Contact Us
Telephone: 971-673-1111
Feel free to forward illumination, invective or idle chatter. Replies not guaranteed.
To subscribe
We always enjoy a friendly salutation. To request your subscription, copy the sample subscription request below, click on our email link (, paste the message into the email window, adjust to taste, and send. Thanks very much!
Subscriber tips
Subscriptions are available via email. We ended our regular mail delivery option the summer of 2014. However some licensed providers may be able to earn free CME credits by subscribing. If you are interested in the CME option, please include that bit of information in your email.
Since you are requesting an
e-mail subscription, please include your
full name and mailing address or phone number in your message. We ask this because:
- Many people share the same name. If you are a subscriber, it helps us distinguish your unique data string from the anonymous masses, and,
- Often, people change their e-mail address and never tell us. This way, if your e-mail comes back, we may contact you to get your email address again, (as opposed to deleting you entirely) until you become annoyed at the waste of paper and time and you update your e-mail address.
Sample subscription request
A helpful sample request might read (fill in the dots, legibly):
"Hi! My name is...
I would like to become an e-mail CD Summary subscriber.
Please add my email address of...
My mailing address should you ever need to contact me is..........
My phone number is...
I am/am not a current subscriber.
Thank you."