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Oregon Health Authority

Promoting Interoperability (Meaningful Use): Immunization Measure

NOTE: Meaningful Use EHR Incentive Programs are now called Promoting Interoperability (PI) Programs.

Eligible Providers (EP) and Eligible Hospitals (EH)

To meet the Stage 1 core objective, an eligible provider or eligible hospital must perform at least one test of the certified EHR capacity to prepare and submit electronic data to an immunization registry (ALERT IIS); ongoing submission of data is required if the test is successful. 

Note: Providers engaged in ongoing submission of immunization data to ALERT IIS prior to Stage 1 may continue to submit earlier versions of HL7 during Stage 2.

Meeting Stage 1

  1. Stage 1 requires submission of a test message to ALERT IIS.
  2. Review information on Getting Started with Data Exchange webpage, share data exchange specifications and process information with EHR vendor and technical staff
  3. Visit the Public Health Meaningful Use Registration site to indicate your plans and timeline for MU attestation
  4. From the Getting Started with Data Exchange webpage, use the link to the ALERT IIS On Boarding Tool to register with ALERT IIS and submit a single test message. Once you have registered your clinic and/or updated your clinic’s contact information in ALERT IIS, you will be presented with a screen where you can upload a test file. Uploading a test message can be completed by the clinic or your EHR vendor. As long as you are accessing it using your clinic’s AL# the test message will be documented and feedback will be provided appropriately.
  5. Once the test message is submitted and results are retrieved, you have completed the Stage 1 test. The next step is to start working towards ongoing submission. See detailed information on next steps below.

Note: You may work towards ongoing submission at any time; there is no need to wait until the beginning of your Stage 2 attestation period.

Online Resources for Stage 1

To meet the Stage 2 core objective, an eligible provider or eligible hospital is required to submit ongoing production data to ALERT IIS (i.e., for the duration of the 90 day reporting period).

Successful ongoing submissions to ALERT IIS are:

  • generated by certified EHR technology,
  • follow HL7 v.2.5.1 specifications (unless ongoing submission was achieved prior to 2014 with HL7 v.2.4),
  • include CVX codes as the vocabulary standard, and
  • can be sent via manual batch file upload or in real time using SOAP web service as the transport protocol.

Meeting Stage 2

  1. Review information on Getting Started with Data Exchange, share data exchange specifications and process information with EHR vendor and technical staff
  2. Visit the Public Health Meaningful Use Registration site to indicate/update your plans and timeline for MU attestation
  3. Once you have indicated your intent, contact the ALERT IIS Help Desk and ask for a Data Exchange Analyst to assist with set up for ongoing data exchange
  4. Test and revise data format with ALERT IIS Data Exchange Analyst; receive approval for ongoing submission (see Getting Started with Data Exchange webpage for details on testing process.)
  5. Go-live with ongoing submission
  6. ALERT returns an HL7 ACK message for every message submitted. Once ongoing submission is achieved, the ACKs will serve as documentation of ongoing submission status and will be an important tool in maintaining data quality.

Online Resources for Stage 2

The final rules for Stage 3 Meaningful Use (MU3) have been published by the CMS in 2017 as result of the 2015 final rule, with an intent of focusing on certified electronic health record technology (CEHRT) to improve health outcomes. The Oregon Immunization Program strongly supports the exchange of data and encourages eligible providers and hospitals to participate to the full extent.

This page serves as declaration of readiness to partner with providers in exchanging data and promoting Interoperability.

To be compliant with Stage 3, successful submission includes:

  • generated by certified EHR technology,
  • follow HL7 v.2.5.1 specifications (unless ongoing submission was achieved prior to 2014 with HL7 v.2.4),
  • include CVX codes as the vocabulary standard, and
Providers who have participated in modified Stage 2 and began sending to the ALERT IIS production systems prior to January 1, 2019 may be grandfathered and continue to utilize reporting to the system to meet the appropriate measure in Stage 3.


Meeting Stage 3

  1. Review information on Getting Started with Data Exchange, share data exchange specifications and process information with EHR vendor and technical staff
  2. Visit the Public Health Meaningful Use Registration site to indicate/update your plans and timeline for MU attestation
  3. Once you have indicated your intent, contact the ALERT IIS Help Desk and ask for a Data Exchange Analyst to assist with set up for ongoing data exchange
  4. Test and revise data format with ALERT IIS Data Exchange Analyst; receive approval for ongoing submission (see Getting Started with Data Exchange webpage for details on testing process.)
  5. Go-live with ongoing submission
  6. ALERT IIS returns an HL7 ACK message for every message submitted. Once ongoing submission is achieved, the ACKs will serve as documentation of ongoing submission status and will be an important tool in maintaining data quality.

Online Resources for Stage 3