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Oregon Health Authority

Regional Health Equity Coalitions (RHECs)

What are RHECs?

Regional Health Equity Coalitions (RHECs) are made up of grassroots community members and representatives from culturally specific community-based organizations who work to identify what the most pressing health equity issues are in their region. Once they identify those priorities, then they work to develop solutions to these barriers and challenges at the policy, systems and environment change levels.These efforts focus on issues impacting priority populations including Communities of Color, Tribal communities including the nine federally recognized Tribes in Oregon and other American Indians and Alaska Natives people, immigrants, refugees, migrant and seasonal farmworkers, individuals and families with low-income, people with disabilities, and LGBTQ communities, with Communities of Color as the leading priority.

How many RHECs are there?
There are 9 RHECs that represent 21 counties. Oregon Health Authority is working to secure additional resources for another five RHECs in the future.

Current RHECs and their regions

  • Eastern Oregon Health Equity Alliance (Cohort 1 Malheur and Umatilla Counties, Cohort 2 Morrow and Union Counties)
  • Linn Benton Lincoln Health Equity Alliance (Linn, Benton, and Lincoln Counties)
  • Mid-Columbia Health Equity Advocates (Hood River and Wasco Counties)
  • Oregon Health Equity Alliance (Clackamas, Multnomah, and Washington Counties)
  • Health Equity Coalition of Marion, Polk and Yamhill Counties (Marion, Polk and Yamhill Counties)
  • RISE (Regional Intersectional System-change for Equity of the Umpqua and Willamette Valley Lane and Douglas Counties)
  • SO Health-E (Jackson and Josephine Counties)
  • South Coast Equity Coalition (Coos and Curry Counties)
Demographic and language data by county mapFor demographic and language data by county, see our Interactive map.

Requests and Contact Information

If you have a request to engage with the E&I RHEC team or one of the Regional Health Equity Coalitions please complete this form.  This helps ensure all information needed to understand the request is provided and that the E&I RHEC team have a way to track and quantify the requests received over time. 
