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Oregon Health Authority

OHA Ombuds Program

Supporting Oregon Health Plan (Medicaid) Members

The Oregon Health Authority has a team of staff who advocate for Oregon Health Plan (OHP) members. These staff are called OHP Ombudspersons. The goal of the Ombuds team is to make sure OHP members get quality health care.

Contact the Ombuds Program if you have a concern about the services you get from OHP or if you want to share a compliment.

 Share Your OHP (Medicaid) Concern or Compliment

  • Tell us your name, your OHP number, and your email or phone number.
  • Share as much detail as you can about your concern or compliment.
  • If your concern is about OHP or Medicaid, we will try to contact you within 5 working days.
  • If your concern is not about OHP or Medicaid, we will help connect you to the right resource.

Email the Ombuds Team
Send a Secure Email

 NOTE: To send a secure email, you first need to register to create an account. Enter your email and click Continue. You will get an email with a link to activate your account. (If you don't see the email right away, check your junk mail for an email from proofpoint-pps.) Once you activate your account, send a secure email to

Language Access

Do You Need Help Getting Oregon Health Plan Services?

EnglishDo you need help getting Oregon Health Plan Services?
Spanish¿Necesita ayuda para obtener servicios del Plan de Salud de Oregón?
RussianВам необходима помощь в получении услуг в рамках плана льготного медицинского страхования штата Орегон?
VietnameseQuý vị có đang cần sự giúp đỡ trong việc tiếp nhận các Dịch vụ thuộc Chương trình Bảo hiểm Y tế Oregon?
Simplified Chinese您需要 获取俄勒冈州健康计划服务的帮助吗?
Traditional Chinese您需要 獲得俄勒岡健康計畫服務的幫助嗎?
UkrainianВам потрібна допомога в отриманні послуг за Планом охорони здоров’я штату Орегон?
Arabicھل أنتم بحاجة للحصول على خدمات خطة أوریغون الصحیة؟(Oregon Health Plan)
SomaliMa u baahan tahay helitaanka Adeegyada Qorshaha Caafimaadka Oregon?
ChuukeseEn mi need aninis ren an kopwe tikeri Ewe Oregon Health Plan Service
MarshalleseKwoj aikuij ke jiban bukot Oregon Health Plan Service ko?
HmongKoj puas xav tau kev pab txais Oregon Pawg Kho Mob Tej Kev Pab?
PohnpeianKe anahne sawas ong ale Oregon Health Plan Services?
Palauanaki ngosukau el melai ra ngerach el ngeseu Ngerach el ultebechl el ngeseu a ulsiseb ra chelsel a Oregon Health Plan Services.

Ombuds Reports

Learn about top concerns the program receives, and their recommendations to address the concerns.

  View the reports

Ombuds Advisory Council

Learn more about our monthly meeting to engage OHP members and partners, and how to participate.

  About the council

Contact Us 

1-877-642-0450 - Message line only

TTY 711

FAX: 1-503-934-5023

Language Access

OHA Ombuds Program
500 Summer Street NE, E20
Salem, OR 97301

No on-site services. Please contact the Ombuds Team by email or phone.

We are here to listen and help you 

Oregon Health Plan (Medicaid) Resources

Part of the Oregon Health Authority's mission is to make sure all people in Oregon can be healthy. This includes physical, mental, and social well-being. All Oregonians need quality health care they can afford. Oregon's Medicaid plan is called the Oregon Health Plan or "OHP." OHP serves over 1 million members in Oregon.

Need Other Help?

Crisis or emergency

DIAL 911

 Suicide Prevention Lifeline 988

Abuse or neglect

 Oregon Abuse Hotline 1-855-503-SAFE (7233)

Call this hotline to report abuse or neglect of children, disabled individuals, and seniors.

After medical harm

If you experience serious harm as a patient in Oregon, you or a family member can request a conversation with the provider through the Early Discussion and Resolution process. An open conversation is a way to talk about what happened and work towards reconciliation outside of the legal system. Contact the Oregon Patient Safety Commission to learn more.

 503-928-6158 or 1-855-470-4079 (for TTY dial 711)

Find local services

Dial 211 or visit

211 connects people with local health and family services, food assistance or housing.

Health insurance

The Oregon Health Insurance Marketplace can help you figure out what programs and savings you may qualify for and connect you to free local help. The Marketplace can also help troubleshoot any issues that arise with coverage through the Marketplace.


Medicare help

SHIBA website

Aging and Persons with Disabilities

Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC)

Public health

OHA's Public Health Division can help with many kinds of questions. Public health includes WIC, immunizations (shots), toxins in the environment, drinking water, food safety, public pools, and lodging.


Medical marijuana

You can reach Oregon Medical Marijuana Program (OMMP) staff by phone or email.

971-673-1234, 12 p.m. to 4 p.m. on weekdays

Other Ways to Share a Concern or Compliment