Temporary and Proposed Administrative Rule Amendments
Chapter 333, Division 45
The Oregon Health Authority (OHA), Public Health Division, Oregon Immunization Program (OIP) has operated a yellow fever vaccine program for over 20 years under delegation from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Based on advice from the Oregon Attorney General’s office, this program is being codified in the Oregon Administrative Rules.
Chapter 333, Divisions 46, 47, and 49
The Oregon Health Authority, Public Health Division, Oregon Immunization Program (OIP) is adopting the Vaccine Access Program (VAP) in Oregon Administrative Rule. VAP is Oregon’s name for the federal 317 vaccine program which has provided vaccines for uninsured people for many years. ALERT IIS rules have received a routine review. Adds a provision that allows an adult to unlock their record once they turn 18 years of age if the record was locked when they were a minor. ALERT IIS records belong to the individual, so once a person reaches 18 years, they have the right to determine whether the record remains locked or not. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is being added as an authorized user of ALERT IIS for the purpose of investigating vaccine adverse events.
To submit comments on proposed administrative rules, please see attached Notice to Interested Parties
Chapter 333, Division 50
The Oregon Health Authority (OHA), Public Health Division, Oregon Immunization Program (OIP) is proposing to
amend administrative rules relating to school, childcare and college immunizations. A Rules Advisory Committee meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 10, 2-4 pm. The draft Statement of Need and Fiscal Impact form will also be discussed at the meeting. Members of the public are welcome to listen to the meeting via the Zoom link in the
agenda. Opportunity for members of the public to provide comments on the proposed administrative rules in writing and during a public hearing will be scheduled in 2025.
Immunization Laws and Rules
Oregon laws are defined in the Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS). Oregon Administrative Rules (OAR) determine how those laws are implemented.