OHA's Mental Health Statistics Improvement Program
(MHSIP) uses validated surveys to measure Medicaid clients’ perceptions of the quality and efficiency of the mental health services they receive.
The program consists of four surveys, which vary based on the client’s age and the type of services they received:
- Adults who have received outpatient services;
- Adults who have received residential treatment services;
- Parents or guardians of youth 0-17 years of age who have received mental health services; and
- Youth 14-17 years of age who have received mental health services.
These four surveys assess perception of mental health services across several domains, such as access to services, quality of services, satisfaction with surveys, and treatment outcomes and participation.
To learn more, read the MHSIP Data Profile.
About the Survey
To support valid comparisons and benchmarking across care settings and over time, the MHSIP surveys are standardized in the following aspects:
The instrument. The contents and format of survey instruments are standardized so that everyone administering the survey is asking the same questions in the same way.
The protocol. The protocols for fielding the survey are standardized so that everyone adopts the same approach to drawing the sample, communicating with potential respondents, and collecting the data. This is important because the method of survey administration can affect the data.
The analysis. MHSIP surveys include a set of analysis programs and instructions to minimize variations in how sponsors and vendors process and interpret the results of the surveys.
The reporting. MHSIP surveys benefit from a well-tested approach to presenting survey results. Users of survey results have access to reporting measures as well as guidelines that reflect best practices in reporting.
More detailed information about survey methodology can be found among "Survey Documentation" in the table below.
Current Reports
2024 MHSIP Youth Report 2024 MHSIP Adult Report