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Oregon Health Authority

Medicaid Demographic Report

The Medicaid Demographic Report is an interactive dashboard that allows users to explore granular demographic data about who is enrolled in Oregon's Medicaid program, which is known as the Oregon Health Plan (OHP). The Oregon Health Plan serves diverse populations across the state. By better understanding the complex and multifaceted membership of OHP, we can improve access to and quality of health care services. 

The dashboard is typically updated monthly with current data from the prior month. It is divided into two main sections. Tabs on the left side of the dashboard show data for Race/Ethnicity, Language, Disability, and enrollment trends. The right side of the dashboard ("REALD categories by...") includes intersectional views allowing analysis of overlapping identities of race, sex, disability, and other demographic groups that have historically experienced discrimination. 

Looking for more detailed data about Medicaid enrollment in Oregon? Visit the Medicaid Enrollment Report

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The Dashboard

Please allow a few moments for the dashboard to load.
Use the dropdown filters to modify the data. Learn what the filter options mean under "Filters and Terminology" below.
To view in full screen mode, click the expand icon  in the bottom right corner.


Filters and Terminology


“Dual eligible” means the OHP member also receives Medicare benefits. I.e., they are eligible for and enrolled in both Medicaid (OHP) and Medicare. Options in this filter are:
  • No (without Medicare) - The OHP member does not receive Medicare benefits​
  • Full​ (with Medicare) - The OHP member also receives Medicare benefits
  • Partial/MSP (with Medicare) - ​The member does not receive OHP benefits, but Medicaid helps pay their ​Medicare cost sharing (such as premiums and deductibles). 

​T​his filter allows you to view the data for an individual health plan, as described below. In this dashboard, people are assigned to the CCO or FFS counts based on where they receive physical health coverage.

  • ​​Each of Oregon’s 16 Coordinated Care Organizations​ (CCOs)
    A CCO is a network of all types of health care providers (physical health, dental health, and behavioral health care) who work together to serve OHP members in their local communities. CCOs have one budget to cover all types of care and are accountable for health outcomes of the population they serve.​​​Learn more about the Coordinated Care Model.
  • ​Fee-for-Service (FFS)
    Fee-for-Service means the OHP member’s physical health care is covered by the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) rather than a CCO. Some members can choose to receive FFS benefits, such as American Indian or Alaska Native people. Fee-for-Service is also referred to as “Open Card.”​​
  • PACE (combined)
    PACE organizations​ are managed care organizations that provide both Medicaid and Medicare services for people with chronic care needs who are 55 years or older. PACE stands for Program of All Inclusive Care for the Elderly. ​As of January 2024, there are two PACE organizations ​​in Oregon covering members in only a few counties (outlined below). The dashboard shows a single count for all PACE enrollees combined.
    • Providence ElderPlace serves all of Multnomah and Clatsop counties, as well as parts of Washington, Tillamook, and Clackamas counties.
    • AllCare PACE serves parts of Jackson and Josephine counties through a health center in the city of Grants Pass.​
  • ​Medicare Savings Programs
    People who are enrolled in Medicare may get help paying their premiums and deductibles through a Medicare Savings Program​ (MSP). These members are sometimes also referred to as "partially dual eligible" for Medicaid. They do not receive OHP benefit services. ​​

​OHP stands for Oregon Health Plan, which is the name of Oregon’s Medicaid program. This filter allows you to view data by:

  • ​OHP: Healthier Oregon​
    A subset of OHP, this option filters the data to only those enrolled in the Healthier Oregon Program (HOP), which expands OHP coverage to people who would otherwise be ineligible due to their immigration status
  • OHP: Bridge
    A subset of OHP, this option filters the data to only those enrolled in Oregon’s Bridge Program​, which opens OHP to people who earn up to 200% of the federal poverty level. NoteThe Bridge Program fully launched in July 2024. Before then, people who were receiving OHP coverage during the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency (PHE) and were found to be eligible for the OHP Bridge during redeterminations were enrolled through a category called “Adult Temporary Plan."
  • ​​​OHP: All other​
    This category includes all other OHP members (i.e., those who are not part of either the HOP nor Bridge programs).​
  • Medicare Savings Program
    People who are enrolled in Medicare may get help paying their premiums and deductibles through a Medicare Savings Program​ (MSP). These members are sometimes also referred to as "partially dual eligible" for Medicaid. They do not receive OHP benefit services. ​

  • Disaggregate: This view shows enrollment for up to 41 ​race and ethnicity groups. These groups were determined by communities most impacted by health inequities.
  • Aggregate: This view shows enrollment by nine parent race and ethnicity variables. These categories roll up the disaggregated categories and most closely match federal reporting standards.
Aggregated data can mask inequities. We always recommend using disaggregated race and ethnicity data when it is available.

​When primary race/ethnicity is used each person is assigned and counted under a single race category, which allows for easier population comparisons. However, a single race category may not represent an individual’s racial identity, which may be multiracial, complex and intersectional.​​

How is primary race/ethnicity determined? If a person selected a single race or ethnic category, they are assigned to that race or ethnicity. If more than one category was selected, a person could indicate their primary race or ethnicity in a follow-up question. If multiple race categories were selected, but no primary racial or ethnic identity was indicated, a person was assigned a primary race/ethnicity using the "least common race" methodology. This me​thodology is described in the REALD Implementation Guide.

There are many definitions of and ways to measure disability. REALD disability questions are based on functional limitations. There are nine disability questions reflecting the great diversity among people with disabilities in type of limitation(s), age when they acquired their limitation(s), and other identities that can compound the impact of their disability.​
Vision only: Members who reported being blind or having serious difficulty seeing, even when wearing glasses

Hearing only: Members who reported being deaf or having serious difficulty hearing

Mobility only: Members who reported having serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs (ages 5 and older)

Communication only: Members who reported having serious difficulty communicating (understanding or being understood by others) using their usual (customary) language (ages 5 and older)

Cognitive only: Members who reported having serious difficulty remembering, concentrating or making decisions because of a physical, mental or emotional condition (ages 5 and older)

Learning only: Members who reported having serious difficulty learning how to do things most people their age can learn (ages 5 and older)

Mental health only: Members who reported having serious difficulty with mood, intense feelings, controlling their behavior, or experiencing delusions or hallucinations (ages 15 and older)

2+ disabilities: Members who reported having more than one of the above functional limitations

Independent living/Self-care: Members who reported having:

  1. Difficulty doing errands alone such as visiting a doctor's office or shopping because of a physical, mental or emotional condition (ages 15 and older) or
  2. Difficulty bathing or dressing (ages 5 and older)

As well as, members who did not respond to REALD disability questions but were identified (via administrative data) as having:

  1. Permanent Disability
  2. Supplemental Security income (SSI) or
  3. Long-term care (LTC) services

Non-disabled: Members who answered one or more of the REALD disability questions but did not report any functional limitation and were not identified as eligible for permanent disability, SSI income or LTC services​

​A person may have more than one identity. ​​The ”alone or in combination” method displays individuals by each race and ethnicity​ or each disabilty that the person reported. Therefore, the sum of counts displayed in charts or tables using this method may be greater than the total enrollment counts. 

The purpose of the AOIC method is to better represent the identities of individuals by including them in all of the groups with which they identify.

The "Age" tab of the dashboard allows users to view the data by different age groupings. The significance of the groupings is described in the bullets below. Please note that the data are inclusive of ​the upper range. For example, ages "0-18" includes people who are 18 years old (up until their 19th birthday). 
  • ​0-5, 6-18, 19-64, 65+ ​is a general grouping with children stratified to reflect a ​new policy (effective January 2023)​​​, which keep children in OHP continuously enrolled until they turn six. 
  • 0-18, 19-64, 65+ is a general grouping (children, adults, and older adults)​.
  • 0-5, 6-10, 11-17, 18-25, 26+. The middle three ranges (italicized) are commonly used to define "children, adolescents, and young adults" (respectively) in child and family behavioral health.
  • 0-20 ​is the age range that receives EPDST benefits. EPDST stands for Early and Periodic Screening, Diagnostic, and Treatment. ​​​

​Many tabs in the dashboard allow users to switch between counts and percents. If you are interested in absolute numbers, you should use the "Count" setting, however if you are interested in seeing how members are distributed across the rows or columns, you should select:

  • "% of Column Total" 
    • This selection allows you to see how the values are distributed across all rows but in a single column. For example, when showing "% of Column Total" on the "Age" page, you will be able to find out: Among OHP members that are 0-5 years old, what percent are African American?
  • “% of Row Total" 
    • ​This selection allows you to see how the values are distributed across all columns but in a single row. For example, when showing “% of Row Total" on the “Age" page, you will be able to find out: Among African American OHP members, what percent are 0-5 years old?​

About the Data


REALD is an effort to increase and standardize Race, Ethnicity, Language, and Disability (REALD) data collection across the Oregon Department of Human Services (ODHS) and the Oregon Health Authority (OHA). REALD was advanced through the passage of House Bill 2134 by the Oregon legislature in 2013 and HB 3159 in 2021. A key element to this way of asking for demographic information is that individuals are allowed the opportunity to self-identify and to decline to answer ​questions if they choose. 

Enrollment data source: Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS), Decision Support and Surveillance Utilization Review System (DSSURS). Learn more about MMIS​

​REALD data source: Oregon Health Authority. (2024). REALD & SOGI Data Repository (Developed per HB 3159 (2021) Requirements). Portland, Oregon: Oregon Health Authority, Equity and Inclusion Division. 

We use data from OHA’s REALD & SOGI Repository. In 2023, OHA launched the REALD & SOGI Repository, our central and most validated source of race, ethnicity, language and disability (REALD) data. The repository is the first effort by any state government to develop a relational database containing the most complete demographic information possible. 

For questions about the REALD & SOGI Repository, contact​

The dashboard shows the cumulative count of people who are eligible or enrolled* for/in​ Medicaid on the 15th day of each month. That means if a person loses coverage on the 14th, or becomes enrolled on the 16th, they won’t be counted in that specific month.

Throughout most of the dashboard, counts are shown for those with OHP benefits for physical health care (or none at all, in the case of partially dual eligibles enrolled in Medicare Savings Programs). As a result, people enrolled in dental-only only programs are generally excluded. However, some dental-only program members are counted in the “CCO Plan Type" page if they receive dental care through a CCO (i.e., CCOF). ​​

​*What does “eligible or enrolled” mean? 
People sign up for Medicaid using one of Oregon’s eligibility systems, such as ONE​. These systems determine if a person is eligible for Medicaid. If they are, then the person’s information is transferred to MMIS, which is the system used to administer Oregon’s Medicaid program (and the data source for this dashboard). Once a person’s information is transferred to MMIS, the system will enroll them in the Medicaid program. It can take a few days or more for MMIS to complete a person’s initial enrollment. Since the data in this dashboard are from a snapshot in time, some people may be found eligible for Medicaid, but still be in the process of becoming enrolled. Therefore, the data include people who are “eligible or enrolled” in Oregon’s Medicaid program. ​​​

Cells with an asterisk (*) indicate numbers less than 10 (inclusive of zero). These numbers are suppressed because they may be statistically unreliable. As a result, totals may not reflect the sum of numbers shown across a row or column.

Users should not "backwards calculate" to deduce suppressed values, as they may be statistically unreliable.​

Are these numbers final? 
Counts from the most recent few months might change slightly when the dashboard is refreshed in each month. That’s because sometimes people are retroactively enrolled or disenrolled and the data are updated to reflect those changes.

What does “missing" mean?
Missing data includes individuals that are not in the REALD repository, but are enrolled in OHP. It also includes individuals that did not provide a response to the given question as well as individuals who provided invalid responses. E.g., disability onset age greater than the individual's current age.

How are non-REALD data treated in the dashboard?
Some of the demographic data reported in the dashboard were collected prior to implementation of Race, Ethnicity, Language, and Disabillity (REALD) standards. Instead it was collected using only the two ethnicity groups and the five racial groups in accordance with guidelines set by the US Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Because granular race and ethnicity data is not available for these individuals, they are included in the 'Other' groups under their respective parent category (e.g., Other White or Other Asian). ​As of May 2024, data collected using non-granular OMB standards account for 6.8% of those in the 'Other' groups. We expect that this percentage will decrease over time.

How is “sex" defined in the dashboard?
The sex categories shown here are based on sex assigned at birth. They are not based on sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) methodology currently being developed through the OHA rulemaking process and do not reflect the range of experiences of OHP members. Sexual orientation and gender identity will be included in the dashboard when they become available.​​

What are "other or unknown" counties?
Individuals who cannot be categorized in the reporting database for various reasons, such as spelling errors or other administrative issues.​


General Information

​​You can get data from this display in other languages, large print, braille, or a format you prefer. Email​​.​​

Oregon's Monthly Medicaid Demographics Dashboard (2024). Interactive display accessed [MM/DD/YYYY]. Salem, OR: Oregon Health Authority.​.aspx​​​

If you need additional data or analysis than what's presented in this dashboard, visit the Health Analytics Data Request​ page. 

You can also explore other dashboards​ produced by the Office of Health Analytics​