On this page:
What are Oregon's cannabis laws?
Oregon law allows both medical and "recreational" use of cannabis, within specified limits.
- Visit our Laws page to learn about legal use of both medical and non-medical cannabis in Oregon.
- WhatsLegalOregon.com also provides an overview of non-medical cannabis laws.
What are the health effects of cannabis use?
We still have a lot to learn about the physical and mental effects of using cannabis, but we do know that cannabis may be harmful to some people. Babies and kids may be especially vulnerable. Learning about possible health impacts can help people understand the risks they could be taking by using cannabis.
Visit our Health and Safety page for details.
Is it safe to use cannabis if I'm pregnant or breastfeeding?
There is no known safe amount of cannabis use during pregnancy. It may harm your baby if you use cannabis at any time during your pregnancy. This includes smoking, eating and vaping cannabis.
If you're breastfeeding, the THC in cannabis that makes you feel "high" can get into your breast milk and may harm your baby.
Talk to your doctor if you're pregnant, thinking about becoming pregnant, or breastfeeding and need help to stop using cannabis.
Visit our Health and Safety page to learn more.
Is cannabis tested for pesticides or other contaminants?
The Oregon Health Authority protects people’s health by ensuring cannabis products produced in Oregon are tested by an ORELAP-accredited laboratory and pass testing requirements for pesticides and other contaminants before they are transferred to consumers. Tests that fail are reported immediately to the OHA.
View health alerts associated with failed tests.
Are cannabis products labeled to clearly show they contain THC or CBD?
Yes. As of October 1, 2016, a universal symbol is required on all THC-containing cannabis products being sold in Oregon.
May cannabis product labels, advertisements or marketing make claims about health or curing disease?
No. Cannabis products purchased at a medical marijuana dispensary or at an OLCC licensed retail store may not contain labels that make claims that a cannabis product has curative or therapeutic effects. Medical marijuana growers and processors, and OLCC producers, processors or retailers may not market or advertise cannabis products that claim to have a curative or therapeutic effect.
I purchased a CBD hemp product at the grocery store or online. May these CBD hemp products make curative or therapeutic claims?
No. CBD hemp products sold at locations like grocery stores or by online retailers may not include claims that they cure, mitigate, treat or prevent a disease or condition. Additionally, these products and the manufacturers that make these products may not make a health claim claiming the product reduces the risk of a disease. If you have any questions or concerns about a product that contains CBD but was not purchased at an medical marijuana dispensary or OLCC licensed retail store, you can contact the FDA at 800-353-3965 (toll-free) or visit the FDA website for information on reporting problems and complaints.
What should I do if my child accidentally eats or drinks a cannabis product?
Cannabis can make children very sick. Call the Poison Center Hotline at 1-800-222-1222 if your child eats or drinks cannabis products. If the symptoms seem bad, such as having trouble breathing, walking or sitting up, call 911 or go to an emergency room right away.
Safety tips: If you or someone who takes care of your child use cannabis, there are a few important steps you can take to keep your child safe.
- Keep cannabis locked, out of sight and out of reach.
- Don't use cannabis when kids are around.
- Remember that using cannabis while taking care of a baby isn't safe. Don't let someone take care of your baby when they are using cannabis.
Do you have tips for talking to kids and teens about cannabis?
Yes. Visit the parent section of our Health and Safety page or download our
Parents' Guide, also available in
Spanish. Talking with your kids about cannabis can be difficult, but it's the best way to help them make good decisions as they grow up.
What is Oregon doing to prevent youth cannabis use?
Five cents of every Marijuana Tax dollar is used by the Oregon Health Authority to fund alcohol and drug abuse prevention.
The Oregon Health Authority Public Health Division has developed a website for youth and young adults as part of its Stay True to You campaign to share information about the health effects and consequence of using cannabis. Visit StayTrueToYou.org or Stay True Oregon on Facebook or Instagram to learn more.
What scientific data are the Oregon Health Authority using to study the health effects of cannabis?
Our scientific advisory committee conducts evidence reviews of current data. View our evidence reviews and sources.
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