The 15-member Oregon Council on Health Care Interpreters (OCHCI) advises Oregon Health Authority (OHA) on Oregon Administrative Rules and policy standards for the
Health Care Interpreter Program. Council members are appointed by the OHA Director. The council meets quarterly and meetings are open to the public.
For more background on the establishment of the council, read
Oregon Revised Statute 413.554.
Mission Statement: The mission of the Oregon Council on Health Care Interpreters is to promote quality health care interpreting to eliminate language inequity. We aim to better meet the communication needs of patients and health systems by advocating for education, improved working conditions, and recognition for the profession.
Vision Statement: We envision a future where every patient can reach their full health potential through an accessiible, thriving workforce of professional, skilled health care interpreters.
Members of the Public
Members of the public wishing to make public comment during a committee or council meeting must log into the meeting by 4:45 p.m. Pacific Time. At the meeting, members of the public should ise the chat function to share:
- Their full name,
- The name of their organization, and
- If they wish to make a public comment during the time for public comment.
If the committee or council concludes their business by 4:45 p.m. Pacific Time and no members of the public are present, committee/council members may move to adjourn the meeting early.
Council Documents
Membership Application - English
Membership Application - Spanish
Council Bylaws (updated Dec. 11, 2017)
Oct. 4. 2024 Council Roster
Please note that until further notice, OHA will conduct all council and subcommittee meetings remotely.
Upcoming Meetings
Beginning May 1, 2025, ALC meetings will begin at 3 p.m. and end at 5 p.m.
Please contact Edna Nyamu at (971) 673-3378 or
email the Health Care Interpreter Program if you need special accommodations to attend or participate in this meeting. OHA also accepts all relay calls or you can dial 711 for assistance.
HCI Meeting
Schedulecurrent-meetingsHCI Meeting Docsweb-view
Past Meetings
Please visit the council's meetings archive.