Are these numbers final?
Counts from the most recent few months might change slightly when the dashboard is refreshed in each month. That’s because sometimes people are retroactively enrolled or disenrolled and the data are updated to reflect those changes.
What does “missing" mean?
Missing data includes individuals that are not in the REALD repository, but are enrolled in OHP. It also includes individuals that did not provide a response to the given question as well as individuals who provided invalid responses. E.g., disability onset age greater than the individual's current age.
How are non-REALD data treated in the dashboard?
Some of the demographic data reported in the dashboard were collected prior to implementation of Race, Ethnicity, Language, and Disabillity (REALD) standards. Instead it was collected using only the two ethnicity groups and the five racial groups in accordance with guidelines set by the US Office of Management and Budget (OMB). Because granular race and ethnicity data is not available for these individuals, they are included in the 'Other' groups under their respective parent category (e.g., Other White or Other Asian). As of May 2024, data collected using non-granular OMB standards account for 6.8% of those in the 'Other' groups. We expect that this percentage will decrease over time.
How is “sex" defined in the dashboard?
The sex categories shown here are based on sex assigned at birth. They are not based on sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) methodology currently being developed through the OHA rulemaking process and do not reflect the range of experiences of OHP members. Sexual orientation and gender identity will be included in the dashboard when they become available.
What are "other or unknown" counties?
Individuals who cannot be categorized in the reporting database for various reasons, such as spelling errors or other administrative issues.