December 22 - Vol. 47, No. 26
Listeria Hysteria
December 8 - Vol. 47, No. 25
The Oregon Tobacco Quit Line (1-877-270-STOP)
November 24 - Vol. 47, No. 24
Food Practices and Diarrheal Diseases: Vox Populi
November 10 - Vol. 47, No. 23
Chlamydial Contemplations
October 27 - Vol. 47, No. 22
Cancer in Oregonians
October 13 - Vol. 47, No. 21
Ceramic and Pottery Cookware: A Potential Source of Pb
September 29 - Vol. 47, No. 20
Pneumococcal Disease: Common...Deadly...Preventable
September 15 - Vol. 47, No. 19
Latex Allergy Alert—Risks to Health Care Providers and Patients
September 1 - Vol. 47, No. 18
Grippe: Memento Mori
August 18 - Vol. 47, No. 17
Tuberculosis Update
August 4 - Vol. 47, No. 16
Preventive Care for Oregonians with Diabetes
July 21 - Vol. 47, No. 15
Unintentional Drowning in Oregon
July 7 - Vol. 47, No. 14
Sleeping Position and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome
June 23 - Vol. 47, No. 13
Pertussis: The Cough That Still Won't Go Away
June 9 - Vol. 47, No. 12
The Changing Face of the AIDS Epidemic
May 26 - Vol. 47, No. 11
Tobacco Cessation & the 4 A'S
May 12 - Vol. 47, No. 10
Toxic Pesticide Exposures
April 28 - Vol. 47, No. 09
Communicable Diseases in Oregon: 1997 in Review
April 14 - Vol. 47, No. 08
A Guide to the OHS's Web Site
March 31 - Vol. 47, No. 07
Group B Streptococcal Sepsis in Infants
March 17 - Vol. 47, No. 06
Sporadic Cases of Hemorrhagic Escherichiosis
March 3 - Vol. 47, No. 05
Radioactive I-131 Exposures: Resources Are on the Way
February 17 - Vol. 47, No. 04
Physician Counseling for Cardiovascular Disease
February 3 - Vol. 47, No. 03
Ocular Reactions Following Transfusion of Leukocyte-Depleted Blood
January 20 - Vol. 47, No. 02
Anogenital Papillomavirus Infections
January 6 - Vol. 47, No. 01
New Pediatric Immunization Schedules