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Loans to community and nonprofit non-community water systems

Drinking Water State Revolving Fund

The Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) provides low-cost loans to community and nonprofit non-community water systems for planning, design and construction of drinking water infrastructure improvements per Section 1452 of the Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Amendments of 1996. In Oregon, the DWSRF loan program is funded through the Safe Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund (SDWRLF) which is administered by Business Oregon. 

Funds may also be available for drinking water source protection efforts. 

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Funding Opportunities

Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL)
Annual Letter of Interest deadline is February 15.
The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law authorizes increases to Oregon’s existing base DWSRF program and includes appropriations for Supplemental DWSRF funding for infrastructure improvements, funding for identifying and replacing lead service lines and gooseneck connectors, and funding to address emerging contaminants (e.g., PFAS or other unregulated contaminants). A key priority of BIL is to ensure that disadvantaged communities benefit equitably, therefore, federal funding requirements stipulate that a significant portion of funds be provided in the form of loan subsidy.

Water System Infrastructure Projects

Annual Letter of Interest deadline is February 15.
The Safe Drinking Water Revolving Loan Fund provides funding for planning, design, and construction of drinking water infrastructure improvements, including repair or replacement of existing infrastructure.

Sustainable Infrastructure Planning Projects (SIPP)

Annual application deadlines include February 15 and August 15.
The sustainable infrastructure planning program funds water system planning and related activities that promote sustainable water infrastructure.

Small System Equipment Assistance (SSEA)

Annual application deadlines include August 15 for 2025 and then February 15 and August 15 for 2026 onward.
The Small System Equipment Assistance program funds small scale additions or replacement of equipment and instrumentation needed by small water systems serving 300 or fewer connections to ensure continued operation and protection of public health.

Drinking Water Source Protection Projects (DWSPF) 

Annual application deadline for 2025 is from January 21 to March 21. Dates change annually.
The drinking water source protection fund provides loan and grant funds for eligible drinking water source protection projects.

Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (WIFIA)
In addition to the SRF funding available from Oregon's partnership with EPA, EPA also has a water infrastructure financing program called WIFIA. WIFIA loans can fund similar project eligibilities as the DWSRF programs, but can reach a broader spectrum of borrowers, as well as fund significantly larger projects. In some cases, loans from the SDWRLF can be used as required match funding for WIFIA funding. 

Eligible Water Systems

The following types of drinking water systems are eligible to apply for funding:

  • Publicly and privately owned community systems (e.g., cities, towns, mobile home parks, ports)
    • 25+ users or 15+ service connections by year-round residents.
  • Publicly and privately owned non-profit non-community systems (e.g., schools, parks, campgrounds, churches)
    • 25+ users served to non-residents throughout a year. The non-profit entity can be government owned or is recognized under Oregon law as a non-profit organization.
  • Community water systems created by the project.

For more information regarding eligibility and program details, see the Safe Drinking Water Program Guidelines and Handbook.


Each federal fiscal year, the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) uses a federal grant application process to make funds available to states for the DWSRF. Oregon's grant request process begins by identifying and collecting information about current Oregon drinking water system project improvement needs statewide.

The 7th Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs Survey and Assessment (DWINSA) illustrates these detailed needs from national and individual state perspectives. For information, visit EPA's 7th DWINSA web page.

To apply for funding, drinking water systems submit information about their proposed drinking water projects in a SDWRLF Letter of Interest (LOI). The LOI is used to gather detailed information about a proposed drinking water project including information about the water supply, water quality problem(s), water system's finances, readiness-to-proceed, proposed solution,  and estimated cost.

The state reviews and prioritizes the funding requests, creating a Project Priority List (PPL). The PPL is included in the State's Intended Use Plan (IUP), which is provided each year to EPA for approval. The IUP demonstrates how Oregon intends to use its appropriated grant award. Once EPA has reviewed and approved the IUP, the federal funds may then begin to be released.

Investment Reports show which communities have received funding over the past few years. Select fiscal year links and scroll to "Safe Drinking Water Fund" to view DWSRF-funded drinking water project activities throughout Oregon.