Oregon Revised Statutes
ORS 431A.050 through 431A.100 are the laws (statutes) that pertain to the Oregon Trauma System. You can view the statutes on the Oregon State Legislature website.
Statutes regarding patient confidentiality
- ORS 41 - see ORS 41.675 - 41.685 regarding confidentiality of patient records in general
- ORS 431A - see ORS 431A.090(4)(a) regarding confidentiality under the Oregon Trauma System
Oregon Administrative Rules
The Oregon Health Authority (OHA), Public Health Division has permanently amended Oregon Administrative Rules 333-200 and 333-205 relating to trauma hospital categorization and trauma hospital resource standards. Final rules have been filed with the Secretary of State's office and are effective January 1, 2016. Trauma hospitals and Area Trauma Advisory Boards will have until January 1, 2017 to comply with revised standards.
OAR 333-200 - EMS and Trauma System Hospital Designation
OAR 333-205 - Trauma System Area 1 Hospital Designation
Exhibit 2 - Guidelines for Field Triage of Injured Patients
Exhibit 3 - Oregon Hospital Trauma Team Activation Criteria
Exhibit 4 - Oregon Trauma Hospital Resource Standards
Exhibit 5 - Oregon Criteria for Consideration of Transfer to a Level I or Level II Trauma Center