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Publications, Presentations and Reports

Program Design and Evaluation Services has produced numerous publications, presentations and reports since its inception in 1992. The list below represents our work from 2010 to date.


Download a list of PDES Publications from 2010 to date, or browse the list below:

  1. Dilley JA, Hendrickson RG, Everson EM, Jeanne TL. Monitoring cannabis adverse events: Lessons from edible packaging policies and child poisonings. American Journal of Public Health. 2024 Nov;114(S8). doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2024.307789.
  2. Madamala K, Beaudrault S, Menza T, Biddlecom C. Oregon’s approach to demonstrating the value of a modern public health system through accountability metrics. Health Affairs. 2024 Jun;43(6): 864-872. doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2024.00012.
  3. Petteway R, Lopez-Cevallos D, Mohsini M, Lopez A, Hunte RS, Holbert T, Madamala K. Engaging antiracist and decolonial praxis to advance equity in oregon public health surveillance practices. Health Affairs. 2024 Jun;43(6):813-821. doi: 10.1377/hlthaff.2024.00051.
  4. Wadsworth E, Driezen P, Dilley JA, Gabrys R, Jesseman R, Hammond D. Proximity to legal cannabis stores in Canada and use of cannabis sources in the first three years of legalization, 2019-2021. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 2023 Nov;84(6):852-862. doi: 10.15288/jsad.22-00427. Epub 2023 Jun 9.
  5. Lopez-Cevallos D, Madamala K, Mohsini M, Lopez A, Hunte R, Petteway R, Holbert T. Centering Communities of Color in the modernization of a public health survey system: Lessons from Oregon. Health Equity. 2023 Sep;20;7(1):622-630. doi: 10.1089/heq.2023.0062.
  6. Dilley JA, Johnson JK, Colby AM, Sheehy TJ, Muse EJ, Filley JR, Segawa MB, Schauer GL, Kilmer B. Cannabis retail market indicators in five legal states in the US: A public health perspectiveClinical Therapeutics. 2023 Aug;45(8):778-786. doi: 10.1016/j.clinthera.2023.06.015. Epub 2023 Jul 14.
  7. Kerr DCR, Owen LD, Tiberio SS, Dilley JA. Recreational cannabis legalization and proximity to cannabis retailers as risk factors for adolescents' cannabis use. Prevention Science. 2023 Aug;24(6):1058-1067. doi: 10.1007/s11121-022-01475-0. Epub 2022 Dec 20. 
  8. Menza TW, Jensen A, Hixson LK. Predictors of viral suppression among people living with HIV in rural Oregon. AIDS and Behavior. 2023 Aug. doi: 10.1007/s10461-023-04145-6. Epub 2023 Aug 23.
  9. Colby AM, Dilley JA, Pensky HM, Johnson JK. Medical cannabis program sustainability in the era of recreational cannabisClinical Therapeutics. 2023 Jun;45(6):578-588. doi: 10.1016/j.clinthera.2023.01.017.
  10. Graves JM, Dilley JA, Klein T, Liebelt E. Suspected suicidal cannabis exposures reported to us poison centers, 2009-2021. JAMA Network Open. 2023 Apr;6(4):e239044. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2023.9044. 
  11. Leider JP, Shah GH, Yeager VA, Yin J, Madamala K. Turnover, COVID-19, and reasons for leaving and staying within governmental public health. Journal of Public Health Management and Practice. 2023 Jan-Feb 01;29(Suppl 1):S54-S63. doi: 10.1097/PHH.0000000000001634. Epub 2022 Oct 11. 
  12. Potempa AE, Kelsey LC, Fink KJ, Pickle KE, Reilly KL, Young MB, Dilley JA. Alaska's Play Every Day campaign encourages parents to serve healthy drinks to young childrenHealth Promotion Practice. 2022 Nov;23(1_suppl):128S-139S. doi: 10.1177/15248399221115763.
  13. Firth CL, Carlini B, Dilley J, Guttmannova K, Hajat A. Retail cannabis environment and adolescent use: The role of advertising and retailers near home and school. Health Place. 2022 May;75:102795. doi: 10.1016/j.healthplace.2022.102795. Epub 2022 Mar 25. 
  14. Kilmer JR, Rhew IC, Guttmannova K, Fleming CB, Hultgren BA, Gilson MS, Cooper RL, Dilley J, Larimer ME. Cannabis use among young adults in Washington state after legalization of nonmedical cannabis. American Journal of Public Health. 2022 Apr;112(4):638-645. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2021.306641. 
  15. Rhew IC, Guttmannova K, Kilmer JR, Fleming CB, Hultgren BA, Hurvitz PM, Dilley JA, Larimer ME. Associations of cannabis retail outlet availability and neighborhood disadvantage with cannabis use and related risk factors among young adults in Washington State. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 2022 Mar 1;232:109332. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2022.109332. Epub 2022 Jan 29. 
  16. Hendrickson RG, Dilley JA, Hedberg K, Jeanne TL, Love JS, Thompson JA, Choo EK. The burden of cannabis-attributed pediatric and adult emergency department visits. Academic Emergency Medicine. 2021 Dec;28(12):1444-1447. doi: 10.1111/acem.14275. Epub 2021 Jul 4. 
  17. Graves JM, Dilley JA, Terpak L, Brooks-Russell A, Whitehill JM, Klein TA, Liebelt E. Kratom exposures among older adults reported to United States poison centers, 2014-2019. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2021 Aug;69(8):2176-2184. doi: 10.1111/jgs.17326. Epub 2021 Jun 18. PMID: 34143890. Epub 2021 Jun 18. 
  18. Menza TW, Hixson LK, Lipira L, Drach L. Social determinants of health and care outcomes among people with HIV in the United StatesOpen Forum Infectious Diseases. 2021 Jul;8(7):ofab330. doi: 10.1093/ofid/ofab330. eCollection 2021 Jul.
  19. Dilley JA, Graves JM, Brooks-Russell A, Whitehill JM, Liebelt EL. Trends and characteristics of manufactured cannabis product and cannabis plant product exposures reported to US poison control centers, 2017-2019. JAMA Network Open. 2021 May 3;4(5):e2110925. doi: 10.1001/jamanetworkopen.2021.10925. 
  20. Whitehill JM, Dilley JA, Brooks-Russell A, Terpak L, Graves JM. Edible cannabis exposures among children: 2017-2019. Pediatrics. 2021 Apr;147(4):e2020019893. doi: 10.1542/peds.2020-019893. Epub 2021 Mar 22.
  21. Fiala SC, Dilley JA, Everson EM, Firth CL, Maher JE. Youth exposure to marijuana advertising in Oregon’s legal retail marijuana market. Preventing Chronic Disease. 2020 Sep;17:190206. doi: 10.5888/pcd17.190206.
  22. Graves JM, Dilley JA, Kubsad S, Liebelt E. Notes from the field: phenibut exposures reported to poison centers — United States, 2009–2019Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2020 Sep;69:1227–1228. doi: 10.15585/mmwr.mm6935a5. PMID: 32975510.
  23. Firth CL, Carlini BH, Dilley JA, Wakefield J, Hajat A. What about equity? Neighborhood deprivation and cannabis retailers in Portland, Oregon. Cannabis. 2020 Jul;3(2):157-172. doi: 10.26828/cannabis.2020.02.003.
  24. Firth CL, Hajat A, Dilley JA, Braun M, Maher JE. Implications of cannabis legalization on juvenile justice outcomes and racial disparities. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2020 Feb;54(4):562-569. doi:10.1016/j.amepre.2019.11.019. Epub 2020 Feb 4.
  25. Dilley JA, Otero M, Padilla JL, Costello H, Turietta T, Jácquez B. DEJELO YA media campaign connects Spanish-speaking communities to effective support for quitting tobacco. Health Promotion Practice. 2020 Jan;21(1_suppl):89S-97S. doi:10.1177/1524839919882916.
  26. Firth CL, Davenport S, Smart R, Dilley JA. How high: Differences in the developments of cannabis markets in two legalized states. International Journal of Drug Policy. 2020 Jan;75:102611. doi:10.1016/j.drugpo.2019.102611. Epub 2019 Nov 28.
  27. Everson EM, Dilley JA, Maher JE, Mack CE. Post-Legalization opening of retail cannabis stores and adult cannabis use in Washington State, 2009–2016. American Journal of Public Health. 2019 Sep;109(9):1294-1301. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2019.305191. Epub 2019 Jul 18.
  28. Hixson LK, Drach L, Maher JE, Knapp AT, Ferrer JS, Menza TW. Factors associated with increased syphilis screening among people living with human immunodeficiency virus. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 2019 Aug;46(8):521-6. doi:10.1097/OLQ.0000000000001015. 
  29. Graves JM, Whitehill JM, Miller ME, Brooks-Russell A, Runyan CW, Richardson SM, Dilley JA. Employment and marijuana use among Washington State adolescents before and after legalization of recreational marijuana. Journal of Adolescent Health. 2019 Jul;65(1):39-45. doi: 10.1016/j.jadohealth.2018.12.027. Epub 2019 Mar 14.
  30. Dilley JA. Alcohol Deregulation: Considering the Hidden Costs. American Journal of Public Health. 2019 Jun;109(6):840-842. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2019.305104. 
  31. Firth CL, Maher JE, Dilley JA, Darnell A, Lovrich NP. Did marijuana legalization in Washington State reduce racial disparities in adult marijuana arrests?. Substance Use & Misuse. 2019 May;54(9):1582-1587. doi: 10.1080/10826084.2019.1593007. Epub 2019 May 16.
  32. Pizacani B, Rohde K, Fenaughty A, Tutiakoff T. The real cost: Alaska's innovative media campaign to raise awareness about the direct and indirect costs of smoking to society. Health Education Research. 2019 May. doi: 10.1093/her/cyz015.
  33. Dilley JA, Richardson SM, Kilmer B, Pacula RL, Segawa MB, Cerda M. Prevalence of cannabis use in youths after legalization in Washington State. JAMA Pediatrics. 2019 Feb;173(2):192-3. doi: 10.1001/jamapediatrics.2018.4458.
  34. Fiala SC, Drach LL, Parkman SW, Hargand SL, Girard KE. Including a novel tobacco product in Oregon’s indoor clean air act: lessons learned for clean air policy, 2015-2016. Public Health Reports. 2018 May;133(3):230–3. doi: 10.1177/0033354918765439. Epub 2018 Apr 3.
  35. Fiala SC, Dilley JA, Firth CL, Maher JE. Exposure to marijuana marketing after legalization of retail sales: Oregonians’ experiences, 2015-2016. American Journal of Public Health. 2018 Jan;108(1):120–7. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2017.304136. Epub 2017 Nov 21.
  36. Pizacani B, Pickle K, Maher J, Rohde K, Fenaughty A. Smoking cessation patterns by socioeconomic status in Alaska. Preventive Medicine Reports. 2018 Jan;10:24–8. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2018.01.007. eCollection 2018 Jun.
  37. Eckstrom E, Parker EM, Lambert GH, Winkler G, Dowler D, Casey CM. Implementing STEADI in academic primary care to address older adult fall risk. Innovation in Aging. 2017 Nov;00(00):1–9. doi: 10.1093/geroni/igx028.
  38. Hines JZ, Fiala SC, Hedberg K. Electronic cigarettes as an introductory tobacco product among eighth and 11th grade tobacco users - Oregon, 2015. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2017 Jun;66:604–6. doi: 10.15585/mmwr.mm6623a2.
  39. Dilley JA, Hitchcock L, McGroder N, Greto L, Richardson SM. Community-level policy responses to state marijuana legalization in Washington State. International Journal of Drug Policy. 2017 Mar;42:102-108. doi: 10.1016/j.drugpo.2017.02.010.
    Epub 2017 Mar 30.
  40. Dombrowski JC, Bove J, Roscoe JC, Harvill J, Firth CL, Khormooji S, et al. “Out of care” HIV case investigations: a collaborative analysis across 6 states in the Northwest US. Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. 2017 Feb;74(2 Suppl):S81–7. doi: 10.1097/QAI.0000000000001237.
  41. Phelan EA, Aerts S, Dowler D, Eckstrom E, Casey CM. Adoption of evidence-based fall prevention practices in primary care for older adults with a history of falls. Frontier in Public Health. 2016 Sep;4:190. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2016.00190.
  42. Drach L, Maher J, Braun M, Murray S, Sazie E. Substance use, disordered eating, and weight gain: describing the prevention and treatment needs of incarcerated women. Journal of Correctional Health Care. 2016 Mar;22(2)139–45. doi: 10.1177/1078345816634692.
  43. Everson E, Boles M, Fink K, Topol R, Andrea F. Estimating the prevalence of childhood obesity in Alaska using partial, nonrandom measurement data. Preventing Chronic Disease. 2016 Mar;13. doi: 10.5888/pcd13.150429.
  44. Firth CL, Sazie E, Hedberg K, Drach L, Maher JE. Female inmates with diabetes: results from changes in a prison food environment. Women’s Health Issues. 2015 Nov;25(6):732–8. doi: 10.1016/j.whi.2015.07.009. Epub 2015 Sep 5.
  45. Dilley J, Baer A, Duchin J, Maher J. Using a syndromic surveillance system to evaluate the impact of a change in alcohol law. Online Journal of Public Health Informatics. 2015 Jul;7(1). doi: 10.5210/ojphi.v7i1.5736.
  46. Firth C, Drach L. Maher JE, Peters C. Lack of healthier food alternatives can compromise inmate health [letter]. American Journal of Public Health. 2015 Jun;105(6):e4-5. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2015.302666. Epub 2015 Apr 16.
  47. Thoreson, S., Shields, L., Dowler, D., Bauer, M. Public health system perspective on implementation of evidence-based fall prevention strategies for older adults. Frontiers in Public Health. 2015 Apr. doi: 10.3389/fpubh.2014.00191. eCollection 2014.
  48. Boles M, Adams A, Gredler A, Manhas S. Ability of a mass media campaign to influence knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors about sugary drinks and obesity. Preventive Medicine. 2014 Oct;67. doi:10.1016/j.ypmed.2014.07.023. Epub 2014 Jul 24.
  49. Firth, CL, Schafer S, Greene K. Monitoring retention in care: Using multiple laboratory tests as an indicator for HIV medical care. AIDS Care. 2014;26(12):1546-9. doi: 10.1080/09540121.2014.936812. Epub 2014 Jul 16.
  50. Maher JE, Morris DS, Girard KE, Pizacani BA. Consequences of clean indoor air exemptions in Oregon: the hookah story [letter]. Tobacco Control. 2014 May;23(3):195–6. doi: 10.3402/ijch.v72i0.21141. Epub 2012 Dec 12.
  51. Mayer M, He H, Schafer S, Ward T, Zaman A. Hepatitis C treatment eligibility among HIV–hepatitis C virus coinfected patients in Oregon: a population-based sample. AIDS Care. 2014;26(9):1178–85. doi: 10.1080/09540121.2014.892563.
    Epub 2014 Mar 7.
  52. Dilley JA, Peterson E, Bobo M, Pickle KE, Rohde K. Tobacco use prevalence – disentangling associations between Alaska Native race, low socioeconomic status and rural disparities. International Journal of Circumpolar Health. 2013 Aug;72. doi: 10.3402/ijch.v72i0.21582. eCollection 2013.
  53. Dilley J, Peterson E, Hiratsuka V, Rohde K. Discovering unique tobacco use patterns among Alaska Native people. International Journal of Circumpolar Health. 2013 Aug;72. doi: 10.3402/ijch.v72i0.21208. eCollection 2013.
  54. Rohde K, Boles M, Bushore C, Pizacani BA, Maher JE, Peterson E. Smoking-related knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors among Alaska Native people: a population-based study. International Journal of Circumpolar Health. 2013 Aug;72. doi:10.3402/ijch.v72i0.21141. eCollection 2013.
  55. Boles M, Dent C, Fink K, Utermohle C, Fenaughty A. Obesity in K-7 students in Anchorage and Matanuska-Susitna Borough school districts, Alaska, 2003-04 to 2010-11 school years. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. 2013 May;62(21):426–30.
  56. Grenard JL, Dent CW, Stacy AW. Exposure to alcohol advertisements and teenage alcohol-related problems. Pediatrics. 2013 Feb;131(2):e369–79. Epub 2013 Jan 28.
  57. Saelens BE, Chan NL, Krieger J, Nelson Y, Boles M, Colburn TA, Glanz K, Ta ML, Bruemmer B. Nutrition labeling regulation impacts on restaurant environments. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 2012 Nov;43(5):505–11.
  58. Pizacani BA, Maher JE, Rohde K, Drach L, Stark MJ. Implementation of a smoke-free policy in subsidized multiunit housing: effects on smoking cessation and secondhand smoke exposure. Journal of Nicotine and Tobacco Research. 2012 Sep;14(9):1027–34. Epub 2012 Feb 7.
  59. Maher JE, Bushore CJ, Rohde K, Dent CW, Peterson E. Is smokeless tobacco use becoming more common among U.S. male smokers? Trends in Alaska. Addictive Behaviors. 2012 Jul;37(7):862–5. Epub 2012 Feb 24.
  60. Oh J, Greene K, He H, Schafer S, Hedberg K. Population-based study of risk factors for coronary heart disease among HIV-infected persons. The Open AIDS Journal. 2012;6:177–80. Epub 2012 Sep 7.
  61. Mendez J, Maher J. Evidence supporting the use of text messaging for partner services [letter]. Sexually Transmitted Diseases. 2012 Mar;39(3):238–9.
  62. Dilley JA, Harris JR, Boysun MJ, Reid TR. Program, policy, and price interventions for tobacco control: quantifying the return on investment of a state tobacco control program. American Journal of Public Health. 2012 Feb;102(2):E22–E28. Epub 2011 Dec 15.
  63. Drach LL, Morris D, Cushing C, Romoli C, Harris RL. Promoting smoke-free environments and tobacco cessation in residential treatment facilities for mental health and substance addictions, Oregon, 2010. Preventing Chronic Disease. 2012 Jan;9:E23. Epub 2011 Dec 15.
  64. Boles M, Dilley JA, Dent C, Elman MR, Duncan SC, Johnson DB. Changes in local school policies and practices in Washington State after an unfunded physical activity and nutrition mandate. Preventing Chronic Disease. 2011 Nov;8(6):A129.
    Epub 2011 Oct 17.
  65. Diehr P, Hannon P, Pizacani B, Forehand M, Meischke H, Curry S, Martin DP, Weaver MR, Harris J. Social marketing, stages of change, and public health smoking interventions. Health Education & Behavior. 2011 Apr;38(2):123–31. doi: 10.1177/1090198110369056. Epub 2011 Jan 21.
  66. Drach L, Guernsey J, Maher JE, Rumptz M, Stark M, Pranian K, Casciato C. Should we move from syringe exchange to distribution? New evidence [letter]. American Journal of Public Health. 2011 Mar;101(3):389–90; author reply 390. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2010.300048.
  67. Boles M, Dent C, Dilley J, Maher JE, Boysun MJ, Reid T. Regression model fitting with quadratic term leads to different conclusion in economic analysis of Washington State smoking ban [response to letter]. Preventing Chronic Disease. 2011 Jan;8(1):A27; author reply A27. Epub 2010 Dec 15.
  68. Pizacani B, Laughter D, Menagh K, Stark MJ, Drach L, Hermann-Franzen C. Moving multiunit housing providers toward adoption of smoke-free policies. Preventing Chronic Disease. 2011 Jan;8(1):A21. Epub 2010 Dec 15.
  69. Dent CW, Maher JE, Pizacani BA, Dowler DW, Rohde K, Peterson E. Secondhand smoke exposure in Alaskan households with children. Rural and Remote Health. 2010 Oct-Dec;10(4):1564. Epub 2010 Dec 7.
  70. Tran N, Dilley J. Achieving a high response rate with a health care provider survey, Washington State, 2006. Preventing Chronic Disease. 2010 Sep;7(5):A111. Epub 2010 Aug 15.
  71. Boles M, Dilley J, Maher JE, Boysun MJ, Reid T. Smoke-free law associated with higher-than-expected taxable retail sales for bars and taverns in Washington State. Preventing Chronic Disease. 2010 Jul;7(4):A79. Epub 2010 Jun 15.
  72. Maher JE, Pranian K, Drach L, Rumptz M, Casciato C, Guernsey J. Using text messaging for contacting difficult-to-reach study participants. [letter]. American Journal of Public Health. 2010 Jun;100(6):969–70; author reply 970. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2009.188391. Epub 2010 Apr 15.
  73. Drach L, Pizacani BA, Rohde KL, Schubert S. The acceptability of comprehensive smoke-free policies to low-income tenants in subsidized housing. Preventing Chronic Disease. 2010 May;7(3):A66. Epub 2010 Apr 15.
  74. Park HY, Dent C, Abrasohn E, Deitsch B, McCarthy WJ. Evaluation of California's in-school tobacco use prevention education (TUPE) activities using a nested school-longitudinal design, 2003-2004 and 2005-2006. Tobacco Control. 2010 Apr;19 Suppl 1:i43–50. doi: 10.1136/tc.2009.030700.
  75. Dilley JA, Simmons KW, Boysun MJ, Pizacani BA, Stark MJ. Demonstrating the importance and feasibility of including sexual orientation in public health surveys: health disparities in the Pacific Northwest. American Journal of Public Health. 2010 Mar;100(3):460–7. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2007.130336. Epub 2009 Aug 20.
  76. Drach L, Holbert T, Maher J, Fox V, Schubert S, Saddler LC. Integrating smoking cessation into HIV care [Letter]. AIDS Patient Care & STDs. 2010 Mar;24(3):139–40. doi: 10.1089/apc.2009.0274.


Download a list of PDES Presentations from 2010 to date, or browse the list below:

  1. Holbert T. Data capacity building – evaluation design & analysis. Multnomah County Public Health Indicators Data Dashboard Advisory Team. Portland, OR. August-November 2024.
  2. Dilley JA, Burchard W, Perttu E, et al. Oregon’s behavioral health: measures that matter. Oregon Public Health Association Annual Conference. Corvallis, OR. October 2024.
  3. Dilley JA. 10 years of cannabis legalization: how does Oregon compare to other states? Oregon Recovers – Cannabis Policy Summit. Portland, OR. August 2024.
  4. Dilley JA, Hendrickson RG, Everson EM, Jeanne TL, Kilmer B. Monitoring public health in a transforming drug policy landscape: Oregon USA. International Society for the Study of Drug Policy. Montreal, Canada. June 2024.
  5. Hixson L, Camerato LC. Medical Monitoring Project overview with emphasis on local questions local questions. Annual Community Advisory Board Meeting. Virtual presentation. May 2024.
  6. Greene K, Liu R, Nichols K. Youth engagement in public health systems: how youth-centered councils are reshaping our statewide public health systems. Oregon Coalition of Health Officials. Virtual presentation. April 2024.
  7. Hixson L. Medical Monitoring Project overview with examples of how data are used. Oregon Epidemiologist’s Meeting. Sun River, OR. April 2024.
  8. Boyd R, Buelow V. Giving students a voice: Student Health Survey (SHS). NWRESD 2024 School Safety and Mental Health Summit. Virtual presentation. January 2024.
  9. Greene K, Zou A. Oregon Youth Data Council overview. Next Up Youth Action Team. Virtual presentation. January 2024.
  10. Holbert T. Data literacy 101: understanding & using data to make decisions. Multnomah County Data Dashboard Project: Training for Community Health Workers. Portland, OR. November-December 2023.
  11. Boyd R, Greene K, Phillips K. Survey surveillance systems in Oregon. OSU Public Health Graduate Course Guest Lecture. Virtual presentation. November 2023.
  12. Cordova D. PREVAYL: year 3 update. CDC meeting. Virtual presentation. November 2023.
  13. Dilley JA. Local cannabis policy landscape: Oregon & Washington. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) review panel: Public Health Consequences of Changes in the Cannabis Policy Landscape. Virtual presentation. November 2023.
  14. Madamala K, Rice S, Beaudrault S. Towards a modern public health system: evaluation of a legislative investment in Oregon's foundational public health services. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA. November 2023.
  15. Van't Hof S. Innovations in LGBTQ+ centered public health practice. Oregon Public Health Association Conference. Eugene, OR. October 2023. 
  16. Hixson L. 2023. CAREAssist client survey: clients’ program satisfaction and service needs, health, and well-being. CAREAssist Advisory Group Meeting. Virtual presentation. September 2023.
  17. Madamala K. Oregon Public Health Modernization Evaluation report: 2021-2023 biennium. Public Health Advisory Board. Virtual presentation. September 2023.
  18. Hill M, McGee C, Van’t Hof S, Shepard C. Breastfeeding in Black & African communities in Multnomah County. CDC’s REACH DNPAO Showcase. Virtual presentation. July 2023.
  19. Dilley JA. Measures that matter: Oregon Measure 110. Society for Epidemiologic Research (SER) Conference. Portland, OR. June 2023. 
  20. Dilley JA, Contreras E, Goulding D, Everson E, Jeanne T. Cannabis-related adverse events and cannabis legalization: data triangulation and comparison between Colorado and Oregon. Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) Annual Conference. Salt Lake City, UT. June 2023.
  21. Van't Hof S, Bifulco K. Supporting LGBTQIA2S+ protective factors during COVID-19: an innovative approach to centering community, building capacity and tracking impact. CDC (Internal) PRIDE Event. Virtual presentation. June 2023.
  22. Dilley JA, Guttmannova K, Richardson SM, Dent CW, Firth CL, Hong G, Maher JE. Youth cannabis use and risk factors in the Pacific Northwest: do local cannabis retail stores affect youth? University of Southern California (USC), Institute for Addiction Science, Distinguished Speaker Series. Los Angeles, CA. May 2023. 
  23. Hixson L. Medical Monitoring Project data summary of PLWH in Oregon, 2015-2022. End HIV/STI Oregon Statewide Planning Group. Virtual presentation. May 2023.
  24. Madamala K, Rice S. Oregon public health modernization evaluation. Meeting of the Oregon Coalition of Local Health Officials. Virtual presentation. May 2023
  25. Boyd R, Greene K, Phillips K. Modernizing BRFSS methods: results from Oregon’s address-based multimodal pilot study. The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA. April 2023. 
  26. Holbert T, Maher J, Phillips K. Modernizing public health survey systems: responding to community recommendations. The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA. April 2023. 
  27. Luka V. PI community led health assessment pilot. The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Annual Meeting. Atlanta, GA. April 2023. 
  28. Saturn SR, Dilley J. Process evaluation for the Opioid Settlement Prevention, Treatment and Recovery Board (OSPTR Board). OSPTR April 2023 Board Meeting. Virtual presentation. April 2023.
  29. Saturn SR. Empowerment of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities through data infrastructure and sovereignty. OT21-2103 Spring Symposium: Capacity and Collaboration to Reduce COVID-19-Related Health Disparities and Advance Health Equity. Virtual presentation. March 2023.
  30. Dilley JA. 10 years after I-502 Public health outcomes in Washington’s legal cannabis market. Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board Public Meeting. Olympia, WA. November 2022. 
  31. Holbert T, Maher J. Modernization of public health survey systems: discussion. Meeting of the Oregon Coalition of Local Health Officials. Virtual presentation. November 2022.
  32. Bifulco K, Van't Hof S, Green A. Community capacity building and tracking impact: LGBTQ+ mini-grant pilot evaluation project. Oregon Suicide Prevention Conference. Ashland, OR. October 2022.
  33. Dilley J, Holbert T, Maher J. Modernization of public health survey systems: community engagement & innovative science – progress to date. Meeting of the Oregon Coalition of Local Health Officials. Virtual presentation. October 2022. 
  34. Saturn SR. Strategies for workforce retention and post-traumatic growth (Multnomah County). CDC OT21-2103 (Health Disparities) Grant Update and Listening Session. Virtual presentation. October 2022.
  35. Dilley JA. High THC products: public health outcomes in Washington’s legal cannabis market. University of Washington, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute (ADAI) Cannabis Symposium. Seattle, WA. September 2022.
  36. Saturn SR. Equity research in public health. State of the Science Conference on Community Living: Engaging Persons with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities from Underserved Racial, Ethnic, Linguistic, and Cultural Groups in Research. Virtual presentation. September 2022.
  37. Dilley JA. Policy-relevant findings from examination of adverse cannabis-related exposures reported to US Poison Centers. Briefing for the Oregon Liquor and Cannabis Commission (OLCC). Portland, OR. July 2022.
  38. Dilley JA. Alcohol Compliance Assessment Process (Alcohol CAP): a project of the Alcohol Action Network. Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) Annual Conference/Substance Use and Mental Health Pre-Conference Workshop. Virtual presentation. June 2022. 
  39. Dilley JA, Graves J, Klein T, Goulding D, Contreras E. Policy-relevant findings from examination of adverse cannabis-related exposures reported to US Poison Centers. Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) Annual Conference. Virtual presentation. June 2022. 
  40. Dilley JA, Guttmannova K, Richardson SM, Dent CW, Firth CL, Hong G, Maher JE. Youth cannabis use and risk factors: association with local cannabis retail market presence in the Pacific Northwest. Society for Prevention Research (SPR) Annual Conference. Virtual presentation. June 2022.
  41. Lueng J, Galea’i J, Helenihi A, Macaysa A, Luka V, Braun M. This is the way we rise: decolonizing data for Pacific Islanders in Oregon. National Conference on Race & Ethnicity in Higher Education (NCORE). Portland, OR. May 2022.
  42. Madamala K, Beaudrault S, Baker M. Innovative solutions to current and emerging workforce challenges. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine: Roundtable Population Health Improvement. Virtual presentation. February 2022.
  43. Bifulco K, Van't Hof S. Supporting LGBTQ+ protective factors during COVID-19: an innovative approach to centering community, July 2020-June 2021. Oregon LGBTQ+ Mini-Grant Community of Practice. Virtual presentation. December 2021. 
  44. Macaysa A, Borja B, Braun M. This is the way we rise: decolonizing data modernization for Pacific Islanders in Oregon. CityMatCH Leadership and MCH Epidemiology Conference. Virtual presentation. December 2021.
  45. Braun M, Madamala K. Brief Overview: rngaging communities in the modernization of a public health survey system. Meeting of the Oregon Coalition of Local Health Officials. Virtual presentation. November 2021.
  46. Dilley JA, Hendrickson RG, Choo EK, Powell M, Jeanne TL. Monitoring cannabis-related adverse events in syndromic surveillance: validation study from Oregon. 2021 National Syndromic Surveillance Symposium. Virtual presentation. November 2021.
  47. Dilley JA, Neuwirth J. State legalization - local choice: Oregon county and city regulation of cannabis markets. Oregon Public Health Association 2021 Conference. Virtual presentation. October 2021.
  48. Frye-Spray M, Haggerty K, Segawa M, Dilley JA. Panel: activating communities for change: tools to build prevention practitioners' capacity to engage and educate key decision-makers. Oregon Public Health Association 2021 Conference. Virtual presentation. October 2021.
  49. Dilley JA, Muse E. Cannabis and the COVID-19 pandemic: Alaska and Oregon experiences. National Public Health and Marijuana Summit. Virtual presentation. September, 2021. 
  50. Everson E, Graven P, Guernsey J, Sidelinger D, Vines J. Multnomah County COVID-19 briefing. County Board of Commissioners Meeting. Virtual presentation. September 2021. 
  51. Everson E, Maher J. Oregon Update: COVID-19 modeling. CSTE/CDC Forecasting Workgroup. Virtual presentation. September 2021. 
  52. Hixson L. Evaluating HIV/STI partner services from the perspective of MSM who were diagnosed with syphilis. HIV Integrated Planning Group Meeting. Virtual presentation. June 2021. 
  53. Braun M, Lopez A, Madamala K, Maher J. Engaging communities in the modernization of a public health survey system. Public Health Advisory Board Meeting. Virtual presentation. May 2021. 
  54. Hixson L, Menza T. Social determinants of health and HIV care outcomes among people living with HIV in the United States. CDC MMP Provider Advisory Board Meeting. Virtual presentation. April 2021.
  55. Hixson L. Health outcomes, social determinants, and resilience among PLWH in the Portland Metro TGA. Virtual presentation. HIV Planning Council. March 2021.
  56. Hixson L. Using HIV Medical Monitoring Project data to assess the needs of long-term survivors. CDC MMP Community Advisory Board Meeting. Virtual presentation. March 2021.
  57. Hixson L, Kennedy B. Medical Monitoring Project data overview – social determinants of health and strengths-based items. Annual Community Advisory Board Meeting. Virtual presentation. February 2021.
  58. Faith J, Madamala K. Toward a modern public health system: lessons learned from a legislative investment in Oregon's foundational public health services. American Public Health Association. Virtual presentation. November 2020.
  59. Braun M, Madamala K. Progress update: modernization of a public health survey system. Meeting of the Oregon Coalition of Local Health Officials. Virtual presentation. October 2020.
  60. Braun M, Madamala K, Lopez A, Macaysa A. Modernization of a public health survey system: progress update. Oregon Public Health Advisory Board Meeting. Virtual presentation. October 2020. 
  61. Lopez-Cevallos D, Madamala K. Survey modernization in Oregon Latinx community engagement. American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Virtual presentation. October 2020.  
  62. Dilley JA. Building best practices: cannabis data monitoring for public health. National Public Health and Marijuana Summit. Virtual presentation. September 2020. 
  63. Dilley JA (Contributor). Cannabis concentration and health risks: a report for the Washington State Prevention Research Subcommittee (PRSC). Washington State Legislature. September 2020. 
  64. Drach L, Hixson L, Menza T. Measuring social determinants of health: Creating an index to monitor health outcomes among people living with HIV. SYNChronicity: The National Conference for HIV, HCV, STI, & LGBTQ Health. Virtual presentation. September 2020.
  65. Morrison D, Drach L, Hixson L. Understanding LGBTQ+ Bias/SOGI improves HIV screening. SYNChronicity: The National Conference for HIV, HCV, STI, & LGBTQ Health. Virtual presentation. September 2020.
  66. Hixson L. Barriers to childhood immunization: Recommendations to the Oregon Immunization Program. Immunization Program Lunch and Learn for Tri-County Vaccine Hesitancy Workgroup. Virtual presentation. August 2020.
  67. Close NS, Baseman J, Dilley JA. Cannabis exposures among children. Research Society on Marijuana (RSM) Annual Meeting. Virtual presentation. July 2020. 
  68. Dilley JA. CBD-related poison center calls, United States, 2019. FDA Review Panel on CBD. Virtual presentation. July 2020.
  69. Dowler D. Interviews with Ignition Interlock Device Program stakeholders: Initial findings and plans for next steps. Governor's Advisory Council on DUII. Virtual presentation. July 2020. 
  70. Hixson L, Drach L, Boles M. Facing challenges and showing resilience: Using HIV Medical Monitoring Project data to assess the needs of long-term survivors. National Conference on Social Work and HIV/AIDS. Virtual presentation. May 2020.
  71. Drach L. End HIV Oregon 2020 Update. Presented at: Part A HIV Planning Council. Portland, OR. March 2020. 
  72. Menza T, Hixson L, Lipira L, Capizzi J, Drach L. Population-based estimates of integrated HIV, STI, and hepatitis C testing, Oregon, 2016. CROI. Virtual presentation. February 2020.
  73. Horner-Johnson W, Higgins Tejera C, Braun M. Sexual health behaviors among high school students with disabilities. Presented at: Oregon Public Health Association Annual Conference and Meeting. Corvallis, OR. October 2019.
  74. Phibbs S, Braun M, York E, Fischler N. Opportunities for building social resilience through public health practice. Presented at: Oregon Public Health Association Annual Conference and Meeting. Corvallis, OR. October 2019.
  75. Rivers W,  Knipper S, Rohde K. OHA Student Health Surveys and the Student Success Act: How data can inform school improvement. Presented at: Confederation of Oregon School Administrators (COSA) 2019 Teaching, Learning and Assessment Conference. Eugene, OR. August 2019.
  76. Drach L, Hixson L. Food insecurity among PLWH in Oregon. Presented at: HIV Integrated Planning Group Meeting. Portland, OR. July 2019.
  77. Lipira L, Hixson L. Addressing HIV-related stigma in Oregon. Presented at: HIV Integrated Planning Group Meeting. Portland, OR. July 2019.
  78. Drach L. Medical Monitoring Project update 2015-2017. Presented at: Part A HIV Planning Council Meeting. Portland, OR. May 2019.
  79. Drach L, Cordova D, Menza T, Hixson L, Maher J. Latinx late to diagnosis, successful in care: Using Oregon HIV Medical Monitoring Project data to understand Latinx people’s experiences with HIV medical care. Presented at: National Latinx Conference on HIV/HCV/SUD. San Antonio, TX. May 2019.
  80. Drach L. Evaluating HIV early intervention services & outreach. Presented at: Annual Early Intervention Services & Outreach Meeting. Bend, OR. April 2019.
  81. Drach L, Hixson L. What a shame: Examining the effect of stigma and social determinants on HIV treatment outcomes. Presented at: Oregon Epidemiologists' Meeting. Sunriver, OR. April 2019.
  82. Hixson L, Drach L, Maher J, Knapp A, Ferrer J, Menza T. What factors increase syphilis screening among people living with HIV? Using HIV Medical Monitoring Project Data to Improve Practice. Presented at: National HIV Prevention Conference. Atlanta, GA. March 2019.
  83. He H, Knapp A. Medical Monitoring Project update 2015-2016. Presented at: HIV Integrated Planning Group (IPG) Meeting. Portland, OR. July 2018.
  84. Dilley JA. Do adults with chronic pain use marijuana to reduce use of opioids? Results from Oregon. Presented at: The College on Problems of Drug Dependence (CPDD) 80th Annual Scientific Meeting. San Diego, CA. June 2018.
  85. Everson E. Your friendly neighborhood cannabis store. Presented at: Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists Annual Meeting. West Palm Beach, FL. June 2018.
  86. Dilley JA. State Legalization, Local Choice: Assessing how local-level cannabis regulatory policies affect retail market environments. Presented at: International Society for the Study of Drug Policy (ISSDP). Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. May 2018.
  87. Dilley JA. What do we know so far about public health impacts of state legalization and the influence of local policies? Plenary presentation at: 2018 Public Health – Marijuana Summit. Portland, OR. May 2018.
  88. Fiala SC, Parkman S. The marijuana information environment: A post legalization look. Presented at: 2018 Public Health – Marijuana Summit. Portland, OR. May 2018.
  89. Richardson SM, Dilley JA. What’s really happening with youth cannabis use in Washington State? Insights from three data systems. Presented at: International Society for the Study of Drug Policy (ISSDP). Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. May 2018.
  90. Fiala SC. Prevention of youth marijuana use [panel]. Presented at: Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), Center for Substance Abuse Prevention National Prevention Week. Online. April 2018.
  91. Hixson L, Knapp A, Ferrer J. Keys to ensuring that your health care setting never misses an opportunity to recognize and treat an STI. Presented at: Oregon Epidemiologists' Meeting. Sunriver, OR. April 2018.
  92. Ferrer J, Nusser J, Knapp A. Keys to ensuring that your healthcare setting never misses an opportunity to recognize and treat an STI. Presented at: Meaningful Care Conference. Portland, OR. March 2018.
  93. Fiala S. Exposure to marijuana marketing after legalization of retail sales: Oregonians’ experiences, 2015-2016. Webinar presented at: Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) Research Into Action webinar series. March 2018.
  94. Fiala SC, Dilley JA. Marijuana advertising surveillance in Oregon: Ad-ventures in public health. Presented at: Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE). Online. November 2017.
  95. Dilley JA. What are we seeing in legalized states? Measuring the impacts [panel]. Presented at: Denver Marijuana Management Symposium. Denver, CO. October 2017.
  96. Dilley JA, Richardson SM, Dent CW, Midgette G. What’s really happening with youth cannabis use in Washington State? Insights from three data systems. Symposium presentation and poster at: Addiction Health Services Research 2017 conference. University of Wisconsin. Madison, WI. October 2017.
  97. Boles M. Public Health Accountability Metrics: Stakeholder survey results and health outcome metrics recommendations. Presented at: Meeting of Public Health Advisory Board Accountability Metrics Subcommittee. Portland, OR. June 2017.
  98. Dilley JA, Hall K. What do we know about the health effects of marijuana use and public health impacts of legalization? Surveillance issues for mental health and substance use: From basic to advanced [workshop]. Presented at: Council for State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE), 2017 National Conference. Boise, ID. June 2017.
  99. Dilley JA. In the weeds: Community-based public health impact study of marijuana legalization in the Pacific Northwest. Presented at: Inland Northwest Research Symposium, Washington State University. Spokane, WA. April 2017.
  100. May J, Everson E, Troche R, Fenaughty A. Characteristics and attitudes of marijuana-only users compared to non-users, tobacco-only users, and dual users (marijuana and tobacco) in Alaska. Poster presentation at: National Conference on Tobacco or Health. Austin, TX. March 2017.
  101. Boles M, Solet D. The health and economic benefits of public health modernization. Webinar presented at: Meeting of Oregon Coalition of Local Health Officials. January 2017.
  102. Fiala S, Moseley K. Youth marijuana data and prevention campaign pilot. Presented at: Children’s Health & Marijuana Coalition Meeting. Portland, OR. August 2016.
  103. Boles M. Solet D. Public health modernization: What is the health and economic benefit for Oregon? Presented at: Public Health Advisory Board Meeting. Portland, OR. July 2016.
  104. Pizacani B. E-cigarette use among current and former smokers in Alaska: Who’s vaping, where, and why?. Presented at: Congress of State and Territorial Epidemiologists Annual Meeting. Anchorage, AK. June 2016.
  105. Dilley J, Hitchcock L, Maher J, Firth C, Fiala S, Richardson S, Mack C. Local entity marijuana policies in the Pacific Northwest following statewide legalization. Poster presented at: Cannabis Science & Policy Summit. New York City, NY. April 2016.
  106. Pizacani B, Rhode K. Public health surveillance, examples from the field. Presented at: Multnomah County Data Equity Summit. Portland, OR. March 2016.
  107. Andrea SB, Schafer S, Firth C. Predictors of premature or unnecessary cervical cancer screening–Oregon, 2010–2014. Poster presentation at: 2015 Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists Annual Conference. Boston, MA. June 2015.
  108. Firth C. Marijuana & opioid use among people receiving HIV care in Oregon. Presented at: Oregon Epidemiologist’s Meeting. Sunriver, OR. May 2015.
  109. Rohde K. Seeking behavioral health equity: TPC’s efforts to understand and address tobacco use disparities in Alaska's behavioral health population. Presented at: Alaska Tobacco Control Alliance Summit. Anchorage, AK. May 2015.
  110. Pizacani B. Evaluation of the Real Cost Media Campaign. Presented at: Alaska Public Health Association Summit. Anchorage, AK. January 2015.
  111. Pizacani B, Rohde K. Does media work? Studying how the Obesity & Tobacco Prevention Programs used innovative mass media to change knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors. Presented at: Alaska Public Health Association 32nd Annual Health Summit. Anchorage, AK. January 2015.
  112. Capizzi J, Firth C, Schafer SD. Unsuppressed HIV viral load and subsequent syphilis infection, Oregon HIV cases reported with primary/secondary syphilis, 2008–2013. Poster presentation at: Centers for Disease Control & Prevention 2014 HIV Surveillance Grantees’ Meeting. Atlanta, GA. December 2014.
  113. Firth C, Capizzi J, Schafer SD. Nifty curves: Survival analysis among Oregonians diagnosed with HIV, 2004-2013. Poster presentation at: Centers for Disease Control & Prevention 2014 HIV Surveillance Grantees’ Meeting. Atlanta, GA. December 2014.
  114. Greene K. Expanding the evaluation lens: How to include policy assessment in your evaluation. Presented at: American Evaluation Association Annual Conference. Denver, CO. October 2014.
  115. Pizacani B. Introduction to BRFSS and OHT Surveillance Systems. Presented at: Oregon State University. Corvallis, OR. October 2014.
  116. Greene K. What do we know about bullying in Oregon schools? Brief overview of a Public Health Law Research project. Presented at: Children’s System Advisory Committee Meeting. Salem, OR. June 2014.
  117. Firth C, Dombrowski J. Counting the number of people with HIV in Oregon who are truly not getting regular health care. Presented at: Oregon Epidemiologist’s Meeting. Sunriver, OR. May 2014.
  118. Firth C, Drach L. Eating more and enjoying it less: Food options, ntrition and weight gain among female Oregon prison inmates. Presented at: Oregon Epidemiologist’s Meeting. Sunriver, OR. May 2014.
  119. Shields L, Dowler D. Oregon partnerships for falls prevention. Webinar presented at: National Center for Health and Aging. Portland, OR. February 2014.
  120. Pizacani B, Greene K. Evaluating the public health impact of school anti-bullying legislation in Oregon. Presented at: Public Health Law Research Annual Meeting. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Atlanta, GA. January 2014.
  121. Greene K. Ways to ensure that "It Gets Better": Improving the Health of LGBTQ youth in Oregon. Presented at: Oregon School Based Health Care Network Conference. Portland, OR. October 2013.
  122. Greene K. Moving beyond the quote: Qualitative data visualization techniques using NVivo. Presented at: American Evaluation Association Annual Conference. Washington DC. October 2013.
  123. Holbert T, Rashad Y, Banks R. Fatherhood Initiative – A community response to support father involvement for African-American families participating in the Healthy Birth Initiative program. Presented at: Oregon Public Health Association Annual Conference. Corvallis, OR. October 2013.
  124. Holbert T, Cordova D, Pizacani B. Healthy Birth Initiatives: Client survey highlights – breastfeeding. Presented at: Healthy Birth Initiatives community consortium. Portland, OR. October 2013.
  125. Shields L, Dowler D. Oregon Senior Falls Prevention Program. Presented at: Oregon Health Authority Grand Rounds. Webinar presented at: South by Southwest Injury Coalition. Portland, OR. September 2013.
  126. Rohde K. Guidelines for analyzing, interpreting and disseminating data by race and ethnicity. Presented at: Meeting of Coordinated Care Organizations (CCO’s). Portland, OR. January 2013.
  127. Rohde K. Tobacco use prevalence – Disentangling associations between Alaska Native, socioeconomic and rural disparities. Presented at: Alaska Public Health Association Summit. Anchorage, AK. January 2013.
  128. Drach L. Creating a healthier food environment for incarcerated women. Oregon Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Corvallis, OR. October 2012. 
  129. Pickle K, Dent C, Ngo D, Pizacani B, Boyd R, Peterson T, Morrison K. Comparing dual phone type (landline and cell) respondents from cell sample versus landline sample in Oregon’s 2011 BRFSS. Presented at: American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. October 2012.
  130. Pickle K, Dent C, Pizacani B, Peterson E, Utermohle C, Topol R. Reviewing adult smoking trends in Alaska in light of recent changes in Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Methods. Presented at: American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. October 2012.
  131. Pizacani BA. Smoking prevalence among Alaskans of low socioeconomic status: How can surveillance data inform program strategies? Presented at: Meeting of Alaska Tobacco Control Program Grantees. June 2012; American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. October 2012.
  132. Pizacani B, Maher J, Cooper D, Goldstein A, Drach L, Strachan E. Linking economic development and public health efforts: Opportunity for catalyzing change? Presented at: American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. October 2012.
  133. Pizacani B, Peterson E, Bobo M, Maher J, Pickle K. Measuring Quit Success by Socioeconomic Status in Alaska: Implications for Program Planning. Presented at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. October 2012.
  134. Schubert S, Pickle K. Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Methods changes. Oregon Public Health Association Annual Meeting. Corvallis, OR. October 2012.
  135. Pickle K. Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Methods changes: Raking and cell Phones. Presented at: Meeting of Alaska Tobacco Prevention and Control Program and partners. Anchorage, AK. September 2012.
  136. Maher JE, Drach L. Program Design and Evaluation Services: Partnering to promote healthy communities. Presented at: Oregon Criminal Justice Research Conference. Salem, OR. September 2012.
  137. Dilley J, Pickle K. Contrasting social norms and policies around secondhand smoke in different regions of Alaska. Presented at: International Congress on Circumpolar Health. Fairbanks, AK. August 2012.
  138. Dilley J, Pickle K. Tobacco use prevalence – Disentangling associations between Alaska Native, low SES and rural disparities. Presented at: International Congress on Circumpolar Health. Fairbanks, AK. August 2012.
  139. Pizacani BA. Assessment of tobacco retail licensing in Oregon's current policy environment. Presented at: Oregon Public Health Association. Portland, OR. October 2012; National Conference on Tobacco or Health. Kansas City, MO. August 2012.
  140. Drach L, Rutt D, Sazie E, Braun M. Transforming the food environment at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility: Promoting healthy eating through local food production, policy and environmental change. Presented at: Multnomah Food Summit. Portland, OR. June 2012.
  141. Maher JE. Public health and incarceration. Presented at: Oregon Epidemiologists' Conference. May 2012.
  142. Greene K, Brisolara S, Bowman N, Cram F. Diversity dialogue: Strategies & stories from the evaluation road. Presented at: American Evaluation Association National Conference. Anaheim, CA. November 2011.
  143. Greene K, Drach L. How software can enhance value and expose values in qualitative inquiry: the value(s) of NVivo 9. Presented at: American Evaluation Association National Conference. Anaheim, CA. November 2011.
  144. Greene K, Mabry L. Beyond logic models: Theoretical triangulation. Presented at: Oregon Program Evaluators Network Annual Conference. Portland, OR. October 2011.
  145. Holbert T. Client Satisfaction Survey Results. Presented at the Healthy Birth Initiative (HBI) Consortium. Portland, OR. July 2011.
  146. Maher JE, Bushore CJ, Rohde K, Dent CW, Peterson E. Are more smokers using smokeless tobacco products. Evidence from Alaska. Presented at: 6th National Summit on Smokeless & Spit Tobacco. Austin, TX. May 2011.
  147. Dowler D, Peterson E. Alaska-specific smokeless tobacco use: A review. Presented at: Meeting of Alaska Tobacco Control Alliance. Palmer, AK. April 2011.
  148. Pickle KE, Peterson E, Dilley J, Rohde K, Bobo M. Meeting local data needs in Alaska: Culturally-specific patterns of smokeless tobacco use. Presented at: 2011 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Annual National Conference. Atlanta, GA. March 2011.
  149. Boles M, Maher J, Moore J, Knapp A. Variability in the nutritional value of fast-food purchases before the implementation of a statewide menu labeling policy. Presented at: American Public Health Association. Denver, CO. November 2010.
  150. Drach L, Greene K. Beyond the binary: Expanding our categories of gender identity and sexual orientation. Presented at: American Evaluation Association Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX. November 2010.
  151. Greene K. Coalitions built through data: How a survey engaged a community. Presented at: American Evaluation Association Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX. November 2010.
  152. Greene K. Techniques and tools for reporting and communicating evaluation findings using NVivo. Presented at: American Evaluation Association Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX. November 2010.
  153. Drach L. Developing a community needs assessment by consensus. Presented at: American Evaluation Association Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX. November 2010.
  154. Drach L, Fox V. Linking existing services to promote smoking cessation options to PLWH/A. Poster presented at: Ryan White National Grantee Meeting. Washington, D.C. August 2010.
  155. Boles M, Maher JE, Moore J, Knapp A. Variability in fast-food customer knowledge and attitudes before the implementation of a statewide menu labeling policy in Multnomah County, Oregon. Presented at: Meeting of Society for Behavioral Medicine. April 2010.


Download a list of PDES Reports from 2010 to date, or browse the list below:

  1. Alaska Comprehensive Cancer Control Program: Program Year 3: Evaluation Plan. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Comprehensive Cancer Control Program. September 2024. (Authors: David Dowler, Jessica Quinn).
  2. Alaska Comprehensive Cancer Control Program: Program Year 2: Evaluation Report. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Comprehensive Cancer Control Program. September 2024. (Authors: David Dowler, Jessica Quinn).
  3. Assessment of a Pilot Project: Connecting Youth with Return-to-School Services after a Pediatric Visit for a Head Injury. Oregon Public Health Division, Injury and Violence Prevention Program. September 2024. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  4. Partner Client Satisfaction Survey Summary, 2022. Oregon Public Health Division, HIV/STI/TB Program. July 2024. (Author: Lindsay Hixson).
  5. Opportunities For HIV Testing at the Time of Testing for Bacterial Sexually Transmitted Infections and Hepatitis B and C: a Population-based, Cross-sectional Analysis, Oregon, 2022. Oregon Public Health Division, HIV/STI/TB Program. July 2024. (Author: Lindsay Hixson).
  6. 2019-2024 Healthy Start Impact Report. Multnomah County Health Department, Healthy Birth Initiatives. June 2024. (Author: Tim Holbert). 
  7. Healthy Start Project Period End Progress Report. Multnomah County Health Department, Healthy Birth Initiatives. June 2024. (Authors: Tim Holbert, Maya Noble, Desha Reed-Holden, Violet Larry).
  8. 2023 Partnership Survey Technical Report. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Comprehensive Cancer Control Program. April 2024. (Author: David Dowler).
  9. ACT Collaborative Final Program Report. Multnomah County Health Department. April 2024. (Authors: Kari Greene, April Kayser).
  10. 2023 Partnership Assessment; Alaska Cancer Partnership. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Comprehensive Cancer Control Program. February 2024. (Author: David Dowler).
  11. HIV Early Intervention Services & Outreach in Oregon: EISO Phase 1 Evaluation (2019-2022). Oregon Public Health Division, HIV/STI/TB Program. December 2023. (Author: Lindsay Hixson).
  12. Multnomah County Healthy Birth Initiative Performance Narrative Report. Multnomah County Health Department, Healthy Birth Initiative. December 2023. (Authors: Royal Harris, Tim Holbert, Violet Larry, Desha Reed-Holden). 
  13. Oregon Public Health Modernization Evaluation Report: 2021-2023 Biennium. Oregon Public Health Division, Office of the State Public Health Director. November 2023 (Authors: Kusuma Madamala, Sandra Rice). 
  14. REACH Food Systems Evaluation: Long-term Evaluation Report to CDC. Multnomah County Health Department, Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health. November, 2023. (Author: Susan Van’t Hof).
  15. REACH Year 5 Annual Evaluation Report - Multnomah County. Multnomah County Health Department, Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health. October 2023. (Lead author: Susan Van't Hof).
  16. A Mixed Methods Study of Competency Restoration in Oregon. Oregon Health Authority, Health Systems Division. September 2023. (PDES authors: Margaret Braun, Doris Cordova, Kari Greene, Jamie Matson, David “Doc” Ramblings). 
  17. Alaska Comprehensive Cancer Control Program: Program Year 1: Evaluation report. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Comprehensive Cancer Control Program. September 2023. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  18. Alaska Comprehensive Cancer Control Program: Program Year 2: Evaluation Plan. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Comprehensive Cancer Control Program. September 2023. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  19. 2023 CAREAssist Client Survey: A Report on Clients’ Program Satisfaction and Service Needs, Health, And Well-Being. Oregon Public Health Division, HIV/STD/TB Program. June 2023. (Lead author: Lindsay Hixson). 
  20. Community Brief: Modernizing a Behavioral Health Survey Through a Data Equity Process. Oregon Public Health Division, Office of the State Public Health Director. June 2023. (PDES authors: Renee Boyd, Kari Greene, Tim Holbert, Kusuma Madamala, Julie Maher, Kimberly Phillips).
  21. Community Brief: Modernizing a Youth Survey Through a Data Equity Process. Oregon Public Health Division, Office of the State Public Health Director. June 2023. (PDES authors: Renee Boyd, Kari Greene, Tim Holbert, Kusuma Madamala, Julie Maher, Kimberly Phillips).
  22. Improving Vaccine Access to Naturopathic Physicians and Their Patients. Oregon Public Health Division, Immunization program. June 2023. (Lead author: Lindsay Hixson).
  23. Multnomah County 2022 Syringe Services Client Survey Report. Multnomah County Health Department. June 2023. (Lead author: Haiou He).
  24. Multnomah County Healthy Birth Initiative Performance Report. Multnomah County Health Department, Healthy Birth Initiative. June 2023. (Authors: Tim Holbert, Violet Larry, Desha Reed-Holden).
  25. COVID-19 Timeline of Public Health Interventions in Oregon: Update Reports. Oregon Public Health Division, Office of the State Public Health Director. 31 reports from November 2020 - May 2023. (Authors: Chris Bushore, Jamie Matson). 
  26. Indirect Effects of COVID-19 on Public Health: Update reports. Oregon Public Health Division, Office of the State Public Health Director. 16 reports from October 2020 – April 2023. (Authors: Margaret Braun, Chris Bushore, Julie Maher, Barbara Pizacani).
  27. Wraparound Services Evaluation Report. Multnomah County Health Department. April 2023. (Lead author: Sarina Saturn).
  28. OHA Core State and Injury Prevention (SIPP) Annual Performance Report. Center for Disease Control, Division of Injury Prevention. March 2023. (Authors: Susan Van’t Hof, Jeff Caulfield).
  29. Alaska Comprehensive Cancer Control Program: Evaluation plan for FY23. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Comprehensive Cancer Control Program. March 2023. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  30. Alaska Cancer Partnership: 2022 Partnership assessment results. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Comprehensive Cancer Control Program. February 2023. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  31. Supporting Oregon Students Returning to School After A Traumatic Brain Injury: Feedback From Regional Leaders. Oregon Public Health Division, Injury and Violence Prevention. January 2023. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  32. Alaska Tobacco Prevention and Control Regional Profiles. Alaska Department of Health, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. December 2022. (Authors: Chris Bushore, Erik Everson, Julia Dilley, Kathryn Pickle, Susan Richardson).
  33. Alaska Tobacco Facts 2022 update. Alaska Department of Health, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. November 2022. (Authors: Chris Bushore, Julia Dilley, Kathryn Pickle)
  34. CAREAssist Client Experiences Interviews. Oregon Public Health Division, HIV/STD/TB Program. October 2022. (Lead author: Lindsay Hixson).
  35. The Student Health Survey – Update for Community Partners. Oregon Public Health Division, Office of the State Public Health Director. September 2022. (Authors: Renee Boyd, Tim Holbert, Kusuma Madamala). 
  36. Community Partnership Survey Modernization Activities & Lessons Learned. Oregon Public Health Division, Office of the State Public Health Director. August 2022. (Authors: Renee Boyd, Margaret Braun, Julia Dilley, Kari Greene, Kusuma Madamala, Julie Maher, Kim Phillips).  
  37. COVID-19 Infectious Disease Behaviors in Oregon and the U.S.: Summary reports. Oregon Public Health Division, Office of the State Public Health Director. 46 reports from March 2020 – June 2022. (Authors: Chris Bushore, Barbara Pizacani). 
  38. Go NAPSACC Early Childhood Education evaluation: Alaska 2022 Data Report. Alaska Department of Health, Physical Activity and Nutrition Program. June 2022. (Lead author: Kathryn Pickle).
  39. Go NAPSACC Early Childhood Education evaluation: Provider Survey Report 2022. Alaska Department of Health, Physical Activity and Nutrition Program. June 2022. (Lead author: Kathryn Pickle).
  40. Program Evaluation for Title V Maternal and Child Health Breastfeeding and Food Insecurity Priorities, Oregon 2016-2020. Oregon Public Health Division, Maternal & Child Health Program. March 2022. (Lead author: Lindsay Hixson).
  41. HIV Housing Program Summary Report. Oregon Public Health Division, HIV/STD/TB Program. March 2022. (Lead author: Lindsay Hixson).
  42. Preventing Teen Dating and Youth Violence by Addressing Shared Risk and Protective Factors in Multnomah County: Evaluation Highlights and Lessons Learned. Multnomah County Health Department. December 2021. (Lead author: Margaret Braun).
  43. Covid-19 Epidemic Trends and Scenario Projections in Oregon. Oregon Public Health Division, Office of the State Public Health Director. 49 reports from March 2020 - October 2021. (Lead Oregon Public Health Division authors: Erik Everson, Julie Maher, Dean Sidelinger). 
  44. Barriers To Engagement With HIV/STI Partner Services Among Men Who Have Sex with Men (MSM). Oregon Public Health Division, HIV/STD Prevention & Surveillance Program. August 2021. (Lead author: Lindsay Hixon).
  45. The Role of Naturopathic Physicians in Overcoming Parental Hesitancy Around Childhood Immunizations in Oregon. Oregon Public Health Division, Oregon Immunization Program. July 2021. (Lead author: Lindsay Hixson).
  46. Oregon Tribal Survey Modernization Project: Final Report to Oregon Health Authority. Oregon Public Health Division, Office of the State Public Health Director. July 2021. (PDES authors: Julia Dilley, Kusuma Madamala). 
  47. Provider and Consultant Feedback About the Alaska Go NAPSACC Program 2020-2021. Alaska Department of Health, Alaska Physical Activity and Nutrition Program. July 2021. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  48. COVID-19 Vulnerability Assessment. Oregon Public Health Division, Office of the State Public Health Director. June 2021. (PDES author: Margaret Braun). 
  49. Engaging Communities in the Modernization of a Public Health Survey System. Oregon Public Health Division, Office of the State Public Health Director. June 2021. (PDES authors: Tim Holbert, Kusuma Madamala).
  50. Go NAPSACC Early Childhood Education Evaluation: Provider Survey Report 2021. Alaska Department of Health, Alaska Physical Activity and Nutrition Program. June 2021. (Lead author: Kathryn Pickle).
  51. Go NAPSACC Early Childhood Education Evaluation: Alaska 2021 Data Report. Alaska Department of Health, Alaska Physical Activity and Nutrition Program. June 2021. (Lead author: Kathryn Pickle).
  52. Play Every Day Preliminary Analysis. Alaska Department of Health, Alaska Physical Activity and Nutrition Program. June 2021. (Lead author: Kathryn Pickle).
  53. This Is The Way We Rise: Pacific Islander Data Modernization in Oregon Report. Oregon Public Health Division, Office of the State Public Health Director. June 2021. (PDES authors: Renee Boyd, Margaret Braun, Julia Dilley, Tim Holbert, Erik Everson, Kusuma Madamala, Julie Maher, Tom Peterson, Kristen Rohde).
  54. MCHD Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Site-based Program (COAP) evaluation plan. Multnomah County Health Department. February 2021. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  55. Stakeholder Feedback About Oregon's Alcohol Ignition Interlock Device Program. Multnomah County Health Department. January 2021. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  56. Climate and Health in Oregon. Oregon Public Health Division, Environmental Health Program. December 2020. (PDES author: Margaret Braun).
  57. Alaska Physical Activity, Nutrition and Obesity Facts Report – 2020. Alaska Department of Health, Physical Activity and Nutrition Program. November 2020. (Authors: Myde Boles, Kathryn Pickle).
  58. A toolkit for the Northwest (HHS Region 10) Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) Network. Published online October 2020. (PDES author: Julia Dilley).
  59. Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists (CSTE) Cannabis Subcommittee. Multiple resources published on website. September 2020. (PDES contributor: Julia Dilley). 
  60. Oregon Support to Expectant and Parenting Students (STEPS) Summary Report. Multnomah County Department, Office of Population Affairs. July 2020. (PDES author: Kari Greene).
  61. Barriers to Childhood Vaccination in Oregon, 2020: Feedback from Oregon Clinical Staff. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. June 2020. (Authors: David Dowler, Linda Drach, Lindsay Hixson, Susan Van’t Hof).
  62. Healthy Birth Initiatives Non-Competitive Continuation Performance Report. Multnomah County Health Department, Health Resources Services Administration. June 2020. (Lead author: Tim Holbert).
  63. Provider and Consultant Feedback about the Alaska Go NAPSACC Program. Alaska Department of Health, Physical Activity and Nutrition Program. June 2020. (Lead author: David Dowler). 
  64. Go NAPSACC Early Childhood Education: Alaska 2020 Provider Survey Report. Alaska Department of Health, Physical Activity and Nutrition Program. June 2020. (Lead author: Myde Boles).
  65. Go NAPSACC Early Childhood Education: Alaska 2020 Data Report. Alaska Department of Health, Physical Activity and Nutrition Program. June 2020. (Lead author: Kathryn Pickle).
  66. Developing Equity Leadership through Training & Action (DELTA): An Evaluation of the 2018-2019 Traditional and Behavioral Health Cohorts. Oregon Health Authority, Office of Equity and Inclusion. March 2020. (Authors: Margaret Braun, Lindsay Hixson, Jamie Matson).
  67. Experiences of PrEP Use Among People Recently Diagnosed with HIV: Oregon, 2016-2019. Oregon Public Health Division, HIV Prevention & Surveillance Program. February 2020. (Lead author: Linda Drach). 
  68. Marijuana Use and Public Health in Alaska. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. January 2020. (PDES authors: Julia Dilley, Susan Richardson, Kathy Pickle). 
  69. Recommendations for Improving the Health Analytics Data Release Process. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. January 2020. (Authors: Linda Drach, Lindsay Hixson, Vivian Larson). 
  70. OHA Strategic Plan 2019: Tribal Consultation. Oregon Health Authority, Director’s Office. December 2019. (Lead author: Margaret Braun).
  71. OHA Strategic Plan 2019: Input from Stakeholders. Oregon Health Authority, Director’s Office. December 2019. (Lead author: Margaret Braun).
  72. OHA Strategic Plan 2019: Staff Reactions to Community Input. Oregon Health Authority, Director’s Office. December 2019. (Lead author: Margaret Braun).
  73. Community Input for OHA Strategic Plan 2019: Main Themes from Community Engagement Efforts. Oregon Health Authority, Director’s Office. December 2019. (Lead author: Margaret Braun).
  74. End HIV Oregon 2019 Annual Progress Report. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. December 2019. (Lead author: Linda Drach).
  75. Grant End Activity Report: Bureau of Justice Assistance, Harold Rogers Grant. Multnomah County Health Department. December 2019. (Authors: David Dowler, Tyler Smith).
  76. Childhood Lead Screening Behaviors and Attitudes Among Oregon Medical Care Providers. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. November 2019. (Authors: David Dowler, Susan Van’t Hof).
  77. Risk for Injection Drug Related Outbreaks: Oregon's County-Level Vulnerability Assessment. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. November 2019. (Lead author: Kathy Pickle). 
  78. Community Input for OHA Strategic Plan 2019: Main Themes from Community Engagement Efforts. Oregon Health Authority, Office of the State Public Health Director. October 2019. (Author: Margaret Braun).
  79. CAREAssist Client Experiences with the CAREAssist Pharmacy Program: An Evaluation. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. September 2019. (Lead author: Lindsay Hixson). 
  80. Enhancing Cancer Genomics Best Practices through Education Surveillance and Policy in Oregon: Final Evaluation Report. Oregon ScreenWise Program, Adolescent, Genetic and Reproductive Health Section. Oregon Health Authority, Oregon Public Health Division. September 2019. (Authors: Myde Boles, Kathryn Pickle).
  81. Public Health Modernization Implementation Evaluation, 2017-2019. Oregon Health Authority, Office of the State Public Health Director. September 2019. (PDES author: Steven Fiala). 
  82. Aging HIV & Long-Term Survivors. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. June 2019. (Authors: Myde Boles, Linda Drach, Lindsay Hixson). 
  83. Alaska Childhood Obesity Facts. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Alaska Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2019. (Lead Author: Erik Everson). 
  84. Alaska 2018-19 Student Weight Status reports, Anchorage, Mat-Su, Kenai, Kodiak. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Alaska Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2019. (Lead author: Erik Everson). 
  85. Implementation of Max’s Law in Oregon High Schools: Results from a Survey with High School Athletic Directors. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. June 2019. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  86. Prescription Drug Overdose Regional Coordinator Interviews: Summary of Findings. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. June 2019. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  87. Using Education Data to Predict Juvenile Justice Involvement among Oregon Students. Oregon Youth Authority. June 2019. (Lead author: Margaret Braun). 
  88. Alaska 2019 Injury Facts: Injury & Deaths Related to Falls among Older Adults and Transportation Incidents among All Alaska Residents. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Section. May 2019. (Lead author: Margaret Braun). 
  89. Alaska Student Weight Status reports: Anchorage, Mat-Su, Kodiak, and Kenai. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Alaska Obesity Prevention and Control Program. May 2019. (Lead author: Erik Everson). 
  90. HIV Early Intervention Services & Outreach Evaluation Plan, 2018-2022. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. April 2019. (Lead author: Linda Drach).
  91. HIV Early Intervention Services & Outreach Year 1 Implementation Evaluation Report. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. April 2019. (Lead author: Linda Drach).
  92. A Community Mirror: The CHIP / Community Powered Change Process Evaluation Report. March 2019. Multnomah County Health Department. March 2019. (Authors: Kari Greene and Tim Holbert). 
  93. ATP Cost Benefit Analysis Technical Document. Multnomah County Health Department.  March 2019. (Lead author: Steve Fiala).
  94. Cost of Health Inequities in Multnomah County. Multnomah County Health Department. March 2019. (Authors: Steve Fiala, Julie Maher).
  95. Possible Surveillance Indicators for REACH. Multnomah County Health Department. March 2019. (Authors: Steve Fiala, Julie Maher).
  96. Syphilis on the Rise: An Examination of Increasing Incidence Among Women in Multnomah County. Multnomah County Health Department. March 2019. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  97. Social Cohesion and Pathways to Health Outcomes an Annotated Bibliography. Multnomah County Health Department. January 2019. (Lead author: Susan Van’t Hof). 
  98. Alaska YRBS Obesity Databook 2017. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Alaska Obesity Prevention and Control Program. December 2018. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  99. End HIV Oregon 2018 Progress Report. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. December 2018. (Lead author: Linda Drach).
  100. Post Release Overdose Prevention Project (PROP): Year Two Activity Report Bureau of Justice Assistance, Harold Rogers Grant. Multnomah County Health Department. December 2018. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  101. Implementation Evaluation of the Support to Expectant and Parenting Students (STEPS) Program in Oregon. Oregon Health Authority, Office of Adolescent Health. September 2018. (Lead author: Kari Greene).
  102. Diabetes Prevention and Control in Alaska. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Diabetes Prevention and Control Program. August 2018. (Authors: Julia Dilley, Kathy Pickle).
  103. Evaluation Report for the Alaska Diabetes and Chronic Disease Self-Management Programs. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Diabetes Prevention and Control Program. August 2018. (Authors: Susan Van’t Hof and Julia Dilley).
  104. Indicators of Social Resilience to Climate Change: An Annotated Bibliography. Oregon Public Health Division, Environmental Health Program. August 2018. (Lead author: Margaret Braun). 
  105. Social Resilience to Climate Change: Indicators Catalog. Oregon Health Authority, Climate Health Program. August 2018. (Author: Margaret Braun).
  106. State of Alaska Pharmacist Training Evaluation. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. August 2018. (Lead author: Julia Dilley).
  107. The Burden of Heart Disease and Stroke in Alaska. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. August 2018. (Authors: Julia Dilley, Kathy Pickle).
  108. 108. Alaska Regional Profiles, 2016. Updated Region-Specific Youth and Adult Data For 6 Regions of Alaska. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. June 2018. (Lead author: Chris Bushore).
  109. Alaska SWSSS Report: Anchorage 2017-18. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Alaska Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2018. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  110. Alaska SWSSS Report: Kenai 2017-18. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Alaska Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2018. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  111. Alaska SWSSS Report: Kodiak Island 2017-18. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Alaska Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2018. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  112. Alaska SWSSS Report: Mat-Su 2017-18. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2018. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  113. Alaska SWSSS Report: Petersburg 2017-18. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Alaska Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2018. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  114. Alaska Tobacco Quit Line Evaluation Study. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. June 2018. (Lead author: Julia Dilley).
  115. Alaska YRBS Tobacco Book 2018. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. June 2018. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  116. Anchorage School District: Special Report on Obesity Disparity in Kindergarten - 10th Grade Students from 2003-2004 through 2017-2018. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2018. (Authors: Myde Boles, Clyde Dent, Erik Everson).
  117. Improving Lung Cancer Screening in Alaska: An Assessment. Alaska Comprehensive Cancer Control Program Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. June 2018. (Lead author: Julia Dilley).
  118. Substance Use and Mental Health Indicators Pilot: State of Oregon and Multnomah County Health Department Project Summary Report. Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists. June 2018. (Lead author: Julia Dilley).
  119. Tobacco Facts 2018. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. June 2018. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  120. Validating ESSENCE Case Definitions for Cannabis and Opioid-Related Emergency Department Visits in Oregon: Project Summary Report. Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists. June 2018. (Lead author: Julia Dilley).
  121. Oregon Medical Monitoring Project data summary 2015-2016. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. May 2018. (Lead author: Alicia Knapp).
  122. An Evaluation of the Oregon Domestic Well Safety Mini Grant Process. Oregon Health Authority, Office of Environmental Public Health. May 2018. (Authors: Linda Drach, Alicia Knapp).
  123. Public Health Accountability Metrics Baseline Report. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. March 2018. April 2018. (PDES author: Myde Boles).
  124. Alaska BRFSS Tobacco Data Book, 1991-2016. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. February 2018. (Lead author: Chris Bushore).
  125. Local Tobacco Prevention Funding Evaluation: Funding Model Strengths & Areas of Opportunity. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. February 2018. (Lead author: Steven Fiala).
  126. Tobacco-Attributable Mortality, Lost Productivity and Economic Costs from Current and Former Smoking, Secondhand Smoking, Secondhand Smoke, and Smokeless Tobacco Use, Alaska 2011-2015. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. January 2018. (Lead author: Barbara Pizacani).
  127. End HIV Oregon 2017 Annual Progress Report. December 2017. (Lead author: Linda Drach).
  128. Evaluation Update, for semi-annual report due Aug 1, 2017. Multnomah County Health Department. July 2017. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  129. Alaska Obesity Facts 2017. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2017. (Authors: Myde Boles and Lindsay Hixson).
  130. Cancer in Alaska Multi-Year Summary Report, 2017. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Cancer Registry. June 2017. (Authors: Julia Dilley and Kathy Pickle).
  131. Federally-Qualified Health Center (FQHC) Quality Improvement (QI) Enhancement Project Evaluation Report. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Comprehensive Cancer Control Program. June 2017. (Lead author: Julia Dilley).
  132. Proposed Outcome Accountability Metrics for Public Health Modernization. A Report for the Public Health Advisory Board: Stakeholder Metrics Survey Results and Accountability Metrics Subcommittee Recommendations. Public Health Advisory Board Accountability Metrics Subcommittee. June 2017. (Lead author: Myde Boles).
  133. Student Weight Status, Anchorage School District, 2016-17 School Year. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2017. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  134. Student Weight Status, Dillingham School District, 2016-17 School Year. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2017. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  135. Student Weight Status, Kenai Peninsula Borough School District, 2016-17 School Year. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2017. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  136. Student Weight Status, Kodiak School District, 2016-17 School Year. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2017. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  137. Student Weight Status, Lake and Peninsula School District, 2016-17 School Year. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2017. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  138. Student Weight Status, Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District, 2016-17 School Year. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2017. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  139. Student Weight Status, Petersburg City School District, 2016-17 School Year. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2017. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  140. Tobacco Use Among Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Alaska Residents. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. June 2017. (Lead author: Margaret Braun).
  141. Cancer in Alaska – 2013. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Cancer Registry. May 2017. (Authors: Julia Dilley, Kathy Pickle).
  142. Considerations of Equity -- An Evaluation of Portland’s Smoke-Free Parks Policy. Multnomah County Health Department. May 2017. (Lead author: Tim Holbert).
  143. Developing Equity Leadership through Training and Action: Evaluation Report of the DELTA Cohorts, 2014-2016. Office of Equity and Inclusion. May 2017. (Authors: Susan Van’t Hof and Anastasia Sofranac).
  144. Strengthening the Healthcare Interpreter Workforce: A Learning Collaborative Model. Office of Equity and Inclusion. May 2017. (Authors: Susan Van’t Hof, Kweku Wilson).
  145. Summary Evaluation Report of DELTA Cohorts, 2014-2016. Office of Equity and Inclusion. May 2017. (Authors: Anastasia Sofranac, Susan Van’t Hof).
  146. Alaska Regional Profiles, 2015. Updated Region-Specific Youth and Adult Data For 6 Regions of Alaska. March 2017. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. (Authors: Chris Bushore, Erik Everson, Barbara Pizacani).
  147. Exemption to Immunization -- Evaluation of Parent Responses to an Online Immunization Education Module. Oregon Health Authority. March 2017. (Lead author: Tim Holbert).
  148. Oregon Medical Monitoring Project General Factsheet: TGA, 2013-2014. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. March 2017. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  149. Oregon Medical Monitoring Project Unmet Needs Factsheet: TGA, 2013-2014. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. March 2017. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  150. Oregon Coordinated Care Organizations Member Demographics by Race, Ethnicity, and Language. Office of Equity and Inclusion. March 2017. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  151. Oregon Reproductive Health Program: 2016 Survey of Clients with Discontinued Services. March 2017. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. (Authors: David Dowler, Rachel Linz).
  152. REACH CDC Progress Report. Multnomah County Health Department. March 2017. (Lead author: Tim Holbert).
  153. Alaska BRFSS book, 2015. Updated Compendium of All Questions Asked on the BRFSS Survey Relevant to Tobacco Control. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. February 2017. (Lead author: Chris Bushore).
  154. “Healthy Drinks for Healthy Kids” Evaluation Plan. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. February 2017. (Lead author: Myde Boles).
  155. Instant Atlas - Anchorage/MatSu Overweight and Obesity 2015-2016. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. January 2017, (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  156. Marijuana Report: Marijuana Use, Attitudes and Health Effects in Oregon, December 2016. Oregon Health Authority. December 2016. (Authors: Julia Dilley, Erik Everson, Steven Fiala, Caislin Firth, Julie Maher).
  157. CCO Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity and Language. Oregon Health Authority, Office of Equity and Inclusion. October 2016. (Lead author: Erik Everson)
  158. Summary of Information from School Grantee 2016 Year-end Reports. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. October 2016. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  159.  Alaska InstantAtlas SWSSS 2015-16 School Year Update. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. September 2016. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  160. Oregon Medical Monitoring Project: Needs and Unmet Needs Factsheet 2013-2014. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. September 2016. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  161. Telemedicine Pilot Study Multnomah County School Based Health Centers. Multnomah County Health Department. September 2016. (Lead author: Myde Boles).
  162. Oregon Medical Monitoring Project: Interview & Medical Record Data 2013-2014. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. August 2016. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  163. Student Weight Status, Anchorage+MatSu School Districts, 2015-16 School Year. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. July 2016. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  164. Student Weight Status, Anchorage School District, 2015-16 School Year. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. July 2016. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  165. Adolescents and Communities Together, Feedback on: Reducing the Risk Teacher Training June 20-22, 2016. Multnomah County Health Department. June 2016. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  166. Alaska Obesity Prevention and Control Program: Summary of Information from School Grantee 2016 Year-end Report Outline. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2016. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  167. Alaska Tobacco 2015 YRBS Databook. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2016. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  168. Student Weight Status, Kenai City School District, 2015-16 School Year. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2016. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  169. Student Weight Status, Kenai Peninsula Borough School District, 2015-16 School Year. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2016. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  170. Student Weight Status, Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District, 2015-16 School Year. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2016. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  171. Kenai Peninsula Community-Based Breast Cancer Screening Promotion Project: Interim Project Evaluation Report for the Alaska Breast Cancer Task Force. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Comprehensive Cancer Control Program. June 2016. (Lead author: Julia Dilley).
  172. Public Health Modernization Key Informant Interviews: Preliminary Findings. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. June 2016. (Lead Author: Steven Fiala).
  173. CCO Enrollment by Race/Ethnicity and Language – April 2016. Oregon Health Authority, Office of Equity and Inclusion. May 2016. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  174. Adolescent and Communities Together: Evaluation Plan. Multnomah County Health Department. May 2016. (PDES author: David Dowler).
  175. Evaluation of SCRIPT Tobacco Screening Pilot, Northeast Health Center. Multnomah County Health Department. May 2016. (Lead author: Myde Boles).
  176. Student Weight Status, North Slope School District, 2015-16 School Year. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. May 2016. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  177. Alaska Tobacco Facts. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. April 2016. (PDES authors: Chris Bushore, Kathy Pickle).
  178. Contrasting Secondhand Smoke-Related Community Norms and Attitudes in Alaska: Patterns by Region and Alaska Native Race. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. April 2016. (Authors: Erik Everson, Barbara Pizacani, Kristen Rohde).
  179. Opioid Prescribing Guideline Task Force: Summary of Survey Monkey Results. Oregon Health Authority, Office of Injury and Violence Prevention. April 2016. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  180. Oregon Medical Monitoring Project: Needs and Unmet Needs Factsheet 2014-2015. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. April 2016. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  181. Oregon Medical Monitoring Project: Needs and Unmet Needs Factsheet 2014-2015, TGA region. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. April 2016. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  182. Population Health: Data Carousel Indicators Report. Skagit County Population Health Trust Advisory Committee. April 2016. (PDES contributors: Julia Dilley, Susan Richardson).
  183. Skagit County Community Assessment Health Priorities: Report for Community Response. Skagit County Population Health Trust Advisory Committee. April 2016. (PDES contributors: Julia Dilley, Susan Richardson).
  184. Skagit County Community Health Assessment Summary Report. Skagit County Population Health Trust Advisory Committee. April 2016. (PDES contributors: Julia Dilley, Susan Richardson).
  185. Skagit County Population Demographics Summary. Skagit County Population Health Trust Advisory Committee. April 2016. (PDES contributors: Julia Dilley, Susan Richardson).
  186. Student Weight Status, Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District, 2015-16 School Year. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. April 2016. (Lead author: Erik Everson). 
  187. Water Bureau Lead Hazard Reduction Program: Evaluation Plan for Grantee Activities, 2016-2017.Portland Water Bureau. April 2016. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  188. Contrasting Secondhand Smoke-Related Community Norms and Attitudes in Alaska: Patterns by Region and Alaska Native Race. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Tobacco Prevention Program. March 2016. (Authors: Barbara Pizacani, Kristen Rohde).
  189. Results from Play Every Day’s Sugary Drinks Media Campaign 2014-2015: Changes in Knowledge, Attitudes, and Behaviors about Physical Activity and Sugary Drinks Following Alaska’s Play Every Day Media Campaign. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. March 2016. (Lead Author: Myde Boles).
  190. Current Pain Management Initiatives in Oregon and the Role of the PDMP. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. February 2016. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  191. 2014 Medicaid Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (MBRFSS) Survey Methodology and Lessons Learned. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. January 2016. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  192. Oregon Public Health Division. Marijuana report: Marijuana use, attitudes and health effects in Oregon. Oregon Health Authority. January 2016. (Authors: Julia Dilley, Erik Everson, Caislin Firth, Julie Maher).
  193. 2015 Oregon Healthy Teens Survey: 2015 Gender Reports. Oregon Health Authority. December 2015. (Authors: Renee Boyd, Tom Peterson). 
  194. Alaska BRFSS Obesity Data Book 1991-2014. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. December 2015. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  195. Alaska BRFSS Tobacco Data Book. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Department of Health and Human Services. December 2015. (Lead author: Chris Bushore).
  196. 2015 Oregon Healthy Teens Survey: 2015 OHT State Report. Oregon Health Authority. November 2015. (Authors: Renee Boyd, Tom Peterson).
  197. Feedback from PDMP Outreach Specialists. Oregon Health Authority. November 2015. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  198. Multnomah County Brownfield Initiative: Mapping Health Equity. Multnomah County Community Health Services, Environmental Health. October 2015. (PDES contributor: Caislin Firth). 
  199. MCHD Adolescents and Communities Together Project: Community Needs Assessment. Multnomah County Health Department. October 2015. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  200. Alaska Obesity Prevention and Control Program: Summary of Information from School Grantee 2015 Year-end Reports. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. September 2015. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  201. Alaska Tobacco Prevention and Control Program Regional Profiles. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. September 2015 (Authors: Chris Bushore, Erik Everson).
  202. Legalization of Marijuana: Potential Policy Directions for Public Health. Multnomah County Vital Signs. Multnomah County Health Department. September 2015. (PDES authors: Julia Dilley, Caislin Firth, Julie Maher, Barbara Pizacani). 
  203. Healthy Brain Initiatives: Cognitive Impairment and Caregiver Data from BRFSS 2012-2013.  Data Tables and Methods Summary Report. September 2015. (Authors: David Dowler, Kathy Pickle). 
  204. Population Health: Quality of Life Survey Report. Skagit County Population Health Trust Advisory Committee. September 2015. (PDES contributors: Julia Dilley, Susan Richardson).
  205. Alaska Colorectal Cancer (CRC) Partnership: Key informant interview report. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Comprehensive Cancer Control Program. June 2015. (Lead author: Julia Dilley).
  206. The Economic Impact of Alaska’s Comprehensive Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. June 2015. (Lead author: Myde Boles).
  207. Comparison of Tips and Game Plan: Cost and Effectiveness of Generating Quit Line Calls.  Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. June 2015. (Authors: Chris Bushore, Kristen Rohde, Barbara Pizacani).
  208. Play Every Day: An Evaluation of Alaska’s Media Campaign About Physical Activity and Sugary Drinks 2014-2015. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. June 2015. (Lead author: Myde Boles).
  209. The Alaska Native Community Evaluation Project: An Equity Lens Review of Tobacco Prevention & Control in Alaska. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. May 2015. (Authors: Julia Dilley, Kari Greene).
  210. Alaska Tobacco Prevention and Control Program Evaluation Summary: Fiscal Year 2014. Alaska Department of Health and Social Service.  May 2015. (Lead author: Chris Bushore).
  211. Impact of Initiative 1184 Liquor Privatization Law on Tax Revenues in Washington State: Draft Final Report Using 24 Months of Data Following Implementation of the Law. May 2015. (Lead author: Myde Boles).
  212. Behavioral Health Data Review for the Alaska Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. April 2015. (Authors: Kathy Pickle, Barbara Pizacani).
  213. Health Disparities among Pacific Islanders in Multnomah County, A supplement to the 2014 Report on Racial and Ethnic Disparities. Multnomah County Health Department. April 2015. (Authors: Caislin Firth, Rujuta Gaonkar).
  214. Alaska Tobacco Facts: 2015 Update.  Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health. February 2015. (Authors: Chris Bushore, Kathy Pickle).
  215. E-Cigarettes: A Review of the Literature. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health. January 2015. (Lead author: Chris Bushore).
  216. 2014 Report Card on Racial and Ethnic Disparities. Multnomah County Health Department. December 2014. (Authors: Betsy Clapp, Caislin Firth, Julie Maher, Barbara Pizacani, and others in other areas of Multnomah County).
  217. Summary of Information from School Grantee Year-end Reports. December 2014. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  218. Alaska BRFSS Obesity Data Book 1991-2013. December 2014. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  219. TPEP Local Infrastructure Evaluation: Case Studies of Four Grantees Funded by the Oregon Tobacco Prevention and Education Program. December 2014. (Lead author: Linda Drach).
  220. Impact of Washington State Initiative 1183 (I-1183) Changes in Liquor Laws: Findings Summary. Interim Study Results, Part 1. December 2014. (Authors: Julia Dilley, Myde Boles, Susan Richardson).
  221. E-cigarettes and the Growing Culture of Vaping: Concern for Multnomah County Youth.  Multnomah County Vital Signs Report. Multnomah County Health Department. November 2014. (PDES authors: Caislin Firth, Julie Maher, and Barbara Pizacani). 
  222. Food and Nutrition for People Living with HIV/AIDS: A Brief Resource Assessment; October 2014. (Lead author: Susan Van't Hof).
  223. Alaska Obesity Prevention and Control Program: An Evaluation of Alaska’s Play Every Day 2014 Public Education Campaign and Knowledge, Attitudes, & Behaviors about Sugary Drinks. October 2014. (Lead author: Myde Boles).
  224. Growing a Culture of Health at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility. September 2014. (Lead author: Linda Drach).
  225. Anchorage Student Weight Status Report, 2013-2014 school year. August 2014. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  226. Anchorage-MatSu K-8 Student Weight Status Report, 2013-2014 school year. August 2014. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  227. Alaska Obesity Facts Report – 2014. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. May 2014. (Authors: Erik Everson and Kathy Pickle).
  228. “Seeking Safety” Evaluation. Multnomah County Health Department. April 2014. (Lead author: Tim Holbert).
  229. Alaska Tobacco Facts: 2014 Update. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health. April 2014. (Authors: Chris Bushore and Kathy Pickle).
  230. Alaska Obesity Prevention and Control Program: Initial Summary of Information from School Grantee Mid-Year Reports. March 2014. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  231. Evaluation of the Alaska Tobacco Prevention and Control Program's “The Real Cost” media campaign. March 2014. (Authors: Barbara Pizacani and Kristen Rohde).
  232. Epidemiologic Profile of HIV/AIDS in Oregon. Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division. March 2014. (Authors: Firth C, Capizzi J, Schafer S, Helsley R, Latin V.).
  233. Alaska Obesity Prevention and Control Program: Summary of Program Components. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. January 2014 (Lead author: David Dowler).
  234. Social Marketing and Obesity Prevention: A Literature Review. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. December 2013. (Lead author: Molly Balfe).
  235. Alaska Tobacco Prevention and Control Program Evaluation Summary. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. November 2013. (Lead author: Kari Greene).
  236. 2013 CAREAssist Client Survey: A Report on Clients’ Health and Well-Being and their Experiences with the Program. November 2013. (Authors: Linda Drach and Erik Everson).
  237. Alaska Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS), Obesity Data Book 1995-2011. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. September 2013 (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  238. Alaska Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) Obesity Data Book 1991-2011. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. September 2013. (Lead author: Erik Everson).
  239. State of Equity Report, Phase 2. Office of Equity and Inclusion. September 2013. (Lead author: Kristen Rohde).
  240. Oregon Healthy Homes Strategic Plan. September 2013. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  241. Childhood Obesity Prevention Strategies: A Literature Review. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Obesity Prevention and Control Program. June 2013. (Lead author: Molly Balfe).
  242. Alaska Tobacco Facts: 2013 Update. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health. June 2013. (Lead author: Kathy Pickle).
  243. Provider Practices and Satisfaction Survey, Breast and Cervical Health Check Program. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health. June 2013. (Lead author: Myde Boles).
  244. Gap Analysis for the Breast and Cervical Health Check Program. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health. June 2013. (Lead author: Tara Fechter).
  245. Needs Assessment Survey for the Alaska Cancer Registry Advisory Committee. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health. June 2013. (Lead author: Myde Boles).
  246. Best Practices for Identifying, Managing, and Resolving Client Civil Rights Complaints. Office of Equity and Inclusion. April 2013. (Authors: Linda Drach and Kristen Rohde).
  247. Changes to the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System Methodology: Rationale and Application in Alaska. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. January 2013. (Lead author: Kathy Pickle).
  248. Assessment of Pharmacist Comments from the Oregon Board of Pharmacy 2011 “Working Conditions Survey”. January 2013. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  249. Early Assessment of the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program: A Survey of Providers. January 2013. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  250. How Oregon Public Health Transformed Its Chronic Disease Programs: A Case Study. December 2012. (Lead author: Linda Drach).
  251. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health. CD Summary. November 2012. (Lead Author: Linda Drach).
  252. An Assessment of Client Civil Rights Complaint Policies and Procedures Across OHA Divisions and Offices: Brief Report on Phase 1. November 2012. (Authors: Linda Drach and Kristen Rohde).
  253. Tobacco in the Great Land: A Portrait of Alaska’s Leading Cause of Death. 2012 Update. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. July 2012. (Lead author: Kathy Pickle).
  254. Results from the 2007, 2009 and 2011 Alaska Youth Risk Behavior Survey: Comparing the State Sample and Funded Schools. June 2012. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  255. Alaska Tobacco Facts: 2012 Update. Alaska Department of Health, Division of Public Health. April 2012. (Lead author: Kathy Pickle). 
  256. Public Health Challenges of Incarceration. CD Summary. January 2012. (Lead author: Linda Drach).
  257. HEI Equity Lens Pilot Final Evaluation. July 2011. (Lead author: Tim Holbert).
  258. Lane County Hospital Discharge Evaluation: Interviews with Medicaid Clients with Recent Hospital Visits. July 2011. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  259. State of Equity Report, Phase 1. Office of Equity and Inclusion. June 2011 (Lead author: Kristen Rohde).
  260. Alaska School Health Profiles 2010: Results for Tobacco Indicators by Grantee Status. June 2011. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  261. Healthy Communities Teams Project. Feedback after Year Two: Interviews with Community Teams. June 2011. (Lead author: David Dowler). Part of larger report submitted by Julia Dilley.
  262. Alaska Tobacco Facts: 2011 Update. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services, Division of Public Health. April 2011. (Lead author: Kathy Pickle).
  263. Summary: 2009 WA BRFSS Dual Frame Landline and Cell Survey Data Review. Washington State Department of Health, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. February 2011. (Lead author: Kathy Pickle).
  264. Learning more about the 2009 Influenza Pandemic in Oregon: Initial BRFSS Findings for Vaccine Receipt and Annotated List of Relevant Reports. December 2010. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  265. Alaska Tobacco Prevention and Control Program Rural School Demonstration Project: years 2 and 3 Overview of Progress. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. December 2010. (Lead author: Barbara Pizacani).
  266. Learning more about the 2009 Influenza Pandemic in Oregon: Key Informant Feedback about Oregon’s Influenza Surveillance System. December 2010. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  267. Emerging Trends Update, 2009. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. November 2010. (Lead author: Kathy Pickle).
  268. Initial feedback about the Child Health Profile: Interviews with Stakeholders. August 2010. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  269. High School Dropouts and Tobacco Control: A Feasibility Study for the Alaska Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. June 2010. (Lead author: Barbara Pizacani).
  270. Viewing Tobacco Prevention Through a Cultural Lens: Moving Forward with Rural Alaska Native Communities. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. June 2010. (Lead author: Barbara Pizacani).
  271. Impact of School Policy on Risk Factors for Youth Obesity. May 2010. (Lead author: Myde Boles).
  272. Lane County Hospital Discharge Evaluation: Interviews with Medicaid Clients with Recent Hospital Visits. May 2010. (Lead author: David Dowler).
  273. Alaska Tobacco Facts. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. April 2010. (Lead author: Kathy Pickle).
  274. Tobacco and Health in Washington State - County Profiles of Tobacco Use. Washington State Department of Health, Tobacco Prevention and Control Program. April 2010. (Lead author: Kathy Pickle).
  275. Descriptive Epidemiology of Newly Reported Hispanic HIV/AIDS Cases in Oregon. Oregon Department of Human Services, HIV Surveillance Program. April 2010. (Lead author: Linda Drach).
  276. Working with Rural native Alaskans: Lessons Learned for the Alaska Tobacco Prevention and Control Program and the Quit Line. Alaska Department of Health and Social Services. April 2010. (Lead authors: Kari Greene and Barbara Pizacani).
  277. Speak Out Survey 2009: Measuring Health and Wellness among Portland’s Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Genderqueer, and Intersex Communities. Multnomah County Health Department, Office of Health and Social Justice. March 2010. (Lead author: Linda Drach).
  278. Needs Assessment for CAREAssist Clients in Oregon. January 2010. (Lead author: Linda Drach).