret Braun, and Jamie Matson).
Experiences of PrEP Use among People Recently Diagnosed with HIV: Oregon, 2016-2019. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. February 2020. (Lead author: Linda Drach).
Marijuana Use and Public Health in Alaska. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. January 2020. (PDES authors: Julia Dilley, Susan Richardson and Kathy Pickle).
Recommendations for Improving the Health Analytics Data Release Process. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. January 2020. (Authors: Linda Drach, Lindsay Hixson, Vivian Larson).
End HIV Oregon 2019 Annual Progress Report. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. December 2019. (Lead author: Linda Drach).
Grant End Activity Report: Bureau of Justice Assistance, Harold Rogers Grant. Multnomah County Health Department. December 2019. (Authors: Tyler Smith and David Dowler).
Childhood Lead Screening Behaviors and Attitudes Among Oregon Medical Care Providers. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. November 2019. (Authors: David Dowler and Susan Van’t Hof).
Risk for Injection Drug Related Outbreaks: Oregon's County-Level Vulnerability Assessment. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. November 2019. (Lead author: Kathy Pickle).
Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. September 2019. (Lead author: Lindsay Hixson).
Aging HIV & Long-Term Survivors. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. June 2019. (Authors: Myde Boles, Linda Drach, Lindsay Hixson).
Alaska Childhood Obesity Facts. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Alaska Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2019. (Lead Author: Erik Everson).
Alaska 2018-19 Student Weight Status reports, Anchorage, Mat-Su, Kenai, Kodiak. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Alaska Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2019. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
Implementation of Max’s Law in Oregon High Schools: Results from a Survey with High School Athletic Directors. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. June 2019. (Lead author: David Dowler).
Prescription Drug Overdose Regional Coordinator Interviews: Summary of FindingsOregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. June 2019. (Lead author: David Dowler).
Using Education Data to Predict Juvenile Justice Involvement among Oregon Students. Oregon Youth Authority. June 2019. (Lead author: Margaret Braun).
Alaska 2019 Injury Facts: Injury & Deaths Related to Falls among Older Adults and Transportation Incidents among All Alaska Residents. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Section. May 2019. (Lead author: Margaret Braun).
Alaska Student Weight Status reports: Anchorage, Mat-Su, Kodiak, and Kenai. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Alaska Obesity Prevention and Control Program. May 2019. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
HIV Early Intervention Services & Outreach Evaluation Plan, 2018-2022. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. April 2019. (Lead author: Linda Drach).
HIV Early Intervention Services & Outreach Year 1 Implementation Evaluation Report.
Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. April 2019. (Lead author: Linda Drach).
A Community Mirror: The CHIP / Community Powered Change Process Evaluation Report. Multnomah County Health Department. March 2019. (Authors: Kari Green and Tim Holbert).
ATP Cost Benefit Analysis Technical Document. Multnomah County Health Department. March 2019. (Lead author: Steve Fiala).
Cost of Health Inequities in Multnomah County.
Multnomah County Health Department. March 2019. (Authors: Steve Fiala and Julie Maher).
Possible Surveillance Indicators for REACH. Multnomah County Health Department. March 2019. (Authors: Steve Fiala and Julie Maher).
Syphilis on the Rise: An Examination of Increasing Incidence Among Women in Multnomah County. Multnomah County Health Department. March 2019. (Lead author: David Dowler).
Social Cohesion and Pathways to Health Outcomes an Annotated Bibliography. Multnomah County Health Department. January 2019. (Lead author: Susan Van’t Hof).
Alaska YRBS Obesity Databook 2017. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Alaska Obesity Prevention and Control Program. December 2018. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
End HIV Oregon 2018 Progress Report. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. December 2018. (Lead author: Linda Drach).
Post Release Overdose Prevention Project (PROP): Year Two Activity Report Bureau of Justice Assistance, Harold Rogers Grant. Multnomah County Health Department. December 2018. (Lead author: David Dowler).
Implementation Evaluation of the Support to Expectant and Parenting Students (STEPS) Program in Oregon. Oregon Health Authority, Office of Adolescent Health. September 2018. (Lead author: Kari Greene).
Diabetes Prevention and Control in Alaska. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Diabetes Prevention and Control Program. August 2018. (Authors: Julia Dilley and Kathy Pickle).
Evaluation Report for the Alaska Diabetes and Chronic Disease Self-Management Programs. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Diabetes Prevention and Control Program. August 2018. (Authors: Susan Van’t Hof and Julia Dilley).
State of Alaska Pharmacist Training Evaluation. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. August 2018. (Lead author: Julia Dilley).
The Burden of Heart Disease and Stroke in Alaska. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. August 2018. (Authors: Julia Dilley and Kathy Pickle).
Alaska Regional Profiles, 2016. Updated Region-Specific Youth and Adult Data For 6 Regions of Alaska. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. June 2018. (Lead author: Chris Bushore).
Alaska SWSSS Report: Anchorage 2017-18. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Alaska Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2018. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
Alaska SWSSS Report: Kenai 2017-18. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Alaska Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2018. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
Alaska SWSSS Report: Kodiak Island 2017-18. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Alaska Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2018. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
Alaska SWSSS Report: Mat-Su 2017-18. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2018. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
Alaska SWSSS Report: Petersburg 2017-18. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Alaska Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2018. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
Alaska Tobacco Quit Line Evaluation Study. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. June 2018. (Lead author: Julia Dilley).
Alaska YRBS Tobacco Book 2018. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. June 2018. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
Anchorage School District: Special Report on Obesity Disparity in Kindergarten - 10th Grade Students from 2003-2004 through 2017-2018. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2018. (Authors: Myde Boles, Erik Everson, Clyde Dent).
Improving Lung Cancer Screening in Alaska: An Assessment. Alaska Comprehensive Cancer Control Program Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. June 2018. (Lead author: Julia Dilley).
Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators Pilot: State of Oregon and Multnomah County Health Department Project Summary Report. Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists. June 2018. (Lead author: Julia Dilley).
Tobacco Facts 2018. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. June 2018. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
Validating ESSENCE Case Definitions for Cannabis and Opioid-Related Emergency Department Visits in Oregon: Project Summary Report. Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists. June 2018. (Lead author: Julia Dilley).
Oregon Medical Monitoring Project data summary 2015-2016. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. May 2018. (Lead author: Alicia Knapp).
An Evaluation of the Oregon Domestic Well Safety Mini Grant Process. Oregon Health Authority, Office of Environmental Public Health. May 2018. (Authors: Alicia Knapp and Linda Drach).
Public Health Accountability Metrics Baseline Report. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. March 2018. April 2018. (PDES author: Myde Boles).
Alaska BRFSS Tobacco Data Book, 1991-2016. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. February 2018. (Lead author: Chris Bushore).
Local Tobacco Prevention Funding Evaluation: Funding Model Strengths & Areas of Opportunity. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. February 2018. (Lead author: Steven Fiala).
Tobacco-Attributable Mortality, Lost Productivity and Economic Costs from Current and Former Smoking, Secondhand Smoking, Secondhand Smoke, and Smokeless Tobacco Use, Alaska 2011-2015. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. January 2018. (Lead author: Barbara Pizacani).
Alaska Obesity Facts 2017. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2017. (Authors: Myde Boles and Lindsay Hixson).
Cancer in Alaska Multi-Year Summary Report, 2017. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Cancer Registry. June 2017. (Authors: Julia Dilley and Kathy Pickle).
Federally-Qualified Health Center (FQHC) Quality Improvement (QI) Enhancement Project Evaluation Report. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Comprehensive Cancer Control Program. June 2017. (Lead author: Julia Dilley).
Proposed Outcome Accountability Metrics for Public Health Modernization. A Report for the Public Health Advisory Board: Stakeholder Metrics Survey Results and Accountability Metrics Subcommittee Recommendations. Public Health Advisory Board Accountability Metrics Subcommittee. June 2017. (Lead author: Myde Boles).
Student Weight Status, Anchorage School District, 2016-17 School Year. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2017. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
Student Weight Status, Dillingham School District, 2016-17 School Year. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2017. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
Student Weight Status, Kenai Peninsula Borough School District, 2016-17 School Year. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2017. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
Student Weight Status, Kodiak School District, 2016-17 School Year. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2017. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
Student Weight Status, Lake and Peninsula School District, 2016-17 School Year. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2017. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
Student Weight Status, Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District, 2016-17 School Year. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2017. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
Student Weight Status, Petersburg City School District, 2016-17 School Year. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2017. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
Tobacco Use Among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Alaska Residents. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. June 2017. (Lead author: Margaret Braun).
Cancer in Alaska – 2013. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Cancer Registry. May 2017. (Authors: Julia Dilley and Kathy Pickle).
Considerations of Equity -- An Evaluation of Portland’s Smoke-Free Parks Policy. Multnomah County Health Department. May 2017. (Lead author: Tim Holbert).
Developing Equity Leadership through Training and Action: Evaluation Report of the DELTA Cohorts, 2014-2016. Office of Equity and Inclusion. May 2017. (Authors: Susan Van’t Hof and Anastasia Sofranac).
Strengthening the Healthcare Interpreter Workforce: A Learning Collaborative Model. Office of Equity and Inclusion. May 2017. (Authors: Susan Van’t Hof and Kweku Wilson).
Summary Evaluation Report of DELTA Cohorts, 2014-2016. Office of Equity and Inclusion. May 2017. (Authors: Susan Van’t Hof and Anastasia Sofranac).
Alaska Regional Profiles, 2015. Updated Region-Specific Youth and Adult Data For 6 Regions of Alaska. March 2017. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. (Authors: Chris Bushore, Erik Everson and Barbara Pizacani).
Oregon Coordinated Care Organizations Member Demographics by Race, Ethnicity, and Language. Office of Equity and Inclusion. March 2017. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
Oregon Reproductive Health Program: 2016 Survey of Clients with Discontinued Services. March 2017. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. (Authors: David Dowler and Rachel Linz).
REACH CDC Progress Report. Multnomah County Health Department. March 2017. (Lead author: Tim Holbert).
Alaska BRFSS book, 2015. Updated Compendium of All Questions Asked on the BRFSS Survey Relevant to Tobacco Control. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. February 2017. (Author: Chris Bushore).
“Healthy Drinks for Healthy Kids” Evaluation Plan. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. February 2017. (Lead author: Myde Boles).
Instant Atlas - Anchorage/MatSu Overweight and Obesity 2015-2016. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. January 2017, (Lead author: Erik Everson).
Marijuana Report: Marijuana Use, Attitudes and Health Effects in Oregon, December 2016. Oregon Health Authority. December 2016. (Authors: Julia Dilley, Steven Fiala, Erik Everson, Caislin Firth, and Julie Mahe
(Lead author: Erik Everson)
Summary of Information from School Grantee 2016 Year-end Reports. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. October 2016. (Lead author: David Dowler).
Alaska InstantAtlas SWSSS 2015-16 School Year Update. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. September 2016. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
Oregon Medical Monitoring Project: Needs and Unmet Needs Factsheet 2013-2014. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. September 2016. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
Telemedicine Pilot Study Multnomah County School Based Health Centers. Multnomah County Health Department. September 2016. (Lead author: Myde Boles).
Oregon Medical Monitoring Project: Interview & Medical Record Data 2013-2014. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. August 2016. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
Student Weight Status, Anchorage+MatSu School Districts, 2015-16 School Year. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. July 2016. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
Student Weight Status, Anchorage School District, 2015-16 School Year. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. July 2016. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
Adolescents and Communities Together, Feedback on: Reducing the Risk Teacher Training June 20-22, 2016. Multnomah County Health Department. June 2016. (Lead author: David Dowler).
Alaska Obesity Prevention and Control Program: Summary of Information from School Grantee 2016 Year-end Report Outline. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2016. (Lead author: David Dowler).
Alaska Tobacco 2015 YRBS Databook. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2016. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
Student Weight Status, Kenai City School District, 2015-16 School Year. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2016. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
Student Weight Status, Kenai Peninsula Borough School District, 2015-16 School Year. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2016. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
Student Weight Status, Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District, 2015-16 School Year. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2016. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
Kenai Peninsula Community-Based Breast Cancer Screening Promotion Project: Interim Project Evaluation Report for the Alaska Breast Cancer Task Force. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Comprehensive Cancer Control Program. June 2016. (Lead author: Julia Dilley).
Public Health Modernization Key Informant Interviews: Preliminary Findings. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. June 2016. (Lead Author: Steven Fiala).
CCO Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity and Language – April 2016. Oregon Health Authority, Office of Equity and Inclusion. May 2016. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
Adolescent and Communities Together: Evaluation Plan. Multnomah County Health Department. May 2016. (PDES author: David Dowler).
Evaluation of SCRIPT Tobacco Screening Pilot, Northeast Health Center. Multnomah County Health Department. May 2016. (Lead author: Myde Boles).
Student Weight Status, North Slope School District, 2015-16 School Year. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. May 2016. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
Alaska Tobacco Facts. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. April 2016. (PDES authors: Kathy Pickle and Chris Bushore).
Contrasting Secondhand Smoke-Related Community Norms and Attitudes in Alaska: Patterns by Region and Alaska Native Race. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. April 2016. (Authors: Barbara Pizacani, Kristen Rohde, and Erik Everson).
- Opioid Prescribing Guideline Task Force: Summary of Survey Monkey Results. Oregon Health Authority, Office of Injury and Violence Prevention. April 2016. (Lead author: David Dowler).
Oregon Medical Monitoring Project: Needs and Unmet Needs Factsheet 2014-2015. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. April 2016. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
Oregon Medical Monitoring Project: Needs and Unmet Needs Factsheet 2014-2015, TGA region. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. April 2016. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
Population Health: Data Carousel Indicators Report. Skagit County Population Health Trust Advisory Committee. April 2016. (PDES contributors: Julia Dilley and Susan Richardson).
Skagit County Community Assessment Health Priorities: Report for Community Response. Skagit County Population Health Trust Advisory Committee. April 2016. (PDES contributors: Julia Dilley and Susan Richardson).
Skagit County Community Health Assessment Summary Report. Skagit County Population Health Trust Advisory Committee. April 2016. (PDES contributors: Julia Dilley and Susan Richardson).
Skagit County Population Demographics Summary. Skagit County Population Health Trust Advisory Committee. April 2016. (PDES contributors: Julia Dilley and Susan Richardson).
Student Weight Status, Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District, 2015-16 School Year. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. April 2016. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
Water Bureau Lead Hazard Reduction Program: Evaluation Plan for Grantee Activities, 2016-2017.Portland Water Bureau. April 2016. (Lead author: David Dowler).
Contrasting Secondhand Smoke-Related Community Norms and Attitudes in Alaska: Patterns by Region and Alaska Native Race. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Tobacco Prevention Program. March 2016. (Authors: Barbara Pizacani and Kristen Rohde).
Results from Play Every Day’s Sugary Drinks Media Campaign 2014-2015: Changes in Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors about Physical Activity and Sugary Drinks Following Alaska’s Play Every Day Media Campaign. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. March 2016. (Lead Author: Myde Boles).
Current Pain Management Initiatives in Oregon and the Role of the PDMP. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. February 2016. (Lead author: David Dowler).
2014 Medicaid Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (MBRFSS) Survey Methodology and Lessons Learned. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. January 2016. (Lead author: David Dowler).
Oregon Public Health Division. Marijuana report: Marijuana use, attitudes and health effects in Oregon. Oregon Health Authority. January 2016. (Authors: Julia Dilley, Caislin Firth, Erik Everson, and Julie Maher).
2015 Oregon Healthy Teens Survey: 2015 Gender Reports. Oregon Health Authority. December 2015. (Authors: Renee Boyd and Tom Peterson).
Alaska BRFSS Obesity Data Book 1991-2014. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. December 2015. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
Alaska BRFSS Tobacco Data Book. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Department of Health and Human Services. December 2015. (Lead author: Chris Bushore).
2015 Oregon Healthy Teens Survey: 2015 OHT State Report. Oregon Health Authority. November 2015. (Authors: Renee Boyd and Tom Peterson).
Feedback from PDMP Outreach Specialists. Oregon Health Authority. November 2015. (Lead author: David Dowler).
Multnomah County Brownfield Initiative: Mapping Health Equity. Multnomah County Community Health Services, Environmental Health. October 2015. (PDES contributor: Caislin Firth).
MCHD Adolescents and Communities Together Project: Community Needs Assessment. Multnomah County Health Department. October 2015. (Lead author: David Dowler).
Alaska Obesity Prevention and Control Program: Summary of Information from School Grantee 2015 Year-end Reports. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. September 2015. (Lead author: David Dowler).
Alaska Tobacco Prevention and Control Program Regional Profiles. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. September 2015 (Authors: Chris Bushore and Erik Everson).
Legalization of Marijuana: Potential Policy Directions for Public Health. Multnomah County Vital Signs. Multnomah County Health Department. September 2015. (PDES authors: Julia Dilley, Caislin Firth, Julie Maher, and Barbara Pizacani).
Healthy Brain Initiatives: Cognitive Impairment and Caregiver Data from BRFSS 2012-2013. Data Tables and Methods Summary Report. September 2015. (Authors: David Dowler and Kathy Pickle).
Population Health: Quality of Life Survey Report. Skagit County Population Health Trust Advisory Committee. September 2015. (PDES contributors: Julia Dilley, Susan Richardson).
Alaska Colorectal Cancer (CRC) Partnership: Key informant interview report. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Comprehensive Cancer Control Program. June 2015. (Lead author: Julia Dilley).
Comparison of Tips and Game Plan: Cost and Effectiveness of Generating Quit Line Calls. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. June 2015. (Authors: Chris Bushore, Kristen Rohde, and Barbara Pizacani).
The Economic Impact of Alaska’s Comprehensive Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. June 2015. (Lead author: Myde Boles).
Play Every Day: An Evaluation of Alaska’s Media Campaign About Physical Activity and Sugary Drinks 2014-2015. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. June 2015. (Lead author: Myde Boles).
The Alaska Native Community Evaluation Project: An Equity Lens Review of Tobacco Prevention & Control in Alaska. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. May 2015. (Authors: Julia Dilley and Kari Greene).
Alaska Tobacco Prevention and Control Program Evaluation Summary: Fiscal Year 2014. Alaska Department of Health and Social Service. May 2015. (Lead author: Chris Bushore).
Impact of Initiative 1184 Liquor Privatization Law on Tax Revenues in Washington State: Draft Final Report Using 24 Months of Data Following Implementation of the Law. May 2015. (Lead author: Myde Boles).
Behavioral Health Data Review for the Alaska Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. April 2015. (Authors: Kathy Pickle and Barbara Pizacani).
Health Disparities among Pacific Islanders in Multnomah County, A supplement to the 2014 Report on Racial and Ethnic Disparities. Multnomah County Health Department. April 2015. (Authors: Rujuta Gaonkar and Caislin Firth).
Alaska Tobacco Facts: 2015 Update. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health. February 2015. (Authors: Kathy Pickle and Chris Bushore).
E-Cigarettes: A Review of the Literature. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health. January 2015. (Lead author: Chris Bushore).
2014 Report Card on Racial and Ethnic Disparities. Multnomah County Health Department. December 2014. (Authors: Julie Maher, Barbara Pizacani, Betsy Clapp, Caislin Firth, and others in other areas of Multnomah County).
Summary of Information from School Grantee Year-end Reports. December 2014. (Lead author: David Dowler).
Alaska BRFSS Obesity Data Book 1991-2013. December 2014. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
TPEP Local Infrastructure Evaluation: Case Studies of Four Grantees Funded by the Oregon Tobacco Prevention and Education Program. December 2014. (Lead author: Linda Drach).
Impact of Washington State Initiative 1183 (I-1183) Changes in Liquor Laws: Findings Summary. Interim Study Results, Part 1. December 2014. (Authors: Julia Dilley, Myde Boles, Susan Richardson).
E-cigarettes and the Growing Culture of Vaping: Concern for Multnomah County Youth. Multnomah County Vital Signs Report. Multnomah County Health Department. November 2014. (PDES authors: Caislin Firth, Julie Maher, and Barbara Pizacani).
- Food and Nutrition for People Living with HIV/AIDS: A Brief Resource Assessment; October 2014. (Lead author: Susan Van't Hof).
Alaska Obesity Prevention and Control Program: An Evaluation of Alaska’s Play Every Day 2014 Public Education Campaign and Knowledge, Attitudes, & Behaviors about Sugary Drinks. October 2014. (Lead author: Myde Boles).
Growing a Culture of Health at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility. September 2014. (Lead author: Linda Drach).
Anchorage Student Weight Status Report, 2013-2014 school year. August 2014. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
Anchorage-MatSu K-8 Student Weight Status Report, 2013-2014 school year. August 2014. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
Alaska Obesity Facts Report – 2014. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. May 2014. (Authors: Erik Everson and Kathy Pickle).
“Seeking Safety” Evaluation. Multnomah County Health Department. April 2014. (Lead author: Tim Holbert).
Alaska Tobacco Facts: 2014 Update. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health. April 2014. (Authors: Chris Bushore and Kathy Pickle).
Alaska Obesity Prevention and Control Program: Initial Summary of Information from School Grantee Mid-Year Reports. March 2014. (Lead author: David Dowler).
Evaluation of the Alaska Tobacco Prevention and Control Program's “The Real Cost” media campaign. March 2014. (Authors: Barbara Pizacani and Kristen Rohde).
Epidemiologic Profile of HIV/AIDS in Oregon. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. March 2014. (Authors: Firth C, Capizzi J, Schafer S, Helsley R, Latin V.).
Alaska Obesity Prevention and Control Program: Summary of Program Components. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. January 2014 (Lead author: David Dowler).
Social Marketing and Obesity Prevention: A Literature Review. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. December 2013. (Lead author: Molly Balfe).
Alaska Tobacco Prevention and Control Program Evaluation Summary. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. November 2013. (Lead author: Kari Greene).
- 2013 CAREAssist Client Survey: A Report on Clients’ Health and Well-Being and their Experiences with the Program. November 2013. (Authors: Linda Drach and Erik Everson).
Alaska Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Obesity Data Book 1991-2011. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. September 2013. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
State of Equity Report, Phase 2. Office of Equity and Inclusion. September 2013. (Lead author: Kristen Rohde).
Oregon Healthy Homes Strategic Plan. September 2013. (Lead author: David Dowler).
Childhood Obesity Prevention Strategies: A Literature Review. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2013. (Lead author: Molly Balfe).
Alaska Tobacco Facts: 2013 Update. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health. June 2013. (Lead author: Kathy Pickle).
Provider Practices and Satisfaction Survey, Breast and Cervical Health Check Program. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health. June 2013. (Lead author: Myde Boles).
Gap Analysis for the Breast and Cervical Health Check Program. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health. June 2013. (Lead author: Tara Fechter).
Needs Assessment Survey for the Alaska Cancer Registry Advisory Committee. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health. June 2013. (Lead author: Myde Boles).
Best Practices for Identifying, Managing, and Resolving Client Civil Rights Complaints. Office of Equity and Inclusion. April 2013. (Authors: Linda Drach and Kristen Rohde).
Changes to the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Methodology: Rationale and Application in Alaska. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. January 2013. (Lead author: Kathy Pickle).
Assessment of Pharmacist Comments from the Oregon Board of Pharmacy 2011 “Working Conditions Survey”. January 2013. (Lead author: David Dowler).
Early Assessment of the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program: A Survey of Providers. January 2013. (Lead author: David Dowler).
How Oregon Public Health Transformed Its Chronic Disease Programs: A Case Study. December 2012. (Lead author: Linda Drach).
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health. CD Summary. November 2012. (Lead Author: Linda Drach).
An Assessment of Client Civil Rights Complaint Policies and Procedures Across OHA Divisions and Offices: Brief Report on Phase 1. November 2012. (Authors: Linda Drach and Kristen Rohde).
Tobacco in the Great Land: A Portrait of Alaska’s Leading Cause of Death. 2012 Update. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. July 2012. (Lead author: Kathy Pickle).
Results from the 2007, 2009 and 2011 Alaska Youth Risk Behavior Survey: Comparing the State Sample and Funded Schools. June 2012. (Lead author: David Dowler).
Alaska Tobacco Facts: 2012 Update. Alaska Department of Health, Division of Public Health. April 2012. (Lead author: Kathy Pickle).
Public Health Challenges of Incarceration. CD Summary. January 2012. (Lead author: Linda Drach).
HEI Equity Lens Pilot Final Evaluation. July 2011. (Lead author: Tim Holbert).
Lane County Hospital Discharge Evaluation: Interviews with Medicaid Clients with Recent Hospital Visits. July 2011. (Lead author: David Dowler).
State of Equity Report, Phase 1. Office of Equity and Inclusion. June 2011 (Lead author: Kristen Rohde).
Alaska School Health Profiles 2010: Results for Tobacco Indicators by Grantee Status. June 2011. (Lead author: David Dowler).
Healthy Communities Teams Project. Feedback after Year Two: Interviews with Community Teams. June 2011. (Lead author: David Dowler). Part of larger report submitted by Julia Dilley.
Alaska Tobacco Facts: 2011 Update. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health. April 2011. (Lead author: Kathy Pickle).
Summary: 2009 WA BRFSS Dual Frame Landline and Cell Survey Data Review. Washington State Department of Health, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. February 2011. (Lead author: Kathy Pickle).
Learning more about the 2009 Influenza Pandemic in Oregon: Initial BRFSS Findings for Vaccine Receipt and Annotated List of Relevant Reports. December 2010. (Lead author: David Dowler).
Alaska Tobacco Prevention and Control Program Rural School Demonstration Project: years 2 and 3 Overview of Progress. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. December 2010. (Lead author: Barbara Pizacani).
Learning more about the 2009 Influenza Pandemic in Oregon: Key Informant Feedback about Oregon’s Influenza Surveillance System. December 2010. (Lead author: David Dowler).
Emerging Trends Update, 2009. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. November 2010. (Lead author: Kathy Pickle).
Initial feedback about the Child Health Profile: Interviews with Stakeholders. August 2010. (Lead author: David Dowler).
High School Dropouts and Tobacco Control: A Feasibility Study for the Alaska Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. June 2010. (Lead author: Barbara Pizacani).
Viewing Tobacco Prevention Through a Cultural Lens: Moving Forward with Rural Alaska Native Communities. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. June 2010. (Lead author: Barbara Pizacani).
Impact of School Policy on Risk Factors for Youth Obesity. May 2010. (Lead author: Myde Boles).
Lane County Hospital Discharge Evaluation: Interviews with Medicaid Clients with Recent Hospital Visits. May 2010. (Lead author: David Dowler).
Alaska Tobacco Facts. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. April 2010. (Lead author: Kathy Pickle).
Tobacco and Health in Washington State - County Profiles of Tobacco Use. Washington State Department of Health, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. April 2010. (Lead author: Kathy Pickle).
Descriptive Epidemiology of Newly Reported Hispanic HIV/AIDS Cases in Oregon. Oregon Department of Human Services, HIV Surveillance Program. April 2010. (Lead author: Linda Drach).
Working with Rural native Alaskans: Lessons Learned for the Alaska Tobacco Prevention and Control Program and the Quit Line. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. April 2010. (Lead authors: Kari Greene and Barbara Pizacani).
Speak Out Survey 2009: Measuring Health and Wellness among Portland’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Genderqueer, and Intersex Communities. Multnomah County Health Department, Office of Health and Social Justice. March 2010. (Lead author: Linda Drach).
Needs Assessment for CAREAssist Clients in Oregon. January 2010. (Lead author: Linda Drach).
The Adoption of Menu Labeling by Oregon Health & Science University. December 2009. (Lead author: Myde Boles).
Promising Approaches to Sustainability: Program Notes from Cessation Grantee Sites in Alaska. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. November 2009. (Lead authors: David Dowler and Barbara Pizacani).
Alaskans and Quitting Smoking: A Population based Picture. Brief Report. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. October 2009. (Lead authors: Barbara Pizacani and Kathy Pickle).
Alaska Tobacco Facts. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. September 2009. (Lead author: Kathy Pickle).
Emerging Trends Update, 2008. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. August 2009. (Lead author: Kathy Pickle).
Time to Quit: CAREAssist Clients’ Smoking Cessation Experiences. July 2009. (Lead author: Linda Drach).
Assessment of Factors Related to Smokeless Tobacco Use in Alaska. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. June 2009. (Lead author: Clyde Dent).
Evaluating the TROCD Process: Input from TROCD County Coordinators and Traveling Team Members. Oregon Public Health Division, Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention. June 2009. (Lead authors: Linda Drach and Kristen Rohde).
Evaluating a Nutrition Labeling Policy in Chain Restaurants in Multnomah County. June 2009. (Lead author: Myde Boles).
An Evaluation of Access and Care Delivery Barriers for Latino PLWH/A in the Part B Region of Oregon. April 2009. (Lead author: Tim Holbert).
The Formation of Community Health Advisory Councils: Assessment of TROCD-Funded Counties. Oregon Public Health Division, Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention. April 2009. (Lead author: Kristen Rohde).
Evaluation of the Implementation of a Smoke-Free Policy in Subsidized Multi-Unit Housing. Oregon Public Health Division, Health Promotion and Chronic Disease Prevention. March 2009. (Lead author: Barbara Pizacani).
Evaluation Final Report: Healthy Homes Demonstration Project. Multnomah County Environmental Health, Program Design and Evaluation Services, and Health Assessment and Evaluation. March 2009. (Lead author: John Dougherty).
Diet, exercise, and smoking cessation: The new HIV cocktail. CD Summary. December 2008. (Lead author: Linda Drach).
Behavioral Health Care for People with HIV: A Summary of Formative Evaluation. Oregon Department of Health and Human Services, HIV/STD/TB Program. November 2008. (Lead author: Susan Van’t Hof).
Preventing and Managing Chronic Diseases Through Community-Based Participatory Research. Northwest Health Foundation. November 2008. (Lead author: John Dougherty).
W.K. Kellogg School Based Health Care Policy Project in Oregon. W.K. Kellogg Foundation and Oregon Department of Health and Human Services. September 2008. (Lead author: John Dougherty).
Establishing an Emergency Department Surveillance System: A feasibility report to the Oregon State Epidemiologist. Oregon Department of Health and Human Services. July 2008. (Lead authors: Craig Mosbaek and Kathy Pickle).
Alaska Tobacco Prevention and Control Program Rural School Demonstration Project: Collaboration between Nome Public Schools and Nome Community Center. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. July 2008. (Lead author: Barbara Pizacani).
Alaskans and Quitting Tobacco: Population-Based Tobacco Cessation Data and Strategies. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. July 2008. (Lead authors: Kathy Pickle and Barbara Pizacani).
Oregon Medical Practices that Provide HIV Care: 2008 Snapshot. Oregon Department of Health and Human Services, HIV/STD/TB Program. April 2008. (Lead author: Maureen Rumptz).
Assessment of Factors Related to Youth Tobacco use in Alaska. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. March 2008. (Lead authors: Clyde Dent and Kathy Pickle).
s Provided Through the Oregon Housing Opportunities in Partnership Program: Results from the 2007 Evaluation. Oregon Department of Health and Human Services, HIV/STD/TB Program. March 2008. (Lead author: Linda Drach).
School Based Health Center Evaluation: Component One (Local Public Health Authority Interviews). Oregon Department of Health and Human Services, HIV/STD/TB Program. March 2008. (Lead author: Nigel Chaumeton).
Summary of Smoking Cessation Indicators: Data From Washington Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2003-2006. Washington State Department of Health, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. January 2008. (Lead author: David Dowler).
Arthritis-Related Problems and Solutions at the Worksite: Findings from Three Group Discussions. Oregon Department of Health and Human Services, Arthritis Program. January 2008. (Lead author: Susan Van’t Hof).
Getting HIV patients into care and keeping them there. CD Summary. December 2007. (Lead Author: Maureen Rumptz).
Eating Right When Money’s Tight: Evaluating the Need for Food and Nutritional Assistance among Ryan White Part B Case Management Clients. Oregon Department of Health and Human Services, HIV/STD/TB Program. November 2007. (Lead author: Linda Drach).
HIV Testing at Multnomah County Public Test Sites, 2006. Multnomah County Health Department, HIV/HCV/Health Equities Programs. October 2007. (Lead author: Linda Drach).
Evaluation of Oregon Child Restraint Programs for Low Income Children. Oregon Department of Transportation, Transportation Safety Division. September 2007. (Lead author: Tim Holbert).
Evaluation of Portland-Area Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS (HOPWA) Programs, 2007. City of Portland Bureau of Housing and Community Development. August 2007. (Lead author: Linda Drach).
HIV, Hepatitis C, and Syphilis Testing at Bar Outreach Events. Multnomah County Health Department, HIV/HCV/Health Equities Programs. August 2007. (Lead author: Linda Drach).
Washington State Healthy Worksite Survey: Statewide Results. Washington State Department of Health, Steps to a Healthier Washington and Tobacco Prevention and Control Programs. August 2007. (Lead author: Myde Boles).
Diabetes Profiles for Washington State and Counties. Washington State Department of Health, Office of Community Wellness and Prevention. July 2007. (Lead author: Julia Dilley).
Evaluation Handbook for Office of Family Health. Oregon Public Health Division. July 2007. (Lead author: David Dowler).
Assessment of Factors Related to Secondhand Smoke Exposure Among Alaskan Households with a Smoker and Children at Home. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. June 2007. (Lead author: Clyde Dent).
Evaluation of the Alaska Quit Line. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. June 2007. (Lead author: Myde Boles).
Smoking Behavior and Beliefs Among Non-Native Alaskans of Low Socio-Economic Status: Implications for Program Planning. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. June 2007 (Lead author: Maureen Rumptz).
Developing Performance Measures for the Office of Community Wellness and Prevention Cross-Program Collaboration. Washington State Department of Health, Office of Community Wellness and Prevention. May 2007. (Lead author: Craig Mosbaek).
Out of Care Study: Summary of Study Design and Findings from the Three Phases. Oregon Department of Public Health, HIV/STD/TB Program. May 2007. (Lead author: Kari Greene).
Steps to a Healthier Washington: Healthy Schools Policy & Systems Change Evaluation. Washington State Department of Health, Steps to a Healthier Washington. May 2007. (Lead author: Julia Dilley).
Steps to a Healthier Washington: Program Evaluation Report – Youth Outcomes. Washington State Department of Health, Steps to a Healthier Washington. May 2007. (Lead author: Julia Dilley).
CAREAssist 2006 Client Satisfaction Survey. Oregon Department of Public Health, HIV/STD/TB Program. April 2007. (Lead author: Tim Holbert).
Evaluating Oregon’s Ryan White CARE Act Part B Acuity Scale. Oregon Department of Public Health, HIV/STD/TB Program. April 2007. (Lead author: Linda Drach).
Out of Care Study: Phase Three (Title II HIV Case Management and CAREAssist Clients). Oregon Department of Public Health. HIV/STD/TB Program. April 2007. (Lead author: Kari Greene).
Proven Strategies and Promising Practices in Health and Productivity Management: A Practitioner’s Guide to What Works, and Worksite Activity and Policy Selection Tool. Washington State Department of Health, Steps to a Healthier Washington. April 2007. (Lead author: Myde Boles).
Community PROMISE Community Identification Methods and Finding: A Report from the Tri-County Community PROMISE Workgroup. Multnomah County Health Department, HIV/HCV/Health Equities Programs. March 2007. (Lead author: Linda Drach).
Steps to a Healthier Washington: Healthy Community Environments Survey. Washington State Department of Health, Steps to a Healthier Washington. March 2007. (Lead author: Kathy Pickle).
What State Surveys Tell Us About Tobacco Use Among Alaska Natives: Implications for Program Planning. Anchorage, AK: Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. March 2007. (Lead author: Julia Dilley).
Sustaining Prevention Through Policy and Organizational Practice Change: Evaluation of a Statewide Public Health Policy Training. Washington State Department of Health, Steps to a Healthier Washington. December 2006. (Lead author: Julia Dilley).
Title II HIV Case Management Evaluation Report. Oregon Department of Public Health, HIV/STD/TB Program. December 2006. (Lead author: Susan Van’t Hof).
Tobacco and Health in Washington State – County Profiles of Tobacco Use. Washington State Department of Health, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program - click on county and “2007 Tobacco Use Profile”. December 2006. (Lead author: Kathy Pickle).
Oregon Housing Opportunities in Partnership: Summary of Project Evaluation Design and Findings. Oregon Department of Health and Human Services, School Based Health Center Program. September 2006. (Lead author: Nigel Chaumeton).
A Multivariate Assessment of Socioeconomic Factors Related to Adult Smoking Prevalence. Anchorage, AK: Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. June 2006. (Lead author: Clyde Dent).
We Listened: 2005 Survey for People Living with HIV and AIDS in Oregon. Oregon Department of Public Health, HIV/STD/TB Program. June 2006. (Lead author: Kathy Pickle).
Client Satisfaction with HIV Case Management Services, Title II Service Area. Oregon Department of Public Health, HIV/STD/TB Program. March 2006. (Lead author: Linda Drach).
Out of Care Study: Phase Two (CAREAssist Client Follow Up Study). Oregon Department of Public Health, HIV/STD/TB Program. April 2006. (Lead author: Kari Greene).
Evaluation of the Oregon Partnership for Cancer Control. Oregon Department of Health and Human Services, Cancer Program. February 2006. (Lead author: David Dowler).
Out of Care Study: Phase One (Provider Interviews). Oregon Department of Public Health, HIV/STD/TB Program. February 2006. (Lead author: Kari Greene).