Weekly claim reprocessing to begin Jan. 31, 2025
Oregon Health Authority (OHA) plans to reprocess fee-for-service claims paid on or after April 1, 2023. This is to adjust funding information on the claims. This activity will not change any payments already made to you.
The claims adjustment section of the remittance advice will list these claims. The claims will have an Internal Control Number beginning with "52."
Please contact Provider Services at 800-336-6016, option 5 with any questions.
How to Check Claim Status
You can check status online using the
MMIS Provider Portal or by reviewing the paper remittance advice.
Learn how to review, adjust or resubmit claims using the portal
Learn how to read the remittance advice
Denied Claims
How to resolve denied claims depends on the reason for the denial.
Please resolve or appeal denied claims within 18 months of the date of service. After 18 months, there is no appeal option; the only option left is provider write-off.
Correct and resubmit the claim. You cannot void or adjust a denied claim.
Common paper claim errors:
- Entering numbers other than the provider's Oregon Medicaid ID ("MCD") number in the billing, rendering, referring or attending provider field of the claim.
- On professional claims with TPL, not entering what TPL paid in box 29, or not entering the appropriate adjustment reason code in box 9.
- On institutional claims for members with primary Medicare coverage, not entering XOVR in box 7.
Check the member's eligibility and enrollment. If the member is in a CCO, bill the listed CCO.
This means the TPL section of the submitted claim, or fields in the TPL section of the claim, may be blank or incorrect. The claim must include the amount TPL paid and the appropriate adjustment reason code.
- Do not enter Medicare information in the TPL section.
- Is the TPL on file outdated? Update it at www.ReportTPL.org.
- If you do not know all the patient's information you can enter "00000" in the appropriate box.
- If you don't know the plan ID for the member's TPL, call Provider Services.
- If there is no primary payment, enter the appropriate adjustment reason code on the web or paper claim:
- Deductible: 1 (web), UD (paper)
- Co-insurance: 2 (web), OT (paper)
- Maximum benefits: 119 (web), MB (paper)
- Not covered: 96 (web), NC (paper)
Learn more about TPL requirements and tips
For members with a Medicare replacement (Medicare Advantage) plan:
- This coverage is the same as Medicare.
- Report this coverage in the Medicare section of the claim.
- Do not use the TPL section for this information.
When a member has a Medicare supplement plan:
- This coverage is supplemental to Medicare.
- Report this coverage in the TPL section of the claim.
This means the claim was submitted more than 12 months from the date of service.
For claims submitted and denied within 12 months of the date of service, you have 18 months from the date of service to resubmit the claim (see Oregon Administrative Rule 410-120-1300). To do this:
- Complete the Request to Bypass Timely Filing form.
- Submit the form with a one-page red/white paper claim or a photocopy of the original claim.
- Include other documentation that will help OHA process the claim.
- Include the Internal Control Number (ICN) of the original claim as proof of timely filing.
- Mail to OHP Provider Services, 500 Summer St NE E44, Salem OR 97301. OR
- Send via secure email to OHA.FFSOHPClaims@odhsoha.oregon.gov.
Send a letter stating reasons for the appeal or redetermination. Do this within 180 days of the denial and within 18 months of the date of service. With the letter, attach:
- The claim for denied services.
- The original denial notice or remittance advice (RA).
- Complete documentation that supports covering the service. See Oregon Administrative Rule (OAR) 410-120-1570 to learn more about the types of information to send.
Mail to OHP Provider Services, 500 Summer St NE, E44, Salem, OR 97301 OR
Send via secure email to OHA.FFSOHPClaims@odhsoha.oregon.gov.
Overpaid or Underpaid Claims
You can void or adjust the claim. If you do this, no further action is needed to adjust prior payments. Payment adjustments will automatically show in future remittance advices (RAs).
Paid claims may have zero payments for these reasons:
- Rural Health Clinics, Tribal Health Clinics and Federally Qualified Health Centers must include an Evaluation and Management (E/M) code on the first line of the claim.
- Clinics set up for Alternate Payment Methodology (APM) may only bill for members listed in the 820 report from their clearinghouse.
- For members with TPL as primary, the TPL's primary payment may be more than Medicaid's allowed amount.
If it has been less than one year since the claim's date of service, you can use the MMIS Provider Portal to:
- Void the claim or
- Adjust the claim to add any other payment information that may cause the claim to pay differently.
If you use an Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) clearinghouse to submit claims, you can void or adjust using your EDI software.
For older claims, you can submit the OHP 1036 form. On the form, you can:
- Request to void the claim or
- List the specific changes needed to adjust the claim.
When to Send a Check
If you cannot void or adjust an overpaid claim, you can send a check made out to “Oregon Medicaid." It can take up to four months to process your check and have the refund show up on your RA.
Include a letter stating what the check is for.
- List the Internal Control Number for each claim.
- If the check is for more than one claim, list how much money goes to each claim.
Attach a copy of the original RA.
Mail the check, letter and RA copy to:
ODHS/OHA Receipting
500 Summer St NE, 4th Floor
Salem OR 97301