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Oregon Health Authority

Sustainable Infrastructure Planning Projects

Please note updated deadlines for SIPP applications. 

For 2024, application submission deadlines: March 15 and September 15.
For 2025, application submission deadlines: February 15 and August 15 of each year

Planning activities that promote sustainable water infrastructure may receive funding up to a maximum of $50,000 per project. Priority is given to systems that serve fewer than 300 service connections.

Program Overview

  • Funding up to $50,000 per eligible project
  • 100% Forgivable Loan
  • A water system may be awarded SIPP funds once every three years.
    • Exception can be made if Seismic SIPP funding is needed as part of a full master planning effort in the same 3-year period but may not result in two funding awards in a single year.
    • A water system may only receive SIPP funds once for each eligible activity identified in the program overview document.
    • Exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis if funding allows.
  • Water system must complete project within 2 years.

Eligible Projects

  • Feasibility Studies - studies to evaluate infrastructure project feasibility. Studies may also include the evaluation of resiliency measures and continuity of operations, including identification of needed infrastructure improvements.
  • Asset Management Plan - plan for managing water system infrastructure assets
  • System Partnership Studies - studies to evaluate potential for system consolidation / regionalization
  • Water Rate Studies - studies of water system rate charges, structure, and adequacy
  • Leak Detection Studies - studies to detect water system leakage and identify possible solutions
  • Security Risk and Vulnerability Studies - studies or assessments to evaluate infrastructure and information security, including cybersecurity.
  • Water System Master Plan for water systems with < 300 connections - long-range plan to evaluate the needs of the water system and make recommendations for future improvements
  • Seismic Risk Assessment and Mitigation Plans
    • Seismic planning requirements as outlined in OAR 333-061-0060(5)(a)(J).
    • See details about how financing can be accessed to help.

Ineligible projects include activities related to construction and/or engineering/design, and activities related to ineligible project types listed under the infrastructure loan program.

SIPP Application

Submission deadlines:

  • For 2024, application submission deadlines: March 15 and September 15
  • For 2025, application submission deadlines: February 15 and August 15 of each year

The Business Oregon Regional Development Officer for your area is available to answer questions about SIPP. Complete applications using the most current version of the form linked below and submit to After eligible projects have been reviewed, rated (i.e., scored), and ranked by Oregon Health Authority on the Project Priority List, Business Oregon will follow up with those systems selected for funding to complete the funding process.