Please note updated deadlines for SSEA applications.
For 2025, application submission deadline: August 15, 2025
Beginning in 2026, application submission deadlines: February 15 and August 15 of each year
Program Overview
This program is funded out
of Oregon’s Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF). The purpose is to fund
small scale additions or replacement of equipment and instrumentation needed by
small water systems to ensure continued operation and protection of public
- Applications will be accepted for this program annually on February 15 and August 15.
- Available funding for this program is $200,000 per year for a maximum of 10 projects.
- $20,000 maximum forgivable loan per project. Minimum award of $2,000.
- Systems may receive an award once every three years. Projects must be completed within two years of the day that a funding contract is signed with Business Oregon. A one-year extension may be granted upon request.
- Priority for funding will be given to systems with Disadvantaged Community status, systems with Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) compliance needs, and systems treating surface water sources.
- Restrictions apply on materials and contracted labor costs. See below.
Circuit Rider assistance is
available to help identify needed equipment and supplies and to assist in
completing a funding application.
Eligible Water Systems
Eligible water systems must meet each of the following criteria:
- Classified as a Community or Non-Profit Non-Community water system
- Community water systems must serve at least 15 or more service connections or 25 or more year-round residents. Non-Profit Non-Community water systems must serve at least 25 people and be recognized under Oregon law as a nonprofit corporation
- Serve ≤ 300 connections
- System is not in significant noncompliance. Criteria may be waived if project will directly resolve noncompliance.
Eligible Activities